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Review of Major Concepts to Date

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1 Review of Major Concepts to Date
Agricultural Revolution Specialization of Labor Monotheism Oligarchy Democracy (2 types) Republic vs. Empire Liberty vs. Security Supply vs. Demand

2 Islam Vocabulary Islam (noun, name of religion)
Muslim (noun, name of follower of Islam) Islamic (adjective, for example “Islamic architecture” or “Islamic culture”) (no separation of Church and State) Arab (ethnic / linguistic group) Sunni (majority sect in Islam) Shi’a (Shi’ite) (minority sect in Islam) Most Arabs are Muslims Most Muslims are not Arabs (Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh)

3 Rise of Islam For all Arabs, the basic social unit was (and still is) the clan How can this help explain the dysfunction in the Arab world today? “Divide & Conquer”

4 Rise of Islam The Qur’an is regarded by Muslims as the direct word of God pg. 222 In what way is the Qur’an different from the Bible? (in terms of author & language)

5 Similar to what happened with the preaching of Jesus Christ, accounts of Muhammad’s life and preaching were not written down until a century after his death Pg. 222


7 Rise of Islam Islam spreads incredibly quickly through the former Roman Empire (keep this in mind when we study the Crusades)

8 Things forbidden by Islam:
Gambling Alcohol Pork Usury (charging interest)

9 1000 years ago, Muslim women had more property rights than Western women enjoyed until the 1800’s
Pg. 225

10 Islam does not have an organized hierarchy of priests
(similar to Judaism, different from Christianity)


12 Cause & effects of Sunni-Shi’a schism?
Iraq as example


14 During the “Dark Ages” in Europe, Muslims preserve and add to the accumulated wisdom of mankind

15 1000 CE: Largest library in Islamic world has 400,000 books Largest library in Christian world has 600 books

16 Muslims translated scientific and philosophical learning of Greeks, Romans, and Persians
Muslim medical knowledge far surpassed that of the West Pg. 229

17 Judaism expanded into Christianity, which in turn expanded into Islam Muslims consider all monotheists to be “people of the book” Old Testament Judaism New Testament Christianity Qu’ran Islam

18 If Jews, Christians, and Muslims are so similar, why is there so much violence between them?
“The narcissism of the small difference”

19 “Dark Ages” in Europe After the Fall of the Roman Empire, Europe is fragmented No central political authority Travel and trade decrease sharply Quality of life and life expectancy decline sharply

20 French King Charlemagne briefly unites much of Europe into a “New Roman Empire”
(only Napoleon and Hitler would be able to copy this achievement, but they failed just as Charlemagne had)

21 Because of the threat of attacks by Vikings, Europeans sacrificed their liberty for security

22 Dark Ages With weak central governments, poor people had to rely on local lords for protection. This arrangement became known as feudalism (similar to sharecropping in post-Civil War U.S.) How did this system work?




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