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Integrated Service Delivery Across the Whole Patient Pathway

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Service Delivery Across the Whole Patient Pathway"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Service Delivery Across the Whole Patient Pathway
Johan Holte Consultant Physiotherapist Sussex MSK Partnership

2 something truly outstanding

3 Drivers for change Sustainability

4 What the Commissioners are looking for
Co-ordinated Care Approach Right person first time One-stop shop where possible Rapid diagnostics Referral to treatment times: 8 weeks Direct Listing SDM intrinsic to process Supported self care Rapid advice & guidance Fitness for surgery + discharge planning Shared Decision Making Education & training Rehab post-op Cost reductions IT solutions

5 Integration across multi-disciplinary teams Person-Centred self care
Shift activity from secondary care into primary and community Outcomes that matter Shift from a medico / surgical model to a bio-psychosocial model


7 Safe Effective Timely Patient- centred Efficient
Care that is respectful of and responsive to individual patient preferences, needs and values Patient values guide all clinical decisions No Decision about me without me What’s the matter becomes – “what matters to you?” Patient owned records Mass customisation – “Markets of One” Minimally disruptive medicine

8 Single Electronic Patient record, Service IT and Knowledge Hub
Integrated MSK Service Primary Care Single Electronic Patient record, Service IT and Knowledge Hub Self Care In-patient care Presenting condition specific care pathways

9 Condition Specific Care Pathway
Self care Personal Care Plan Primary Care In-patient care Integrated MSK Service

10 Early intervention RA GP MDS on referral Triage
Triggers urgent appointment Community clinic for diagnosis and treat to target



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