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Closing the Sale Most important part of the selling process Why should you Close? –Make the customer feel good toward you. –Build goodwill for the company.

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Presentation on theme: "Closing the Sale Most important part of the selling process Why should you Close? –Make the customer feel good toward you. –Build goodwill for the company."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing the Sale Most important part of the selling process Why should you Close? –Make the customer feel good toward you. –Build goodwill for the company –Financial gain for yourself as salesperson

2 Rules for Closing the Sale When you think the customer is ready to buy, stop talking about the product…move to make the sale Help decide by summarizing f/b Dont RUSH a customer Use the objections that you overcame to close

3 Guidelines for Closing Use the appropriate technique Maintain a positive attitude Be confident, but not arrogant Dont be negative Dont oversell…

4 Types of Closes Direct Close –Those Shoes are a perfect fit Mr. _____, may I charge them to your account Choice Close –I believe weve narrowed your favorites to these two models, Which do you Prefer, _____, The blue one or the yellow one.

5 Types of Closes cont. Assumption Close –Since tomorrow is a holiday, Mr. ______, youll want to have this snow blower delivered this afternoon, wont you? Minor-points Close – Skit example (get to say yes)

6 Types of Closes cont. Summary Close –Ms. _______, our service department will change your oil, lubricate your car replace the oil filter and the plugs and adjust the valves for only $48, When would you like to have the appointment? Standing Room Only Close (SRO) –Ms. ________, We only have court side tickets available, may I reserve 2 for you?

7 Types of Closes cont. Closing on an objection – Cust. Im not sure this bike is strong enough? –Well, Ms. __________, its made of carbon fiber which allows the frame to be lighter, yet strong as steel and with the steel rims, youll be confident when going down the hill, that your tires wont pop, and youll be safer in the end. Would you like to put a deposit on one today? Contingent Close –Mr. ______, If I can prove that this tent will totally repel water, will you buy it?

8 Types of Closes cont. Contrasting adv./disadv. – Sheet of paper and list each Suggestive Ownership close –Mr. ________, youll enjoy this heater this winter as it is economical, odorless, and portable

9 Types of Closes cont. Narrative Close –Tell a story about another customer who has solved a similar problem with product (Lawn Service) Related Product Close –Ms. _______, If you purchase this DVD player we will rent our movies to you for only $1 for 1-year

10 Types of Closes cont. Bonus Close –Mr. _______________, To show appreciation to our customers during this sale, we are offering a choice of neckties with the purchase of any suit. Silence Close –That cover all of the features on this automatic dishwasher, Ms. ______, youve also seen the many benefits from owning one.

11 Customers are not alike Selling techniques will vary with the situation –Customer Buying motives –Personality of customer

12 Guidelines for Closes Choose Appropriate technique Maintain positive attitude Portray self-confidence Avoid negative responses Let the customer make the decision Anytime is the best time to close

13 Suggestion Selling How do you feel when you buy a new computer and you cant use it because theres no cables. Suggestion selling includes selling all the accessories that the customer needs to operate equipment.

14 Suggestion Selling Its not just adding on to the total bill You need to find the fine line between adding more STUFF and essential extras for the product

15 6 Things to Suggest Related Products – Batteries for camera Larger Quantities – Extra Memory Special Occasions- Glossy Paper for Engagement announcement New uses of Products-post picture shows on internet New Products- Picture Viewer Higher Priced items – Better Camera

16 Follow-up Reduces Buyers Remorse Lets the consumer know you care Reduces RETURNS Creates a more satisfied customer Ex. Post card, phone call, etc.

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