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Fast Track Stroke Outpatient Program

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1 Fast Track Stroke Outpatient Program
Megan Wormald & Jean Liu

2 Outline Outline Rationale Program Description & Eligibility Criteria
Services Offered and Goals Addressed Transitions of Care Case Studies Statistics and Patient Satisfaction Survey Results Cost Effectiveness Analysis Successes Telepractice Lessons Learned Megan

3 Stroke Network & Stroke Best Practice Rationale
Stroke Network led an initiative across the Toronto Central and GTA LHINs to enhance efficiency and access to stroke rehabilitation The GTA Rehab and Stroke Network recommended enhanced outpatient rehabilitation to accommodate more people with mild strokes – freeing up inpatient capacity for moderate and severe strokes Early access to high intensity outpatient rehab

4 Fast Track Program: Initial Goals
Facilitate timely outpatient access while supporting reduced Length of Stay (LOS) Improve transitions and continuity of care Transition TWH patients with mild stroke to TRI Fast Track Program Start therapy within 5 days of referral Provide access to High Intensity Outpatient Stroke Rehab

5 What is the Fast Track Program?
High Intensity Short Duration Stroke Outpatient Program Flexible with intensity of therapy Ranges from 1 to 5 times a week Maximum period of up to 4-5 weeks Timely access to outpatient therapy within 5 days Interprofessional approach to patient care

6 Program Eligibility Criteria
Over 18 years of age Recent confirmed diagnosis of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke Must be medically stable Alpha FIM on referral shows a projected motor and cognitive total score of 80 or above (for external referrals – TWH & TGH) Acute care can safely discharge client home, with appropriate referrals completed/initiated Be medically and physically and mentally stable in order to attend regularly and actively participate in therapy Has clearly identified rehab goals The client requires one or more services (PT, OT, SLP, SW) The client is able to secure reliable transportation The client is able to independently toilet self, or have a caregiver who can attend with client to assist with toileting while at Toronto Rehab

7 Fast Track Team Members
Physiatrist Dr. Denyse Richardson, Dr. Alex Lo, Dr. Emily Tam Physiotherapists Kathy Mileski (0.5 FTE) Jean Liu (0.6 FTE) Occupational Therapist Geoff Law (1.0 FTE) Speech Language Pathologist Joanna Wong (1.0 FTE) Social Worker Alice Lee (0.2 FTE)

8 Services Offered Access to:
Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychometry testing Community Resource Worker Chaplain ABI/Stroke Education Group Fitness Group Circuit Group PROPEL Group Mindfulness Group Pool therapy Perturbation training Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) clinic Peers Fostering Hope Program Videofluroscopy Started offering Telepractice for SLP and SW services

9 Typical Goals Addressed
Return to driving Return to work Improve mobility & ADLs Community Reintegration Improve communication and swallowing Manage mood Connect with community services (financial, transportation, housing)

10 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

11 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

12 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

13 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

14 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Referred via E-Stroke Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

15 Upon discharge from Fast Track…

16 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

17 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

18 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

19 Case Study #1 Case Study #1 75 year old male
Referred from acute care with right ischemic stroke Alpha FIM 106 Streamed directly to Fast Track Started within 5 days of inpatient discharge Required OT & PT services Discharged to Stroke Day Hospital (DH) Started DH within 9 days

20 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

21 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

22 Case Study #2 Case Study #2 48 year old female
Referred from acute care with left ischemic stroke Alpha FIM 110 Streamed directly to Fast Track Started within 2 days of acute care discharge Required OT, PT, SW & SLP services Referred to neuropsychometry, Cardiac Rehab & Community Programs

23 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

24 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Neuropsychometry Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Cardiac Rehab (Royal Victoria Hospital) 12 Weeks ? Fast Track Program 4 weeks Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (Pilates) Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

25 Case Study #3 Case Study #3 38 year old female
Referred from acute care with bilateral ischemic strokes Alpha FIM 67; Admit FIM 44 LOS 42 days; 6 days saved from target LOS Discharge FIM 119 Streamed to Fast Track Started within 4 days of inpatient discharge Required OT, PT, SLP, SW, Fitness group Referred to Stroke Day Hospital Delayed start due to client’s travel plans(2 months) Referred to Cardiac Rehab post Stroke Day Hospital

26 Transitions of Care/Patient Flow
Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Stroke Day Hospital (University Centre) 4-8 weeks Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Internal Referral (Inpatient Rehab Unit) early discharge OR support complex discharge by target date Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months Cardiac Rehab (Rumsey Center/TWH) 6 months 2 month break Fast Track Program 4 weeks Fast Track Program 4 weeks External Referral (UHN acute care) TGH and TWH Community Programs (TIME Program, YMCA, Aphasia Institute, etc.) Stroke Outpatient (Rumsey Centre) 4-8 weeks

27 Fast Track Population Fast Track Statistics 55% are under age 65
79% have had an ischemic stroke Year 2017 Median wait time is 4 business days Number of inpatient days saved = 237 days Total of 123 referrals received Acute UHN referrals = 81 Internal TRI referrals = 42

28 Referrals for 2017

29 Services Required % of Patients Service Required Jan Dec 2017

30 Patients Requiring Further Outpatient Therapy
% of Patients Jan Dec 2017

31 Continuity of Care In 2017, 50% of patients required further outpatient therapy Referrals to Stroke Day Hospital, Rumsey Centre or other facilities are completed before discharge to provide seamless transitions Community-based programs such as Cardiac Rehab, TIME Program, Variety Village, Aphasia Institute & other day programs referrals are made as needed 1 SW overlap between Fast Track and inpatient, and previously 1 PT & SLP (now PT only) overlapped between Fast Track and Stroke Day Hospital which helps with transitioning Since inpatients, Fast Track and Stroke Day Hospital clients are all seen on the same floor, this helps with transitions across programs

32 Patient Satisfaction Survey Results

33 What our patients are saying…
“I had an excellent team who cared about my needs, recovery and well being. It paid off, I reached most of my goals and am on my way to meeting all of them. Thank you.” “I was able to start immediately after discharge from inpatient treatment. I didn’t have to wait” “It is truly appreciated how quickly therapy was arranged. I was impressed at how quickly I was discharged from inpatient and admitted into Fast Track. Staff and therapists were all phenomenal. Transitioning from one therapist to another was seamless!”

34 Fast Track Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Economic evaluation of the FT program was completed by physiatrist, Dr. Alan Tam in 2017 Conclusions: TRI able to move patients through inpatient rehab faster, thus, increasing inpatient capacity without increasing the number of physical beds Likely a cost-effective method of delivering High Intensity Rehab (HIR) after acute stroke FT can be implemented to support early discharge and drive down LOS in inpatient settings FT does require resources; health care savings are found in the decrease in the # of ALC days in acute care

35 Fast Track Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Successes Able to provide high intensity rehab (average 3-4 times a week) Able to decrease number of admissions to inpatient, Stroke Day Hospital and Rumsey Stroke Outpatient Able to save inpatient LOS (237 days) Earlier supported transitioning for those at high risks (eg. high falls risk, swallowing)

36 SLP Telepractice Telepractice
Purpose: to maintain timely access to outpatient services for those who are unable to access rehab services closer to home Started with SLP services. SW added Use Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) – a video conference platform Patient requires a computer/laptop/tablet, internet access, and a webcam and microphone and speakers Adapted assessment and therapy to work on screen What’s next: Add OT services Develop information and step by step training sheet

37 Lessons Learned Lessons Learned
Changed our admission criteria to allow single service due to need Flexibility with provision of care to suit our client needs (telepractice) Not everyone benefits from early access to high intensity rehab Location in the same office for collaboration and communication is essential Establishing relationships with referral sources is crucial

38 Thank you!

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