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The effects of a new carbon-free, decentralised and digitalized energy supply structure on jobs and regional economies EESC Public Hearing, 31 May 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "The effects of a new carbon-free, decentralised and digitalized energy supply structure on jobs and regional economies EESC Public Hearing, 31 May 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 The effects of a new carbon-free, decentralised and digitalized energy supply structure on jobs and regional economies EESC Public Hearing, 31 May 2018

2 industriAll Europe 7 million workers across industry, energy, mining, manufacturing and supply chains 177 national trade union affiliates 38 European countries member of the ETUC partner of IndustriALL Global Union

3 The Clean Energy Transition and the transition of jobs
Need for industrial policy strategy at EU and regional level Managing change in a responsible way A just transition for workers Create quality jobs Anticipation of skills needs

4 A Comprehensive Industrial Policy Strategy
Underpin energy policy with an active and comprehensive industrial policy Sectoral industrial policies and action plans for strategic sectors to maintain industrial diversity inside the EU Need for holistic policy planning at regional level: innovation, transport infrastructures, education, etc. Special attention has to be given to less developed/industrial transition regions Promote interregional cooperation to exchange best practices, and promote innovative clusters Structural funds are the most important tools at EU level for addressing regional imbalances and supporting the victims of structural change. Support for renewables must be linked to strengthening full value chains of their development and production in the EU.

5 Managing change in a responsible way
Social impact assessments Special attention to the impact of digitalisaton on the world of work Support employability by up- and re-skilling, Promote internal mobility inside the company, Create culture of social dialogue, based on trust and timely information and consultation individualised approach of each worker at risk to ensure a smooth transition from one job to another, creation of a Just Transition Fund Regional reconversion strategies

6 ILO Guidelines for a Just Transition
(3) Key policy areas to address environmental, economic and social sustainability include: Macroeconomic and growth policies Industrial and sectoral policies Enterprise policies Skills development Occupational safety and health Social protection Active labour market policies Rights Social dialogue and tripartism

7 A Just Transition for Workers
Fundamental principles: anticipating change, maintaining jobs, creating new sustainable employment, education/training, social dialogue and social protection. Must avoid carbon leakage! Regional aspect- no workers should be left behind. New “green jobs” But…. WHERE? WHEN? TYPE? Create new sustainable economic activities in affected regions! JT Fund in ETS Modernisation Fund. Skills/training isn't enough- need social protection. Policy coherence: Energy & climate change VS industrial & employment

8 Create Quality Jobs Quality employment and working conditions are essential to ensure stable and skilled workforce Encourage Member States to link tendering and public procurement to principles of “good content”: decent work and decent employment conditions, fair payment, respect of trade unions, social dialogue, ecological responsibility

9 Anticipating skills needs
Industrial challenges require a strong & coherent skills strategy Skilled workforce is crucial for new technologies, incl. RES, to flourish in Europe Anticipating skills needs and addressing skills gaps/mismatches Social partners on all levels should be involved in shaping and implemeting skills strategies Reskilling and lifelong learning programmes Promote STEM subjects, digital skills

10 Join us on industriAll_EU industriAll Europe

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