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Answer the following question in your exercise book!

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Presentation on theme: "Answer the following question in your exercise book!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Answer the following question in your exercise book!
Do you think voting in elections should be compulsory? CHALLENGE: Why might someone disagree with you? As students enter the room give one quarter of them a sticker and ask them to wear this – do not explain to them why you have done this. Written by Helen Blachford – Priory School

2 We are learning….. About Voting
You will be able to: State your opinion on whether people should have to vote. Explain your view point on a controversial issue. Identify arguments for and against everyone voting. Critically evaluate a range of opinions on whether voting should be compulsory.

3 Be ready to explain your choice!
What do you think? If you agree with the statement go to the right side of the room, if you disagree go to the left side of the room, if you’re unsure stay in the middle. Be ready to explain your choice! Rules: 1. Respect everyone’s right to be different 2. You’re free to change your mind after hearing other people’s opinions, and move sides!

4 Statement 1 – Ice Breaker!
Mobile phones should be banned in all schools in the UK.

5 Statement 2

6 Statement 3 Let’s Get More Controversial!
Britain should bring back the death penalty.

7 Those with a sticker come to the front ...
If our whole class represented the amount of year olds in the UK, those with a sticker are registered to vote and vote, and those without are not registered to vote. In % of 18-24’s were registered to vote. Of that 70% only 43% voted. That means only a quarter of young people participated. When you’re on the register you have a voice, and if you don’t speak up other people will speak for you. Ask them to consider the statements that they have just shared their opinions on – imagine Parliament were deciding on these issues, if you haven’t voted in a General Election, for example, you have allowed those that have to make decisions about issues you have a strong opinion on!

8 We are learning….. About Voting
You will be able to: State your opinion on whether people should have to vote. Explain your view point on a controversial issue. Identify arguments for and against everyone voting. Critically evaluate a range of opinions on whether voting should be compulsory.

9 Video Clip Watch the video clip and record AT LEAST 3 reasons why someone SHOULD vote. Why Should I Vote?

10 Russell Brand Article From the article identify 2 reasons why people SHOULD NOT have to vote – colour these red on your sheet. Underline any words you are not sure of. Think – 2 minutes to read and identify 2 reasons why people should not have to vote. Pair - 2 minutes to share your ideas with a partner. Share – 3 minutes to feedback to class.

11 Arguments For and Against Everyone Voting
In your envelope you have a selection of statements which people have used when debating whether everyone should be made to vote. Your task is to decide which are arguments for and which are arguments against everyone voting.

12 We are learning….. About Voting
You will be able to: State your opinion on whether people should have to vote. Explain your view point on a controversial issue. Identify arguments for and against everyone voting. Critically evaluate a range of opinions on whether voting should be compulsory.

13 Exam Question ‘All UK citizens should have to vote in elections’.
Critically evaluate this statement. (8 Marks) (Clue: Present a balanced argument showing that you have considered a variety of points of view e.g. ‘For’ and ‘Against’). Use you VCOP sheet provided to help you structure your response.

14 We are learning….. About Voting
You will be able to: State your opinion on whether people should have to vote. Explain your view point on a controversial issue. Identify arguments for and against everyone voting. Critically evaluate a range of opinions on whether voting should be compulsory.

15 Plenary 1 - Peer Assessment
Use the mark scheme provided to decide what mark (out of 12) you would give the answer you have read. Give them a comment explaining what you feel they have done particularly well. Give them a target for how to improve next time – make this SPECIFIC!

16 We are learning….. About Voting
You will be able to: State your opinion on whether people should have to vote. Explain your view point on a controversial issue. Identify arguments for and against everyone voting. Critically evaluate a range of opinions on whether voting should be compulsory.

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