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Ping Yowargana Florian Kraxner

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Presentation on theme: "Ping Yowargana Florian Kraxner"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tropical Futures Initiative— Science to Impact in Addressing Tropical Sustainability
Ping Yowargana Florian Kraxner Presentation to the International Institutional Review Panel Laxenburg, 8 May 2017

2 Point of departure: globally consistent land use modelling in the tropics
Tropical Futures Initiative Addressing Tropical Sustainability Forest projection for 2030—Full implementation of the new Forest Code will result in 30 Mha surplus in forest areas compared to BAU From global datasets to detailed national/regional land cover data, local statistics, national policies, national drivers (socio-economic context)

3 Complexity of the land-use sector
Politically sensitive Global trade of palm oil commodity Dual conflict of bioenergy (food vs energy, fossil vs renewables) Deforestation Forest fire and transboundary haze pollution Beyond forest National economy Social issues (e.g. social equity, customary rights, employment) Biodiversity and ecosystem services Multi-dimensional with multi-stakeholder Spatial planning Agriculture an forestry Energy and mining Multi-level actors

4 Engagement and internal capacity building
Systems perspective Old silos: forestry, energy, agriculture, air pollution Systems analysis: land use economy, energy landscapes, forest fires Multistakeholder approach Active communication direct stakeholders (i.e. Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Ministry of Agriculture) “Excursion” to energy stakeholders (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources) Intensive engagement with national planners (Ministry of National Development Planning) Local institutions as “safeguards” Universities International research institutes (e.g. ICRAF, CIFOR) NGOs (e.g. WWF, WRI) Regional/national adjustment of tools Joint capacity building to screen potential collaboration Substantive contribution to national initiatives

5 Strategic approach to identify entry point and allow synergy
Project design Synergy Increasing energy security through enhancing biofuel production on degraded and marginal land resources RESTORE+: Addressing landscape restoration on degraded land in Indonesia and Brazil Research capacity and critical mass for science diplomacy Hurdle Solution Deforestation Restoration “Black box” Crowd-informed Local capacity oriented Research Policy

6 ? ? TFI model for more “off springs” to come + Land use economy
RESTORE + Land use economy Energy Landscapes Forest fires

7 Tropical Futures Initiative— Science to Impact in Addressing Tropical Sustainability
Ping Yowargana Florian Kraxner Presentation to the International Institutional Review Panel Laxenburg, 8 May 2017

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