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Adjutant General School Captains Career Course
SHOW SLIDE: COMMUNICATE THEATER HR OPERATIONS Communicate Theater Human Resources Operations April 2018
Practical Exercise – Military Ball
Your battalion commander has tasked you with planning the upcoming post- deployment battalion ball. You must plan and coordinate all aspects of the event including, but not limited to: venue, invitations, photography, protocol, script, and a guest speaker. What planning factors must you consider to effectively plan the event? What capabilities might your battalion lack that will require coordination with outside organizations? How will you integrate organizations or capabilities to successfully plan the event? SHOW SLIDE: Practical Exercise – Military Ball Divide class into groups of 3-4 students. Provide minutes to develop their answers. Have each group present one or two of their answers for each of the questions.
Terminal Learning Objective
ACTION: Communicate Theater HR Operations CONDITIONS: Using readings, classroom discussions, presentations, doctrinal publications, personal experience and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARD: Demonstrate an understanding of Theater HR operations through classroom participation, practical exercises, and CPX/FTX events that include the following learning activities: Define the Theater HR Operations Mission Communicate Theater HR/Sustainment Relationships Identify Theater HR Organizations and HR Staff Elements Correlate HR Key Functions at each Echelon SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Inform students of TLO. ACTION: Communicate Theater Human Resources (HR) Operations CONDITIONS: Given a small group classroom instruction, assigned readings, classroom discussions, and an awareness of the OE variables and actors. STANDARD: Students will meet the standard when they score 80% or higher on a knowledge based final exam covering the following learning activities: Define the Theater HR Operations Mission Communicate Theater HR/Sustainment Relationships Identify Theater HR Organizations and HR Staff Elements Correlate HR Key Functions at each Echelon SAFETY REQUIREMENTS. In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations, (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Note: During MOPP training, leaders must ensure personnel are monitored for potential heat injury. Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the MOPP work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Protection, FM , Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Decontamination. RISK ASSESSMENT LEVEL. Low. ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT. Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to ATP Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. 3
Outline HR Theater Mission Brigade S-1 Operations
Theater HR/Sustainment Relationships Theater HR Organizations (Non SRC 12) Theater HR Organizations (SRC 12) and Key Functions HRSC HR Company Headquarters Theater Postal Operations** Personnel Accountability Teams (PAT) (formerly R5)** Theater Casualty Operations** SRC 12 Theater Structure (CONUS Basing) SHOW SLIDE: OUTLINE The topics we are going do discuss today include: HR Theater Mission Brigade S-1 Operations Theater HR/Sustainment Relationships Theater HR Organizations (Non SRC 12) Theater HR Organizations (SRC 12) and Key Functions HRSC HR Company Headquarters Theater Postal Operations Overview only Personnel Accountability Teams (PAT) Overview only Theater Casualty Operations Overview only SRC 12 Theater Structure (CONUS Basing) **Overview only
Theater HR Mission Theater HR elements plan, prioritize, coordinate, integrate, and execute the delivery of HR support to Soldiers, units, and DOD civilians conducting operations in a deployed theater of operations. Theater HR operations are complex and involve the integrated action of various G-1/AG staff sections, SRC 12 HR units and staff elements found in sustainment organizations, and S-1 sections operating within deployed battalions and brigades. FM 1-0, Chapter 7 SHOW SLIDE: THEATER HR MISSION As Army transformation has progressed, HR support and services have evolved. The stovepipe structures of the Cold War era have been replaced with modular organizations that provide the commander with tailorable, flexible options to cope with the many challenges HR professionals encounter during military operations. A key change is Brigades are capable of independent HR operations, regardless of location. In the past, S-1 sections at the Brigade and Battalion levels relied on support from higher echelons (Division G-1, installation Military Personnel Division (MPD) and/or the supporting Personnel Services Battalion) to support the commander and the Soldier. A combination of increased training, new equipment, more robust communications and additional manpower have made S-1-centric HR support to the BDE-centric Army possible. At the theater level, the Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) replaces theater personnel commands. HRSCs are also modular and scalable based on operational requirements and serves as the executor for all HR support in the theater. Flexibility and coordination with Command and Control (C2) and HR technical guidance issues between theater assets and supported units is essential to meet METT-TC communications and distance challenges concerning support. We will discuss these changes and many others in the theater HR arena, and carefully outline the capabilities and responsibilities of HR leaders and organizations as they support deployed commanders and Soldiers.
Brigade S-1 Organizational Structure Battlefield Positioning
Brigade HR Enabling Systems Principle Duties S-1 Assistant S-1 HR Technician NCOIC SHOW SLIDE: BRIGADE S-1 The next section of the lesson discusses the structure and capabilities of the BDE S1 section, which is the central focus of Brigade-centric, S-1 decentralized HR support.
Brigade S-1 Section MISSION. Plan, coordinate, and execute Brigade Human Resources Support. - Doctrinal Organization - Supports Split-Based Operations - Senior HR Leader oversight for both Teams 2/1/9 10 BRIGADE S-1 O4 42H00 S1 W2 42OA0 HR TECH E8 42A5O SR HR NCO 1/1/1 3 PERSONNEL READINESS TEAM HR SERVICES TEAM 1/0/2 3 0/0/5 5 0/0/4 4 02 42B00 STRENGTH MANAGER E5 42A20 HR SGT E3 42A1O HR SPC E6 42A3O HR SGT E4 42A1O HR SPC E3 SHOW SLIDE: BRIGADE S-1 MISSION: Plan, coordinate, and execute Brigade Human Resources Support. The BDE S-1 Section is an existence based structure and is employed with the BDE to provide EPS, PA, SR, PRM, PIM, Casualty Operations, and HR Planning and Operations as well as provide policy, procedure and training information and oversight to the BN S-1 Sections within the BDE. The S-1 Section has all the necessary system accesses and permissions to enter data to or receive data from the top of the HR system (HRC and DFAS) without intermediate steps at the Corps/Div and ASCC G-1/AGs. REQUIRED CAPABILITIES: Requires 100% mobility of the section and the ability to communicate digitally via NIPR/SIPR and voice to subordinate S-1 sections, Sustainment Brigade, HR Operations Branch, HR companies, Casualty Liaison Teams, CONUS personnel, and the Corps/Division and ASCC G-1/AG. The S-1 requires access to personnel and finance systems as well as necessary equipment to produce Common Access Cards (CAC)/ID Tags and provides MWR support as necessary in the BDE AO. STRUCTURE. The section consists of three teams and totals thirteen personnel. The teams are intended to operate split-based if required by the mission or connectivity availability. (1) The HQs team consists of the 42H MAJ BDE S1, the CW2 BDE MIL PERS (HR) Tech, and the E8 BDE S1 NCOIC. These three HR leaders may work with either section and the S1 also splits his/her time with Adjutant Duties and assisting the BDE commander. The HQs team performs the HR Planning and Operations core competency. (2) The Personnel Readiness (PR) Team focuses on the PRM, PA, SR and PIM key functions and is responsible for executing strength management under the supervision of the 42B 1LT for officer management and the BDE S1 NCOIC who will provide direction for enlisted strength management. Although not reflected on this slide, the BDE CSM will usually play an active role in the enlisted strength management process. This team manages the BDE DMSL. The PR team supervises the internal BDE PAT operation. (3) The Personnel Services Team performs the EPS, Casualty, Postal, MWR key functions for the BDE. Replacements will normally be processed by this team and it will often be located in the BDE Support Area during non-FOB based deployed operations. The BDE Postal Clerk is also in this section. NOTE: There are no Paralegal clerks (27D) in the BDE S1 section. The legal section of the BDE is a part of the S3 Non-lethal Effects Cell, and while deployed focuses on Operational Law. The SJA remains a key advisor to the BDE S1 and operates out of the BDE Main CP. Personnel Readiness Management Personnel Accountability Strength Reporting Personnel Information Management Casualty Operations Essential Personnel Services Postal Operations Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Command Programs Customer Service FM 1-0, para 2-33
BDE S-1 Positioning BDE S1 and PR TM @ BDE Main W/BDE S4 BCS3
(PLOPs, PRM, PA / SR, CAS) BCS3 BDE Main Both FBCB2 BDE S1/S4 FBCB2/BCS3 VSAT BN FSC HQs VSAT BN S1 CAISI VOICE FBCB2 TFSA BDE S1 NCOIC/TECH and PS BSB TOC in BSA (EPS, CAS, PAT, PSTL) BDE MAIN FBCB2/BCS3 VOICE JNN/VSAT BSA BN FSC HQs VSAT BN S1 CAISI VOICE FBCB2 TFSA SHOW SLIDE: BRIGADE S-1 POSITIONING As discussed earlier in this briefing, bandwidth and connectivity to the HR enabling systems is the pacing item for the S-1 section. The BDE S-1 section must have access to both NIPR and SIPR connectivity in order to perform its critical and non-critical tasks. The S-1’s organic VSAT/CAISI assets provide sufficient bandwidth to meet the needed NIPR requirements. However, the section is dependent on S-6-generated Joint Network Node (JNN) for SIPR connectivity. Brigade S-1 sections normally operate as an element of the Sustainment Cell in the brigade Main CP. When the S-1 section separates, the HR Services team will move to the Brigade Support Battalion/STB CP with either the HR Technician or the senior HR noncommissioned officer (NCO) leading the split section. The majority of PRM, PA, and SR actions are performed at the brigade Main CP, while the majority of EPS and postal functions are performed in the Brigade Support Area. Virtual connectivity and the advent of enablers like the digital signature and forms content management better facilitate split-based operations. Casualty operations are conducted at both locations. It is critical that the split section maintains tactical voice, NIPRNET, and SIPRNET data connectivity with the remainder of the S-1 section at the brigade Main CP and the battalion S-1 sections. BSB TOC FBCB2/BCS3 Voice JNN/VSAT BN FSC HQs VSAT BN S1 CAISI VOICE FBCB2 TFSA FM 1-0, para 2-33
Proposed Modular Maneuver
BDE CP (Main) Approx 4000 Sq Ft. HR Services PAO DVIDS CSS VSAT JNN 15 Kw PU 2.4m Ku *** Standardized CPP JNN ABCS Power Tents ECU -Hardware/Software MED TMSS CPP Sustainment Plans LSD 10 Kw PU HP - 4DL MJQ-41 (60 kW PP) Generation / Distribution Equipment Quantity 60 kW TQG PP (MJQ41) M100 PDISE M40 PDISE M46 PDISE 15 kW PU - JNN 10 kW PU ACT-E / ADAM / CGS/DTSS/ Prophet/GCS/TS 1 2 7 MJQ-41 (60 kW PP) GCS MED TMSS 10 Kw PU SMART-T ** ACP Small SICPS MED TMSS *** DTSS GBS 10 Kw PU Trojan Spirit ** Maneuver / Protection Movement and ACP SCIF LSD Intelligence C4 Operations SHOW SLIDE: PROPOSED MODULAR MANEUVER BDE CP (MAIN) Main Command Post The main command post is a command and control facility that contains the portion of the unit headquarters in which the majority of planning, analysis, and coordination occurs. The main CP includes representatives of all staff sections. It is larger in size and personnel and less mobile than the TAC CP. The main CP controls current operations when the TAC CP cannot or is not employed. The COS/XO leads and provides staff supervision of the main CP. He or she is assisted by the chief of operations/assistant S-3 and a senior noncommissioned officer. Normal functions of the main CP include the following: Planning future operations. Performing detailed analysis. Developing intelligence. Performing mid- to long-range assessment of the overall conduct of an operation. Conducting detailed coordination. Assessing the progress of operations. Assessing the progress of higher and adjacent units. Controlling current operations for short periods, based on METT-TC. Providing a facility for the commander to control operations, issue orders, and conduct rehearsals. Fire Support / Protection CPP 10 Kw PU XBTJ CGS MED TMSS ** LSD MED TMSS MED TMSS Current Operations ACT-E Prophet 10 Kw PU 10 Kw PU 10 Kw PU ADAM LSD TOCNET CCS/LSD Large TMSS ** **MI Co Asset CDR TENT ***SIG Co Asset *MI Company future capabilities Integrated into DCGS-A; will incorporate additional medium TMSS. DCGS-A will replace CGS, ACT-E and DTSS. Small SICPS
Sustainment Cell S-4 / Surgeon 18’ S-1 S-1 ACP -Add 1 SIPR (TTL -2)
--DTAS --DCIPS-PCR -Change NIPR to AHRS -Add NIPR VOIP -May have to move 1 BCS3 to S-1 area - S-1 needs 4 spaces minimum - Must have MCS-WS and BFT access Sustainment Cell SIPR VOIP NIPR VOIP PLANS BCS3 BCS3 MC4-1 MC4-2 MC4-4C Computer/ Integration Equipment Quantity CAU 3 MCS-WS 1 BCS3 2 CPOF TC AIMS II WS CAISI Bridge AHRS MTS Control PBUSE V1 MC4-1 MC4-2 MC4-4C VSAT NIPR VOIP SIPR VOIP *NIPR Computer *SIPR Computer *Printer 4 S-4 / Surgeon SIPR VOIP TC AIMS II WS Station MTS CTL PBUSE V1 SIPR VSAT CAU 18’ TC AIMS II WS CPOF Bridge CAISI TC AIMS II WS CAU NIPR VOIP NIPR MCS-WS CPOF CHAPLAIN SHOW SLIDE: SUSTAINMENT CELL This slide depicts a conceptual sketch of how an S-1 Section could be configured in a Sustainment cell. TASKS (FM 7-15 AUTL) --Conduct PA/SR --Conduct Casualty Opns --Conduct PRM --Conduct HR Planning S-1 S-1 *SIPR / NIPR Laptops and printers are unit dependent and unit provided – not a MTOE item. NIPR VOIP SIPR SIPR AHRS CAU AHRS AHRS ACP Non ABCS System
BDE S-1 HR Enabling Systems
eMILPO (PA/SR/PIM/EPS/PRM) -Record Updates -DD93/SGLV Updates -Query (DATASTORE) -PERSTEMPO -Personnel Actions -Status Updates -System Administration -Error Reconciliation -PA / SR Tool (TAPDB Update) *Feeds Other Systems MEDPROS (PRM) -Medical Readiness TPS (PA/SR/PIM) -Manifesting -Task Organizing RCAS/RLAS (RC) (PA/SR/PIM/EPS/PRM) -Query -Strength Management -Mobilization DTAS (PA /SR) -Deployed PA/SR -JPERSTAT -Soldier Daily Locator -Task Organizer COPS (PRM) -Query -Strength Management DCIPS-PCR (CAS) -Casualty Reporting -Update Casualty Status SHOW SLIDE: BDE S-1 HR ENABLING SYSTEMS This slide highlights the various HR enabling systems that the S-1 section must use during day-to-day operations…note the numerous systems for which the section must gain and retain technical competence. The uses for the systems are highlighted on the slide. One of the greatest challenges for S-1 sections is gaining the correct accesses to the systems and developing sustainment training that allows the majority of the section to gain and maintain proficiency on the majority of the systems. eMILPO has wide use in the BDE S-1 section. COPS, TOPMIS and EDAS are used by the strength management and records section. DCIPS-PCR is the system used to transmit casualty reports and is, therefore, one of the most important to maintain redundant capability with operators throughout the section. Casualty Operations remains a zero defect operation for HR Professionals. Emphasize systems training for all Soldiers during pre-deployment activities. TOPMIS/eTOPMIS (PRM/PIM) -Officer Records Updates -ORBs -Query -Promotion Orders -RFOs -DAPMIS Photo View EDAS (PRM) -Query -Requisition Updates -Promotion Point Updates -Gains/Loss Roster -Operational Deletion DEERS-RAPIDS (EPS) -Common Access Cards -Family Member Data
Theater HR/Sustainment Relationships
Theater HR Relationships Policy & Prioritization Operational Execution
ASCC G-1/AG ASCC establishes policies and priorities; provides CDR intent and planning guidance Policy & Prioritization Operational Execution TSC HRSC HRSC ensures execution, synchronization, integration of Postal, Casualty, PA and SR key functions consistent with policy, guidance, and priorities established by ASCC G-1/AG CORPS G1 HROC Eff FY17 DIV G1 ESC HROB HRSC provides planning operations for ASCC G-1/AG in areas of Postal, Casualty, PA and SR; ensures synchronization, execution and compliance within sustainment war fighting functions (i.e. build up/draw down, force structure realignment, etc.) HROC Eff FY17 SHOW SLIDE: THEATER HR RELATIONSHIPS For HR support providers, sustainment leaders, and staffs, it is important to understand the HR and sustainment relationship as it relates to supporting and supported roles and responsibilities. Supported organizations include G-1/AGs, S-1s, and Sustainment Brigade or ESC HROB. Supporting organizations are HR (SRC 12) units. HR leaders provide C2 of HR SRC 12 organizations at company level and below. At higher levels, HR organizations are aligned under sustainment units within the sustainment structure. For example, the HRSC is assigned to the Theater Sustainment Command (TSC). HR companies, the Theater Gateway (TG) Personnel Accountability Team (PAT), and MMT Team are assigned to a Sustainment Brigade. This C2 alignment further enhances the ability of the HR unit to accomplish its mission set, as the sustainment commander has the sustainment assets and resources needed for non-HR related support. The role of the G-1/AG and S-1 section remains constant and they continue to be responsible for performing all HR core competencies and key functions. G-1/AGs and S-1s focus their support on providing internal HR support to their unit. External support is provided or coordinated by the supporting HROB in sustainment organizations and HR organizations. HR organizations are only responsible for executing the theater postal, casualty, and personnel accountability missions. BDE SB HROB S1 SRC 12 BN C2 Coordination / Information Support to Supported S1
Regional Orientation – 5 TSCs
Theater Sustainment Command + + Commander TSC Personal Staff Aides CSM IG Deputy CDR UMT PAO SJA Special Staff CofS SGS Comptroller Surgeon Safety HHC Coordinating Staff G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 G-6 SPO HRSC SHOW SLIDE: THEATER SUSTAINMENT COMMAND The TSC is the senior sustainment organization for a theater of operations. The TSC is the key linkage between the ASCC G-1/AG and the HRSC. The TSC provides a centralized sustainment C2 of most deployed sustainment organizations and is responsible for planning, controlling, and synchronizing all operational-level sustainment operations for the ASCC or JTF, while conducting full spectrum operations during deployment, employment, sustainment, and redeployment. NOTE: The TSC G-1’s focus is on TSC specific (internal) HR support, while the HRSC focus is theater-wide. This slide depicts a TSC with an assigned HRSC. MISSION: Plan, prepare, rapidly deploy, and execute operational-level logistics operations within an assigned theater. The TSC is the key linkage between the ASCC G-1/AG and HRSC Provides a centralized logistics C2 structure for the theater Army; simultaneously supporting deployment, movement, sustainment, redeployment, reconstitution, and retrograde. Regional Orientation – 5 TSCs 1st TSC Fort Bragg USARCENT AC 8TH TSC Hawaii USARPAC 21ST TSC Germany USAREUR 167TH TSC Alabama USARSO RC 377 TSC New Orleans USARNO
HR/Sustainment Relationship
+ + HHC HR SUST X STB CSSB S1- S6 SPO HROB O MMT TG PAT TSC HRSC + ESC SPO SUST X HROB SPO SHOW SLIDE: HR/SUSTAINMENT RELATIONSHIP HR SRC12 structures have no C2 structure above the company-level. Accordingly, HR Companies fall under Sustainment C2 structures both in garrison and when deployed. HRSCs are attached to the geographically oriented TSCs, which support the various theater ASCC HQs. There are three AC and two USAR HRSCs. The AC HRSCs are aligned with the AC TSCs – 8th HRSC in Hawaii; 14th HRSC at Fort Bragg supporting 1st TSC/ARCENT; and the 1st HRSC supporting the 21st TSC in Germany. Expeditionary Sustainment Commands (ESCs) are the other subordinate commands of TSCs. Sustainment Brigades are deployed either under the C2 of an ESC, the short-duration task organization of a Division, or as subordinate headquarters to the TSC. HR Companies are attached to the STB of the Sustainment Bde for life support and C2. HR Companies have organic mechanics and food service personnel and have VSAT/CAISI for NIPR connectivity. SIPR connectivity and tactical voice commo is provided by the STB. HR Companies will be attached to Combat Sustainment Support Battalions (CSSB) if the STB is removed from the force structure by the Modular Force Review or during certain missions. Additionally, there is an HR Operations Branch in the Support Operations Section (SPO) of the Sustainment Brigade that we will discuss in detail later on. SRC 12 SRC 63 HROB Sustainment Brigades subordinate to TSC deploy under the C2 of the ESC Do not “belong” to Divisions HR Companies attached to STB of a Sustainment home station Can be an element of a CSSB
HR/Sustainment Structure Relationship C2/Technical Guidance/General Support
XXXX G-1/AG TSC + + O HRSC O HRSC SRC 12 HR Unit SRC 63 Sustainment Unit XXX G-1/AG ESC + If Division not Task Org to a Corps HROC Effective FY17 XX G-1/AG SPO HROB SUST X HROC Effective FY17 S-1 X SPO HROB SHOW SLIDE: HR/SUSTAINMENT STRUCTURE RELATIONSHIP (C2/DIRECTION/TECHNICAL GUIDANCE) SRC 12 HR organizations have varying relationships within the deployed theater as they provide HR support. The key relationships include the C2 relationship within the sustainment structures, the provision of technical guidance from the HRSC, through the various HROBs, and the supported to supporting relationship between the SRC 12 organizations and the G-1s and S-1s. (1) C2: C2 of all of the SRC 12 HR organizations resides within the deployed theater sustainment organizations, in most cases. The HRSC is assigned to the STB of the TSC and supports both the TSC Distribution Management Center (DMC) and the ASCC G-1. HR Companies, TG PAT Teams and MMT Teams are all assigned or attached to the STB (BTB) or a CSSB within a SB. The highest level of “pure” HR command and control is found in the HR Company, an organization commanded by an AOC 42H Major. (2) Technical Guidance: Technical Guidance is provided for the theater SRC 12 HR organizations by the HRSC which is responsible for the coordination, integration and execution of the postal, PA, and casualty key functions These HR key functions are executed by the SRC 12 HR organizations found within the SBs. The technical guidance is provided by the various divisions of the HRSC and is passed to subordinate HROBs in the ESC and the SBs, and then ultimately to the SRC 12 HR organizations providing the support and executing the postal, PAT, and casualty support. (3) OPORD Direction: The ASCC G-1 (and the Corps/Division G-1 when acting as the ARFOR G-1) is responsible to the ASCC Commander for all HR support within the ASCC AO. The ASCC G-1 discharges this responsibility through the establishment of theater HR policies, priorities, procedures and planning guidance for all ASCC organizations. The ASCC G-1 executes these tasks and directs theater-level organizations to perform HR tasks through the OPLAN/OPORD process through the publication of the Sustainment Annex of all ASCC orders. Additionally, the G-1 will include additional tasks for HR organizations in supporting FRAGOs published by the ASCC G-1. Similarly, Corps and Division G-1s will task supporting HR elements task organized to their organizations through the MDMP process. Plans and Operations sections of all G-1 elements are the critical executer of this process and must remain engaged and involved with the staff planning process within their respective headquarters. (4) Support Relationship: HR support requirements for subordinate organizations within the ASCC are established by either the G-1 or the S-1 of the organization and are forwarded to the sustainment structure for support. Subordinate G-1s and S-1s have a supported/supporting relationship with the sustainment structure of the theater and integrate their requirements through the HROBs of either the ESC or the supporting SB. The establishment of a close relationship between G-1s, S-1s, and the supporting HROBs is critical for timely support. NOTE: It is key to remember that sustainment organizations exist to support Warfighting organizations. The supported/ supporting relationship should not be a cause for concern within the HR community. HR professionals are involved at all levels of the sustainment structure and will ensure that all possible support is provided within the limitations of available resources. O MMT O TG PAT STB CSSB S-1 I I OR If BDE not Task Org to a Division Dependent on Sust Bde Mission HR Personnel Accountability Postal Operations Casualty Operations Command and Control Technical Guidance OPORD Direction General Support Postal HR
Theater Organizations
Non SRC 12 Army Service Component Command (ASCC) G1/AG Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) G-1 Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC) G-1 Human Resources Operations Branch (HROB) Special Troops Battalion (STB) S-1 SHOW SLIDE: NON-SRC 12 THEATER ORGANIZATION NOTE: TRANSITION SLIDE ASCC G1/AG TSC G-1 ESC G-1 HROB STB S-1
ASCC G-1/AG Primary Functions Sustainment Cell Contingency CP
Operational Sustainment Directorate 20/1/15 36 G-1/AG G-4 G-8 Surgeon General Engineer Sustainment CP G1/AG Element Main CP ASCC G-1/AG Primary Functions Main CP Plan and prioritize HR support Assure unity of purpose and effort Maximize the readiness and operational capabilities of forces within theater Sustainment Cell Contingency CP Two person team Establishes and coordinates initial HR theater support operations May be augmented by other elements of the ASCC G1/AG main or IAs FM 1-0, para 2-3 Manpower Division Plans & Ops Programs, Policy Branch Awards & Actions Section Current Operations Section SHOW SLIDE: ASCC G-1/AG The ASCC G-1/AG’s primary function is to plan and prioritize HR support to assure a unity of purpose and effort that maximizes the readiness and operational capabilities of forces within the theater. The ASCC G-1/AG is an element of the ASCC operational sustainment directorate. The operational sustainment directorate combines the G-1/AG, G-4, G-8, Surgeon, and general engineering into a single staff cell that provides oversight, policy, planning and synchronization of personnel services, logistics, and health service support missions. The ASCC G-1/AG relies on secure, continuous, survivable communications, and digital information systems. The ASCC G-1/AG primarily operates from the Main Command Post (CP), but has a two-person team within the Sustainment Cell of the Contingency CP. This two-person team establishes and coordinates initial HR support operations for the theater and forms the basis for the G-1/AGs forward presence in the AO. The Sustainment Cell of the Contingency CP may be augmented by other elements of the ASCC G-1 main staff sections or through individual augmentation. The ASCC G-1/AG does not exercise command and control of any HR organization. The TSC ensures HR organizations (HRSC, MMT, TG PAT, HR Company) execute their HR missions IAW the policies, priorities, and timelines established by the ASCC G-1/AG. Individual Augmentee (IA) Management Section MWR Section Personnel Readiness Section Postal Section
Theater Sustainment Command G-1
HR OFF E9 42A6O SGM 5/2/9 16 TSC G-1 2/0/1 3 PLANS AND OPERATIONS PA/SR/PRM/PIM POLICY PERSONNEL SERVICES 1/0/2 3 0/0/5 5 0/1/3 4 1/1/0 2 1/0/3 4 O3 42B00 Plans Off E7 42A4O Sr HR SGT E4 42A1O HR SPC W2 42OA0 HR TECH E7 42A4O SR HR SGT E5 42A2O HR SGT E4 42A1O HR SPC O3 42B00 HR OFF W3 42OA0 HR TECH O3 42B00 PERS SVC OFF E5 42A2O HR SGT E4 42A1O HR SPC E3 SHOW SLIDE: THEATER SUSTAINMENT COMMAND G-1 The TSC G-1 establishes, monitors, directs, and assesses human resources support for units assigned or attached to the TSC. This staff section provides advice and assistance to subordinate unit S-1 sections on human resource matters, monitors personnel readiness of the TSC, implements human resource policies, and directs human resources systems and support to commanders and Soldiers. This slide depicts the TSC G-1 organizational structure. Essential Personnel Services support is provided by the TSC STB S-1 section. Remember, the TSC G-1’s focus is on TSC specific (internal) HR support, while the HRSC focus is theater-wide.
Special Troops Battalion S-1
Supporting a Sustainment Brigade Supporting a Div/Corps/Army STB S-1s of General Officer-level Organizations Same capabilities and responsibilities of brigade-level S-1s – including same access to top-of-the-system HR enabling systems STB S-1s are responsible for their own Essential Personnel Services and other HR support Although S-1 is CPT/42B, expected to be more senior and experienced General officer HQs without an STB S-1 section or equivalent must be augmented by their higher HQs for HR support 1/0/4 5 1/1/7 9 STB S-1 STB S-1 O3 42B00 S1 E7 42A4O SR HR SGT E5 27D2O PARALEGAL NCO 42A2O HR SGT E4 42A1O HR SPC O3 42B00 S1 W2 42OA0 HR TECH E7 42A4O SR HR SGT E6 42A3O HR SGT E5 42A2O E4 42A1O HR SPC (2) E3 SHOW SLIDE: STB SUPPORTING A DIV/CORPS/ARMY/TSC – S-1 SECTION The Special Troops Battalion (STB) that supports a Division or higher HQ (as opposed to supporting a BDE) has a more complicated mission and receives a larger structure for its S-1 Section (11 versus 5 personnel). The STB supports the Headquarters personnel for higher level HQs – DIV/CORPS/ASCC and TSC. This STB S-1 section is expected to perform tasks more closely related to those of a BDE S-1 section. Note that the end state structure is much more like a BDE S-1 Section. The S-1 is a 42B CPT; but, it is expected that they will be more senior and more experienced than their peers. The systems piece also more closely resembles the BDE S-1 section than the BN S-1 Section. STBs provide C2 for Division/Corps/Army and TSC HQs troops FM 1-0, para 2-34
Expeditionary Sustainment Command G-1
42H00 G1 O4 DEP G1 E9 42A6O SGM 5/2/11 18 ESC G-1 2/0/1 3 PLANS AND OPERATIONS PA/SR/PRM/PIM POLICY PERSONNEL SERVICES 1/0/3 4 0/0/5 5 0/1/4 5 1/1/0 2 1/0/3 4 O3 42B00 Plans Off E7 42A4O Sr HR SGT E5 42A2O HR SGT E4 42A1O HR SPC W3 42OA0 HR TECH E7 42A4O SR HR SGT E5 42A2O HR SGT (2) E4 42A1O HR SPC O3 42B00 HR OFF W2 42OA0 HR TECH O3 42B00 PERS SVC OFF E5 42A2O HR SGT (2) E4 42A1O HR SPC SHOW SLIDE: EXPEDITIONARY SUSTAINMENT COMMAND G-1 Expeditionary Sustainment Command. The role of the ESC is to provide forward-based C2 of sustainment forces. The ESC normally deploys to provide C2 when multiple Sustainment Brigades are employed or when the TSC determines that forward command presence is required. This slide depicts the ESC G-1 organizational structure. Essential Personnel Services support is provided by the ESC Personnel Services Branch as there is no STB in support. Personnel Services Branch provides Essential Personnel Services for the ESC when there is no STB in support.
Expeditionary Sustainment Command SPO - HR Operations Branch (HROB)
HR Plans & Ops PA / PIM Postal 2/1/4 7 A subordinate branch of the ESC SPO Plans, coordinates, integrates and synchronizes the activities of subordinate HR units in the deployed theater (attached to SBs) to ensure they are resourced, positioned, and properly allocated to provide Postal, Personnel Accountability Team, and Casualty support Interfaces with HRSC to ensure supported priorities are resourced appropriately Provides technical guidance for Sustainment Bde HROB and MMT Teams and TG PAT subordinate to the ESC O4 42H00 HR SPT OPS O3 42B00 HR OFF W2 420A0 HR TECH E8 42A5O SR HR SGT E7 42A4O HR SGT (2) E5 42A2O HR SGT SHOW SLIDE: EXPEDITIONARY SUSTAINMENT COMMAND – SPO - HR OPS BRANCH The HROB is a subordinate branch of the SPO within the Sustainment Brigade and ESC. The branch is responsible for the planning, coordinating, integrating, and synchronizing PA, casualty, and postal operations missions within the Sustainment Brigade’s or ESC’s AO. The HROB receives technical guidance from the HRSC and operational guidance from sustainment command and control channels. Technical guidance includes mission analysis, determining the best method of support, and passing the requirement to the HR element for execution. Select members of the HROB are included as part of the early entry element of the SPO, focusing on the establishment of the PA portion of the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSO&I) process. Early entry element personnel also ensure initial postal support and casualty operations are established. The HROB requires voice, SIPRNET and NIPRNET connectivity to communicate with the HRSC, subordinate HR organizations, supported organizations, and with other HROBs. The HROB requires access to ABCS, BCS3, FBCB2, COPS, and other systems fielded in the deployed AO. FM 1-0, Figure 2-6 provides the recommended standardized structure for the Branch.
Distribution Integration
Sustainment Brigade X SUST CMD GRP CSSB S-1 – S-6 RST SJA PAO SURG SPO TG PAT MMT STB Plans Distribution Integration Field Services Maintenance Branch Mobility Branch CSSAMO CL V Munitions Branch Supply & SVC Branch HR Ops Branch 3/1/6 10 FM Branch General Supply Branch CL III / Water Section Civil Affairs Branch Multinational SPT Br HHC HR CO S-1 – S-4 SHOW SLIDE: SUSTAINMENT BRIGADE Sustainment brigades consolidate selected functions previously performed by corps and division support commands and area support groups into a single operational echelon and provide C2 of theater opening, theater distribution, and sustainment operations. The SB is a flexible, modular organization. Organic to the SB are the brigade headquarters and an STB. All other assets are task organized to the SB to enable it to accomplish its sustainment warfighting roles and mission. SBs provide sustainment support at the operational and tactical levels and are capable of providing C2 for theater opening and theater distribution missions. The HROB is located under the SPO and the HR Company falls under the STB or CSSB. Note where the TG PAT Team and MMT could be located within the organization. The SPO is the principal staff officer for coordinating support for all units within the sustainment brigade’s assigned AO. The SPO also provides technical supervision of all sustainment operations conducted by the sustainment brigade and is therefore the key interface between supported units and the TSC/ESC. The SPO provides planning, preparation, and C2 of the execution of all sustainment operations in the sustainment brigade’s AO, to include theater opening, distribution, and sustainment operations. The SPO section provides centralized coordination of all actions supporting subordinate units and all non-brigade forward support units. Plans & Ops RST (UMT) FOOD SVC Pstl Plt MAINT HR Plt TRTMT CLT TDS
Sustainment Brigade SPO HR Operations Branch (HROB)
1/1/3 5 HROB HR Plans & Ops PA/PIM Postal O4 42H00 HR SPT OPS W2 420A0 HR TECH E7 42A4O SR HR SGT E5 42A2O HR SGT (2) The most important planning and coordinating elements on the battlefield for the delivery of HR support Plans, coordinates, integrates, and synchronizes personnel accountability, casualty, and postal operations missions Serves as integrator between the HRSC, supported units (G-1/S-1) and HR Companies, MMT Team and TG PAT Plans, projects, and recommends HR support for current/futures operations SHOW SLIDE: SUSTAINMENT BDE HR OPS BRANCH The HR Operations Branch is located under the SPO. The SPO is the principal staff officer for coordinating support for all units within the sustainment brigade’s assigned AO. The SPO also provides technical supervision of all sustainment operations conducted by the sustainment brigade and is therefore the key interface between supported units and the TSC/ESC. The SPO provides planning, preparation, and C2 of the execution of all sustainment operations in the sustainment brigade’s AO, to include theater opening, distribution, and sustainment operations. The SPO section provides centralized coordination of all actions supporting subordinate units and all non-brigade forward support units. The HROB is the most important planning and coordinating elements on the battlefield for the delivery of HR Support.
HROB Key Performance Indicators Personnel Accountability Operations
HROBs develop key performance indicators to monitor and ensure HR Operations are fully integrated into overall sustainment operations. Assess P R E A L N X C U T Battle Command Personnel Accountability Operations Location of PAT assets and operational status. PAT Teams are required at APOD/SPOD when daily flow rate is 600 or more per day Number of personnel arrived/departed in last 24 hrs and number projected in next 24 hours Red, Amber, Green status of each Personnel Processing Center Are TG PAT and HR Company PATs capturing all categories of personnel (Soldiers, Joint Service personnel, DoD civilians, contractors) Number of days personnel remain at the APOD/TG Postal Operations Mail is secure, accounted for, and redirected Number and type of postal offenses tracked and corrected Number of days mail is static or undelivered Listing of FOBs in Sustainment Brigade AO and are they receiving mail daily or as often as OPTEMPO permits? (Red, Amber, Green) Most recent postal inspection, status of inspection, and next scheduled inspection Number of tons of mail received versus dispatched Changes in population supported that may require reallocation of HR assets SHOW SLIDE: HROB KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FM 1-0, para The HROB tracks key performance indicators and is the Sustainment Brigade’s element responsible for ensuring HR operations are fully integrated into overall sustainment operations. The HROB ensures a sufficient number of HR organizations are available to provide HR area support, monitor support provided by HR organizations and manage HR support within the AO. The HROB provides technical guidance and resources to the HR organizations (supporting units) and ensures they have the capability to provide the required PA, casualty, and postal support directed in the HR concept of support. They provide a supported/supporting relationship with the G-1/AG and S-1s within the AO. To effectively manage HR support, the HROB must communicate and coordinate with supported and supporting HR elements. The HROB uses HR planning considerations to develop performance indicators to ensure HR operations are integrated into the overall sustainment plan. NOTE: For an example of HROB KPI Tracking Charts refer students to the HR Planners Handbook V6 April 2014, pages < Casualty Operations Number of casualties reported in last 24 hours Red, Amber, Green status of each CLT HR Planner's Information Handbook V6 dated April 2014 Pending ATP update
Theater HR Organizations
(SRC 12) SRC 12 Rules of Allocation Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) Human Resources Company SHOW SLIDE: THEATER HR ORGANIZATIONS (SRC 12) NOTE: TRANSITION SLIDE
HR (SRC 12) Rules of Allocation and Postal Planning Factor
FM 1-0, para 6-33 – UPDATED ROA; para 6-30 – Postal Factors (includes TAA Phase I-III changes – Effective FY 12) SRC Title Allocation Rule Type 12682G000 HR Sustainment Center (HSRC) 1 per Theater Sustainment Command (TSC) Existence 12413G000 HR Company 1 per Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Team 1 per Theater Gateway (TG) Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) 1 per 3-7 Platoons (HR, Postal, or any combination) Workload 12567GF00 HR Platoon HR Squad (Casualty Liaison Team (CLT)) HR Squad (PAT) 2 per TG PAT (1st 3,600 daily pax flow) 1 per 1800 daily pax flow (additional) 1 per Level III Medical Treatment Facility 1 per Mortuary Affairs Company 1 per HRSC Casualty Operations Division 1 per GO-level command (w/exception to ASCC/TSC) 1 per 600 personnel transiting through an intra-theater APOD (when daily transit numbers exceed 600 daily) 12567GB00 TG PAT 1 per inter-theater APOD 12356GA00 Postal Platoon 4 per MMT 1 per 6,000 personnel (i.e. cumulative population) 12567GA00 MMT Team Postal Planning Factor 2.0 lbs per Service member per day (mail volume) 20-foot container = 8,000 lbs of mail 40-foot container = 16,000 lbs of mail NA SHOW SLIDE: SRC 12 – RULES OF ALLOCATION NOTE: These are the corrected ROAs not found in FM Correction is to the ROA for the HR Squad (PAT). This slide depicts the various Rules of Allocation for SRC 12 organizations. HR organization rules of allocation allow HR planners to determine the number of HR units required to provide the intended support. These rules of allocation are also used in the Total Army Analysis system to model operational requirements of units.
Sustainment Center (HRSC)
Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) CONCEPT: The HRSC is deployed to the JOA to support the ASCC with HR support as directed by the Theater Support Command (TSC) Commander/ASCC G-1/AG. The HRSC may be required to conduct split-based operations and an increase in its mobility capability is required to allow it to support both the TSC Commander/SPO and the ASCC G-1/AG. The HRSC provides technical support to the TSC SPO/DMC and the ASCC G-1/AG and technical guidance to the HR Ops Cells in the Expeditionary Sustainment Commands (ESC) and Sustainment Brigades, and may provide technical guidance in selected core competencies to subordinate G-1/AGs. The HRSC Casualty Ops Div will establish a deployed theater Casualty Area Command (CAC) normally under the control of the ASCC G-1/AG. MISSION: Plans, integrates, and sustains HR, administrative and Soldier support systems for the Theater/ASCC Headquarters and other echelons as directed by the Theater/ASCC G1 or as determined by METT/TC. Advises the G1 on HR management issues, staff planning, technical assistance, develops policies, establishes HR support procedures and provides mobilization information. Provides theater level management of personnel accountability, data access/reporting/analysis, casualty operations, postal operations, and PAT operations. SHOW SLIDE: HUMAN RESOURCES SUSTAINMENT CENTER (HRSC) CONCEPT. The Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) is deployed to the JOA to support the ASCC with HR support as directed by the Theater Support Command (TSC) Commander/ASCC G-1/AG. The HRSC may be required to conduct split-based operations and an increase in its mobility capability is required to allow it to support both the TSC Commander/SPO and the ASCC G-1/AG. The HRSC provides technical support to the TSC SPO/DMC and the ASCC G-1/AG and technical guidance to the HR Ops Cells in the Expeditionary Sustainment Commands (ESC) and Sustainment Brigades, and may provide technical guidance in selected core competencies to subordinate G-1/AGs. The HRSC Casualty Ops Div will establish a deployed theater Casualty Area Command (CAC) normally under the control of the ASCC G-1/AG. Specific HRSC responsibilities include: Integrates HR support as defined by the ASCC and TSC Commanders; Sustains combat power and synchronizes HR functional responsibilities within its geographical area; Plans, coordinates, and integrates theater HR support for the ASCC, with emphasis on theater-level core competencies; Establishes the theater deployed database (DTAS) and provides hierarchy management; Establishes deployed theater Casualty Area Command (CAC) under control of the ASCC G-1/AG; Integrates HR support at the ASCC level and provides technical guidance to subordinate HR Operations SPO Cells, subordinate S-1s and G-1/AGs, and HR Companies and their subordinate platoons; Manages personnel accountability, data access/reporting/analysis, casualty operations, postal and PAT operations; Provides technical support to Postal, PAT and Casualty units as well as provide personnel guidance to S-1s/G-1/AGs, as needed. REQUIRED CAPABILITIES: On order, deploy to the theater of operations to support the ASCC with HR support as directed by TSC Commander and the ASCC G-1/AG. Provide oversight of all casualty reporting within the theater of operations and provide technical support to Postal, TG PAT and Casualty units as well as provide HR technical guidance to G-1/AGs and S-1s in those areas as needed. Requires 50% mobility. Requires capability to communicate digitally via NIPR/SIPR and voice to all personnel elements in the theater, HRC, logistical support elements, and other branches of service.
Regional Orientation – 5 HRSCs
Organizational Design Tm A Tm B Office, Director, HRSC 2/0/1 3 Plans & Opns Division HR Systems Division Casualty Ops Division PA OPNS Division Postal Plans Division O6 42H00 O5 42H00 E9 42A6O ASCC G-1/AG 11/10/47 68 1/1/2 4 0/1/2 3 2/0/1 3 1/1/1 3 0/1/2 3 1/1/3 5 0/1/6 7 0/0/4 4 1/0/4 5 TSC W5 420A E4 91B1O W2 255A0 E5 42A2O E4 25B1O O4 42H00 W2 420A0 E7 42A4O E8 42A5O W3 420A0 4J E5 42A2O F5 E4 42A1O F5 W4 42OA E4 42A1O E3 42A1O W3 420A0 E5 42A2O (2) E4 42A1O (2) E3 42A1O (2) O4 42H00 4J W3 420A 4J E8 42A5O F4 SHOW SLIDE: HRSC ORGANIZATIONAL CHART The HRSC is a multifunctional, modular SRC 12 organization (staff element), and theater-level center assigned to a TSC that integrates and executes PA, casualty, and postal functions throughout the theater and as defined by the policies and priorities established by the ASCC G-1/AG. The HRSC provides support to the ASCC G-1/AG in the accomplishment of their PRM and PIM missions. They provide planning and operations technical support to the TSC Distribution Management Center. HRSCs flexible, modular, and scalable design increases the director’s ability to recommend HR support requirements based upon the number of units and Soldiers supported and METT-TC. The HRSC also provides theater-wide technical guidance and training assistance for PA, casualty, and postal functions performed by TG PATs, MMT Teams, HR companies, platoons, and the HROB in the Sustainment Brigades and ESC. The HRSC’s MTOE structure provides the capability to conduct split-based operations in support of the TSC. This capability supports the HRSC’s ability to support the ESC during theater opening operations when they are the senior sustainment command. METT-TC analysis drives task organization. The HRSC consists of an Office of the Director and five divisions: Plans and Operations, PA/PRM/PIM, Casualty Operations (COD), Postal Operations (POD), and the Reception, Staging, and Onward Movement (RSO) Division. Each division is further divided into teams for theater mission support. Since the HRSC is a modular unit, the HRSC Director has the capability to task organize teams to provide support as the mission dictates. Regional Orientation – 5 HRSCs 1st HRSC Germany USAREUR AC 3d HRSC Jackson, MS USARNO RC 8th HRSC Fort Shafter, HI USARPAC 14th HRSC Fort Knox, KY USARCENT 310th HRSC Fort Jackson, SC USARSO MISSION. HRSC provides technical guidance and ensures execution of the personnel accountability, postal, casualty, and RSO functions performed by HR SRC 12 elements and the HR Operations Branch within the Sustainment Brigades or ESCs. FM 1-0, para 2-49 Rule Of Allocation: 1 Per TSC
HRSC Critical Functions
Plans and Operations Personnel Accountability Casualty Operations Postal Operations HR Systems The HRSC, as the senior HR element, is responsible for executing personnel accountability, casualty, and postal missions Responsible for providing technical guidance to theater HR organizations executing these missions This technical guidance is provided by the various divisions of the HRSC and is passed to the ESC and Sustainment Brigade SPO HROBs, who then pass the information to the HR organizations assigned to sustainment units HRSC Director SHOW SLIDE: HRSC CRITICAL FUNCTIONS The HRSC, as the senior HR element, is responsible for executing PA, casualty, and postal missions and has a responsibility for providing technical guidance to theater HR organizations executing these missions. This technical guidance is provided by the various divisions of the HRSC and is passed to the ESC and Sustainment Brigade SPO HROBs, who then pass the information to the HR organizations assigned to sustainment units. NOTE: The HRSC also provides technical guidance and support to the MMT and TG PAT. HR companies and platoons receive both technical and operational guidance from the supporting HROB.
HRSC Capabilities 1 of 2 PLANS & OPNS DIVISION POSTAL OPNS DIVISION Provide mission analysis and recommendations on HR Concept of support in the theater Review, monitor, and recommend HR asset distribution within the AOR to ASCC G1/AG Interface with ESCs/SBs HR Ops Branches Synchronization of Postal, PAT, Casualty, PA and SR current/future operations Provide Exercise Support (LTX /STX/ MRX) to deploying Sustainment Units Postal Policy Execution Inspection of APOs, COPE Audits Staff Assistance Visits with HR CO/APOs Managing postal supply/equipment procurement for AOR Review, monitor, and recommend postal asset distribution within AOR to ASCC G1/AG Consolidate theater postal reports CASUALTY OPNS DIVISION SHOW SLIDE: HRSC CAPABILITIES NOTE: Additional doctrinal responsibilities for each Division can be found at the ATP paragraph listed. para The Plans and Operations Division provides the HRSC Director the capability to manage current operational requirements and planning for both long and short range HR operations. para The Casualty Operations Division establishes the theater casualty assistance center and manages casualty reporting within theater of operations IAW policies established by the ASCC G-1/AG. para 1-44 The Postal Operations Division (POD) provides postal assistance and technical guidance to HROBs and HR companies and ensures they are in compliance with postal operations policies and regulations. The POD directly supports the execution of the theater postal policy and EPW mail mission and identifies appropriate resources to support the theater postal mission. Execute 24/7 operations to receive, process, and/or forward all casualty reports; conduct QC/QA on Army casualty reports before forwarding to CMAOC Conduct intra and inter-theater patient tracking Provide NOK notification completion to J1s Provide technical guidance and training to G1s, S1s, and CLTs Assist Casualty and Memorial Affairs Operations Center with tracking the status of pending formal LODIs Review, monitor, and recommend Casualty asset distribution within the AOR to ASCC G1 Produce daily roll-up report for AOR casualties
Personnel Accountability Division
HRSC Capabilities 2 of 2 HR Systems Division Personnel Accountability Division Ensures all systems remain active and properly synchronized to receive data from both the supporting PAT elements and the S-1 and G-1/AG sections Ensures all systems are included in the planning, deployment, sustainment, and redeployment process Assess and analyze the effectiveness of systems throughout current operations Coordinates with the TSC and ESC to ensure systems are established and resourced Deploys adequate personnel as part of the early entry element in order to establish initial theater systems Provides data support, information, and reports to the TSC and Army/ASCC G-1/AG Systems familiarization and training (DTAS, eMILPO, EDAS, TOPMIS, COPS) Army-wide Personnel Asset Inventory (PAI) Analyze and monitor Joint Personnel Status (JPERSTAT) Essential Personnel Services training Mobile information systems training (VSAT; CASI) Support CPXs/MRXs with SMEs/OC/Ts SHOW SLIDE: HRSC CAPABILITIES NOTE: Additional doctrinal responsibilities for each Division can be found at the ATP paragraph listed. Para The HR Systems Division is responsible for establishing and maintaining systems within theater. Para The Personnel Accountability Division is responsible for planning and providing technical guidance, and maintaining visibility of personnel transiting inter/intra theater APOD/aerial port of embarkation (APOE).
Human Resources Operations Center (HROC)
Organizational Design MISSION Provide operational training, technical oversight and analysis capability in support of unit and Soldier life cycle management activities within the corps and division G-1s. CORPS G1/AG DIV G1/AG HQs Section HQs Section 1/1/5 7 1/1/5 7 HROC HROC SHOW SLIDE: Human Resources Operations Center (HROC) Provide operational training, technical oversight and analysis capability in support of unit and Soldier life cycle management activities within the corps and division G-1s.. CAPABILITIES: (1) At Level 1, this unit provides: a. Increased capability to perform unit and Soldier life cycle management activities within the corps and division G-1 Sections. b. Visibility, employment, and integration of Army Hri nformation and enterprise systems from echelons above brigade down through subordinate units. c. Increased capability to manage personnel readiness, perform strength management, and compile/analyze HR metrics for the division and corps. d. Capability to conduct HR operations training and provide technical guidance to the corps/division G-1 Sections and their subordinate element S-1 Sections. (2) This unit is not adaptable to a Type B organization. (3) Level 1 is designed to be used to calculate the categories established by AR 220-1, Unit Status Reporting. (4) This unit is designated a Category II organization. (5) Individuals of this organization can assist in the coordinated defense of the unit's area or installation. (6) This unit is dependent upon the appropriate elements of the Sustainment Brigade for religious, legal, health service support, finance, and personnel and administrative services. Authorized one per Corps/Division O4 42H00 CHIEF W A0 HR TECH E7 42A4O OPNS SGT E5 42A2O HR SGT (2) E4 42A1O HR SPEC (2) O4 42H00 CHIEF W A0 HR TECH E7 42A4O OPNS SGT E5 42A2O HR SGT (2) E4 42A1O HR SPEC (2) Rule of Allocation: One per Corps and Division G1s.
HR Key Functions Personnel Accountability / Strength Reporting
Roles and Responsibilities HRSC PA/PRM/PIM DIV RSO CORPS G-1 XXX PA/SR/PRM DIV PIM When Acting as ARFOR ASCC G-1 XXXX MANPOWER BRANCH PLANS/OPS - Support ARFOR G-1/AG to establish DTAS database - Provide DTAS server - Synchronize PA and SR data - Track Task Org changes that impact PA and SR - Ensure DTAS data integration - Ensure all Arriving/Departing personnel noted in DTAS SHOW SLIDE: HR KEY FUNCTIONS - PA and SR The Army/ASCC G-1 Manpower Branch has the following PA and SR responsibilities: (1) Establish personnel reporting plans and policies reflecting detailed reporting procedures and responsibilities (who reports to whom), in coordination with the J-1 CCDR. (2) Manage and maintain Army/ASCC personnel readiness information. (3) Monitor DTAS to obtain strength reporting information. (4) Direct a Personnel Asset Inventory (PAI) for any subordinate unit when the unit’s strength imbalance between the eMILPO database and TAPDB database is two percent or higher. (5) Establish connectivity with HRC, RC Personnel Offices, Rear Detachments (as required), appropriate Joint HQ/other services/federal agencies, and CRC. (6) Monitor, analyze, and validate unit strengths to determine personnel requirements and priorities. (7) Prepare and maintain personnel summary and requirement reports. (8) Predict and validate personnel requirements based on current strength levels, projected gains, estimated losses, and the projected number of Soldiers and Army civilians RTD. (9) Recommend replacement priorities to the G3 (if replacement shelves are created). (10) Develop theater personnel distribution plans and manage the theater replacement system (if replacement and casualty shelves are utilized). (11) Conduct reassignments to meet operational requirements (coordinate with subordinate G-1/S-1 and HRC). The HRSC (PA/SR/PRM/PIM Division) has the following responsibilities: (1) Employ a PA and SR section with the early entry module to establish the theater deployed personnel database (DTAS) prior to Soldiers arrival. (2) Establish DTAS as the enabling automated system. (3) Ensure required data is entered into DTAS to generate Joint Personnel Status Report (JPERSTAT) requirements. (4) Develop relationships with supported units to ensure timely and accurate personnel accounting information is entered into the DTAS. (5) Operate the automated theater personnel accounting management system servers. (6) Conduct data reconciliations and quality control checks. (7) Inform the ASCC G-1/AG when any theater unit’s strength imbalance is two percent or more (between the eMILPO database and TAPDB database). (8) Ensure adequate resources and training is available for DTAS. (9) Coordination with the RSO Operations Division to ensure DTAS mobile units are synchronized at the TG PAT Center for reception operations. TG PAT HR CO - Manage PA and SR system - Develop PA and SR policy - Provide PA and SR technical guidance - Coordinate external requirements - Establish/monitor DTAS database - Integrate Theater PA SR network - Enter/depart individuals and units in DTAS database - Conduct DTAS data integration with all transiting units - Assist establishing DTAS database
HR Company Headquarters
CONCEPT: The HR Company Headquarters is an existence and workload based command and control organization employed with 3-7 Postal and/or HR platoons with a Plans and Ops Section. The HR Company can be employed in a Corps/Div or ASCC in area support and attached to a Military Mail Terminal (MMT) Team or Theater Gateway PAT. The HR Company HQs may be located at the APOD and in the Corps/Division AOR as directed by the HRSC. The HR Company falls under the STB (BTB) or CSSB of the Sustainment Brigade for all administrative support. It receives technical guidance from the RSO, Postal or Casualty Ops Div of the HRSC, the HR Ops Branch of the ESC SPO/DMC, and planning guidance from the Sustainment Brigade SPO HR Ops Branch. MISSION: Provides C2, planning and technical support to all assigned or attached HR and Postal platoons. REQUIRED CAPABILITIES: On order, deploy to an area of operation and provide command and control for postal and/or HR platoons with a plans and operations section. Requires 50% mobility for the company. Requires capability to communicate digitally via NIPR/SIPR and voice to elements of attached platoons, STB/CSSB, Sustainment Brigade HR Ops Branch (SPO), G-1 and S-1 sections, transportation and other sustainment and joint elements. SHOW SLIDE: HR COMPANY HEADQUARTERS The HR Company Headquarters is a modular headquarters that provides command and control as well as technical support to postal, PAT and/or HR platoons found at the APOD, and in the Corps/Division and ASCC battlespace, as directed by the TSC, ESC and Sustainment BDE Cdrs based on the technical guidance and HR planning priorities and guidance from the Division/Corps/ASCC G-1/AG. The HR Company’s general functions include leadership and command and control for attached HR and/or Postal platoons and Plans and Operations Section. The headquarters can also provide technical guidance to area S-1 sections regarding postal, PAT or casualty matters. The HR Company headquarters receives its short and long term planning as well as current and future operations management capability from the Plans and Operations Team when postal or HR platoons are attached. The company receives policy guidance from the RSO, Postal or Casualty Ops Division of the HRSC, planning guidance from HR Ops Branch and overall HR planning priorities from the ASCC G-1/AG. The HR Ops Branch Sustainment BDEs will provide the planning and resourcing assistance within the sustainment brigade. The HR Company falls under the STB or CSSB of the sustainment brigade for all administrative support.
HR Company Headquarters Doctrinal Responsibilities
Organizational Design MISSION Provide C2, planning, and technical support to all assigned or attached HR or postal platoons. Doctrinal Responsibilities FM 1-0, para 2-80 and 3-57 Provide HR Platoons and PATs to support TG PAT Provide PATs at locations designated by HRSC, TG PAT, or HROB of Sustainment Brigade Coordinate logistics support (billeting, transportation, etc.) Coordinate PA issues with HROB Ensure all PATs have access to HR database systems 2/1/17 20 HQ, HR Company PLANS AND OPERATIONS HQ SUPPORT SECTION COMMAND SECTION 0/0/9 9 2/0/1 3 0/1/7 8 SHOW SLIDE: HR COMPANY The HR Company headquarters provides MC, planning and technical support to all assigned or attached HR (and Postal) platoons. It is both an existence and workload-based modular headquarters. The HR Company has both long and short term capability for: • Personnel Accountability • Current and future operations management • Database integration • Establishing PATs • Leadership/oversight of two-six platoons • Transportation coordination The HR Company can be employed to support a TG PAT. When deployed the HR Company may be attached to an STB or a CSSB. The HR Company has the following personnel accountability responsibilities: • Provide supporting HR platoons and PATs to support the TG PAT PA mission. • Provide PATs at locations designated by the HRSC, TG PAT, or HROB of the supporting Sustainment Brigade. Teams should be located at all FOBs that have a transit population of 600 personnel per day. • Coordinate the execution of logistics support (billeting, transportation, etc.) of transiting personnel as necessary. • Coordinate personnel accountability issues with the HROB of the supporting Sustainment Brigade. • Ensure all PATs have the necessary access to HR database systems. W2 420A4J HR TECH E7 42A4OF4 OPS SGT E5 42A2O HR SGT 42A2OF5 POSTAL SGT E4 42A1OF5 POSTAL SPEC 42A1O HR SPEC E3 POSTAL CLERK E5 91B2O WHL VEH MECH 91D2O TAC PWR GEN SPC 92Y2O SUP NCO E4 25U1O SIG SPT SYS MAINT 74D1O CBRN SP 91B1O E3 SIG SPT SYS MAIN 91DO O3 42B00 CDR O2 42B00 XO E8 42A5M 1SG RULE OF ALLOCATION 1 per TG PAT (Existence) 1 per MMT (Existence) 1 Per 3-7 HR and/or Postal Platoons (Workload)
Doctrinal Responsibilities
HR Platoon Organizational Design MISSION Provide casualty and/or personnel accountability support to all individuals and units to an assigned area of operations or serves as a supporting element of the Theater Gateway Personnel Accountability Team. Doctrinal Responsibilities FM 1-0, para 2-82 A multifunctional platoon with the capability to provide Personnel Accountability support to all individuals and units in an assigned AO May also serve as a supporting element of the TG PAT 1/0/19 20 O2 42B00 PLT LDR E7 42A4O PLT SGT COMMAND SECTION 1/0/1 2 HR SQUADS (3) RULES OF ALLOCATION HR PLATOON 2 per TG PAT HR SQUAD (Casualty Liaison Team) (CLT) One (1) per Role III Medical Treatment Facility One (1) per Mortuary Affairs Company One (1) per HRSC Casualty Operations Division One (1) per General Officer Level Command (w/exception to ASCC/TSC) HR SQUAD (Personnel Accountability Team) (PAT) 1 per 600 personnel transiting through an APOD (when daily numbers exceed 600 daily) 0/0/6 6 SHOW SLIDE: HR PLATOON The HR platoon is a multifunctional organization with the capability to provide PA support to all individuals and units in an assigned AO or to serve as a supporting element of the TG PAT. The HR platoon accomplishes the PA functional mission with its capability to form PATs. This capability increases mission flexibility and its ability to support G-1/AG and S-1 sections by maintaining visibility and accountability as personnel transit the theater. These PATs provide PA at APOE/APOD, SPOD/Sea Port of Embarkation (SPOE), and at FOBs where the daily transit numbers exceed 600 personnel per day. The PAT provides PA of personnel entering, transiting, or departing the specific theater location. PATs rely on the supported organization for daily life support. E6 42A3O SQUAD LDR (3) E5 42A2O HR SGT (3) E4 42A1O HR SPEC (9) E3 HR SPEC (3)
Casualty Liaison Team (CLT) Personnel Accountability Team
HR Squads Casualty Liaison Team (CLT) Personnel Accountability Team (PAT) MISSION: Provide accurate reporting and tracking of casualty info MISSION: Provide personnel accountability support to the theater 0/0/6 6 0/0/6 6 HR SQUAD (CLT) HR SQUAD (PAT) SQD LDR E6 42A HR SGT E5 42A HR SPC E4 42A (3) HR SPC E3 42A (1) SQD LDR E6 42A HR SGT E5 42A HR SPC E4 42A (3) HR SPC E3 42A (1) Used by the HR Platoon to support the Theater casualty operations mission Provide accurate casualty information (reporting and tracking) at MTFs, Mortuary Affairs Collection Points, and higher HQs G-1/AGs, General Officer commands, and other locations as specified by the HRSC Also acts as liaison for each affected commander SHOW SLIDE: HR SQUADS – CLT / PAT NOTE: Effective in FY12 The HR platoon accomplishes the casualty and PA functional mission using its HR Squads (CLTs and PATs). This capability increases mission flexibility and its ability to support G-1/AG and S-1 sections by maintaining visibility and accountability of casualties and as personnel transit the theater. The HR Squad is staffed with one Squad Leader (SSG/42A), one HR Sergeant (SGT/42A) and four Skill-Level One HR Specialists (42A). HR Squads (CLTs) are used by the HR platoon to support the theater casualty operations mission. CLTs provides accurate casualty information (reporting and tracking) at MTFs, MA collection points, and higher headquarters G-1/AGs, General Officer commands, and other locations as specified by the HRSC. HR Squads (CLTs) facilitate real-time casualty information for commanders. HR Squads (CLTs) not only provide accurate casualty information, but they also act as a liaison for each affected commander. The CLT provides updated status reports to the affected unit and informs them if the Soldier is medically evacuated from theater. CLTs rely on the supported organization for daily life support. To accomplish the PA function, the HR platoon uses HR Squads (PATs) to provide PA at APOE/APOD, SPOD/Sea Port of Embarkation (SPOE), and at FOBs where the daily transit numbers exceed 600 personnel per day. The HR Squads (PAT) provides PA of personnel entering, transiting, or departing the specific theater location. PATs rely on the supported organization for daily life support. Each HQ Squad requires the capability to communicate digitally and via voice, secure and non-secure, to theater (HRSC COD), HR platoon headquarters, and G-1/AG and S-1 sections of supported units. Used by the HR Platoon to support the Theater personnel accountability mission PATs provide personnel accountability at APOE/APOD, SPOD/SPOE, and FOBs where the daily transit numbers exceed 600. Provide PA of personnel entering, transiting, or departing the specific theater location. FM 1-0, para 2-91 and 2-92
Theater Postal Operations
SHOW SLIDE: THEATER POSTAL OPERATIONS NOTE: TRANSITION SLIDE. THIS IS AN OVERVIEW OF POSTAL OPERATIONS. DETAILED INFORMATION ON POSTAL OPERATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED IN A SEPARATE CLASS. The mission of the military postal system is to operate as an extension of the United States Postal Service (USPS) consistent with public law and federal regulations beyond the boundaries of U.S. sovereignty and provide postal services for all DoD personnel and U.S. contractors where there is no USPS available. The Military Postal System (MPS) provides efficient postal services to authorized personnel and activities overseas during normal and contingency operations.
Doctrinal Responsibilities POSTAL FINANCE SECTION
Postal Platoon Organizational Design MISSION Provide postal support to all individuals and units in an assigned area or serve as an element of an MMT. 1/0/20 21 Doctrinal Responsibilities ATP 1-0.2, para 4-62 Appoint an onsite supervisor(s), COPE, and an accountable mail clerk • Supervise/control the platoon • Coordinate with HR Company headquarters • Conducts daily postal operations • Receive and distribute intra-theater mail • Prepare mail for unit mail clerks • Receive, process, and dispatch outgoing mail • Receive, process, and redirect incoming mail • Receive, process, and maintain a chain of custody for all mail with special services • Update postal routing schemes • Conduct casualty mail and EPW mail operations • Conduct postal financial and supply support and management • Conduct UMR/CMR inspections • Conduct MPO openings, closings, and relocations • Respond to all customer complaints, inquiries, and suggestions HQs SECTION O2 42B00 4J PLT LDR E7 42A4O F5 PLT SGT 1/0/1 2 POSTAL FINANCE SECTION POSTAL SQUADS (2) 0/0/3 3 0/0/8 8 SHOW SLIDE: POSTAL PLATOON The mission of the postal platoon is to provide postal support to all individuals and units in an assigned AO or to serve as an element of an MMT. Postal platoons operate in conjunction with Plans and Operations teams within HR companies. The platoon deploys to the AO and provides modular, scalable and flexible postal support including postal financial management, services, and mail distribution. Multifunctional organization providing postal support for up to 6,000 personnel or serving as one of four platoons in support of an MMT. This universal modular platoon is capable of performing the complete spectrum of postal functions from postal service and postal finance to postal operations. It includes processing incoming bulk mail, coordinating mail transportation to forward platoons, and processing outgoing mail to CONUS. Requires capability to communicate digitally and via voice to HR Company headquarters, and G-1/AG and S-1 sections of units in the supported area. The headquarters section provides C2, leadership, and resourcing. The postal finance section sells money orders, stamps, and provides accountable mail services. Each postal squad has the capability to perform operations or services missions or to perform independently as needed as a mobile mail team. The platoons are each equipped with three variable reach forklifts to provide efficient mail movement in whatever type of area the platoon is supporting. The postal platoon receives all technical guidance through the HR Company headquarters and the corresponding Plans and Operations team. The HR Company headquarters provides all C2 to the attached postal platoons. E5 42A2O F5 PSTL SGT E4 42A1O F5 PSTL SPC E3 PSTL CLK E6 42A3O F4 PSTL SUPV E5 42A2O F5 PSTL SGT E4 42A1O F5 PSTL SPEC (3) E3 PSTL CLK (3) RULES OF ALLOCATION 1 per 6,000 personnel 4 per Military Mail Terminal
Military Mail Terminal Sustainment BDE w/Theater Opening Mission
MISSION: Provide postal support an AOR by establishing an MMT which coordinates, receives, processes incoming mail and dispatches mail to CONUS Doctrinal Responsibilities FM 1-0, para 2-69 and ATP 1-0.2, para 4-48 CAPABILITIES: Existence based organization employed as part of the theater opening mission to establish a Joint Military Mail Terminal. With augmentation of the HR Company, provides integrated, accurate, and timely processing of mail. Coordinates, receives, processes incoming mail, and dispatches outgoing mail Develops and coordinates mail routing schemes, mail distribution points, and schedules Controls mail movement within and throughout the AO Provides specialized postal expertise and limited augmentation manpower Provides technical direct to HR Postal company commander operating at the MMT Provides casualty mail services to the AO MILITARY MAIL TERMINAL (MMT) TEAM 2/1/ O3 42B00 CHIEF O2 42B00 DEP CHIEF E7 42A SR HR SGT E4 91B1O WHL VEH MECH MMT TM HQS 2/0/2 4 OPS SEC POSTAL SQUAD A POSTAL SQUAD B SHOW SLIDE: MILITARY MAIL TERMINAL (JOINT) ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN The MMT Team provides specialized postal expertise and experience and limited augmentation manpower. The modular structure allows the commander to add the necessary level of seniority and experience appropriate for a JTF-level mission and to consolidate the necessary specialty equipment to do this bulk mission. The main function of this team is to process incoming mail and dispatch mail to CONUS at the APOD. The MMT Team consists of a HQs section, Operations section, and two Postal Squads. The MMT Director becomes the senior Army postal leader for all technical matters. The HQs section provides a direct link with other Services for operating space at the terminal, flight schedules and ground transportation of mail. The HQs section also provides a single JOA-level executor with the expertise and experience to support the ASCC G-1/AG and TSC commander. The Operations section is the vital link for all theater postal operations planning and implementing all necessary input from the other Services and guidance from MPSA into the operating plan. It is the operational interface between the MMT and SB SPO HROB which coordinates the distribution of mail within their AO. Equipment is crucial to the success of MMT functions. All heavy postal equipment for the AO is associated with the MMT Team. The team has a Rough-Terrain Container Handler and 10-k forklifts to move bulk mail in and out of the APOD. Satellite phones, radios and CAISI connectivity provide the necessary communication link to track unit movements and control mail movement from CONUS to the AO and throughout the AO. The MMT Team receives operational guidance and directives from the HROB of the SB SPO and technical guidance from the ESC SPO HROB and the HRSC POD. The MMT is dependent upon the SB for religious, medical, legal, HR, administrative services, quarters and rations, logistics, unit maintenance of organic equipment, and supplementary transportation support, and military pay. The MMT relies on secure and non-secure, continuous, and survivable communications and digital information systems in order to perform its theater-level postal mission. 0/0/5 5 0/1/2 3 0/0/5 5 0/0/5 5 W2 420A0 HR TECH E6 42A4O F4 HR SGT E4 42A1O F5 HR SPC E6 42A3O F4 PSTL SUPV E5 42A2O F5 PSTL SGT E4 42A1O F5 PSTL SPC E3 42A1O F5 PSTL CLK (2) E6 42A3O F4 PSTL SUPV E5 42A2O F5 PSTL SGT E4 42A1O F5 PSTL SPC E3 42A1O F5 PSTL CLK (2) RULES OF ALLOCATION 1 per Inter-theater APOD that receives bulk mail (Existence Based)
Theater PAT Operations
SHOW SLIDE: THEATER PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY TEAM OPERATIONS NOTE: TRANSITION SLIDE. THIS IS AN OVERVIEW OF PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY OPERATIONS. DETAILED INFORMATION ON PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY WILL BE PROVIDED IN A SEPARATE CLASS. Personnel accountability is one of the most important functions an S-1 performs on a continuing basis regardless of location or environment. Data accuracy is critical to the personnel accountability process. Promptly entering personnel accountability changes allows HR leaders at all levels to have timely and accurate personnel accountability data and enables S-1s to balance MOSs within brigades, battalions, and companies.
HR Key Function Personnel Accountability Teams Roles and Responsibilities
HRSC RSO DIV PLANS/OPS ASCC G-1 XXXX MANPOWER BRANCH PLANS/OPS XXX CORPS G-1 PLANS/OPS DIV - Determine PAT Structure required to support Theater mission - Provide PAT Technical Guidance - Determine Inter/Intra Theater APOD locations - Analyze, monitor, predict flow rates - Distribute PAT/Plts/HR Companies - Manage Theater PA System - Develop PA policy - Ensure sufficient PAT force structure available - Initiate R&R policy - Establish Theater Replacement Shelf (if available) - Determine Civilian Reporting Policy When acting as ARFOR TG PAT HR CO HR CO HR PLT SHOW SLIDE: HR KEY FUNCTION – PAT In a deployed theater, PAT operations and functions are executed by multiple supporting organizations. The HRSC RSO Division provides guidance from the ASCC to the TG PAT. The TG PAT, with supporting HR Company, includes the TG PAT operation section, consisting of a six person team responsible for coordinating the execution of external support required through the HROB of the supporting SB SPO, particularly with transportation and life support organizations. The HR Company headquarters provides C2 as well as administrative support to attached or assigned PATs, HR Platoons and supporting Plans and Operations Teams located at the TG. The Plans and Operations Team is a staff section consisting of a five person Plans and Operations Section and a four person Data Integration Team, attached to an HR Company headquarters when one or more HR platoons are attached or assigned. It provides PAT planning, operations management and minimum essential personnel services (DD Form 93, Common Access Card issue, ID tags and data integration support). The HR Company supporting the theater gateway PAT mission will receive all technical supervision and guidance from the TG PAT Director. HR platoon headquarters consists of an eight person team that provides C2, technical guidance, and logistical support to PATs. The HR platoon headquarters is a multifunctional structure providing command of two to three PATs operating in the deployed AOR. The HR platoon headquarters receives all technical guidance from the HR Company headquarters and the Plans and Operations Team. The HR Company provides all command and control to the attached HR platoons. - Establish TG PAT Center (Inter-Theater APOD) Conduct Personnel Accountability Coordinate w/Joint and Sustainment Nodes for Support - Coordinate Onward Movement - Coordinate Transient Billeting - Execute Replacement Guidance (as needed) - Integrate DTAS Data Establish Intra-theater APOD PAT Operations - Conduct Personnel Accountability Coordinate onward movement - Integrate DTAS data
Organizational Design
TG PAT Organizational Design MISSION Provide personnel accountability support to the theater by coordinating and providing Joint Operations Area-level reception, replacement, and redeployment support to gain / maintain personnel accountability of transiting personnel. O3 42B00 CHIEF O2 42B00 DEP CHIEF E A4O SR HR SGT 2/1/6 9 TG PAT HQS 2/0/1 3 SHOW SLIDE: THEATER GATEWAY PAT A TG PAT center is an existence based organization in the SB. It may be employed in a theater opening mission to establish a JOA TG PAT Center. As the JOA matures, the TG PAT, and the augmenting HR Company, will transition to the JOA Distribution Mission. The TG PAT, with a supporting HR Company, is capable of supporting a population including other Services, multinational forces, contractors, DoD civilians, and U.S. government agencies when directed by Army Support to other Services and Joint Force Command orders. The TG PAT provides specialized PAT expertise and experience to oversee the entire spectrum of PAT functions from large scale unit reception missions (RSO&I) during TG to labor intensive R&R missions in sustainment operations. The modular structure allows the commander to add the necessary level of seniority and experience appropriate for a high visibility theater-level mission. The main functions of this team are to provide the supporting staff which will do all necessary coordination, planning and implementation for a large scale PAT mission during the various stages of an operation. The TG PAT consists of a Headquarters and Operations section led by a 42H LTC W A0 HR TECH E6 42A3O HR SGT E5 88N2O TRANS MGMT NCO E4 42A1O HR SPC E4 88N1O TRANS MGT COORD E3 42A1O HR SPC OPERATIONS SECTION 1/0/5 6 Rule of Allocation: One per Inter-theater Aerial Port of Debarkation.
Theater Casualty Operations
SHOW SLIDE: THEATER CASUALTY OPERATIONS NOTE: TRANSITION SLIDE. THIS IS AN OVERVIEW OF CASUALTY OPERATIONS. DETAILED INFORMATION ON CASUALTY OPERATIONS WILL BE PROVIDED IN A SEPARATE CLASS. Early planning is essential to efficient casualty operations. When casualties occur, HR systems must be in place to ensure information reaches the right people as quickly as possible and with 100% accuracy. Casualty reporting has a zero defect tolerance and procedural mistakes can not be allowed to occur as they could potentially lead to improper notification or false information being publicly released.
HR Key Function Casualty Operations Roles and Responsibilities
XXXX HRSC CAS OPS DIV PLANS/OPS XXX ASCC G-1 CORPS G-1 PLANS/OPS BRANCH PLANS/OPS BRANCH - Manage Theater Casualty System - Develop Casualty Policy - Ensure sufficient Casualty Force Structure available - Establish Theater CAC - Coordinate w/CMAOC - Establish Casualty Reporting Policy CAS SEC - Determine Casualty Structure required to support Theater Mission - Provide Casualty Technical guidance to all CLTs and BDE S-1 Sections - Operate Theater CAC - Receive and forward all Casualty Reports - Receive OPCON of all Casualty Plt HQs and CLTs CAS (-) CLT CLT When Acting as ARFOR SHOW SLIDE: HR KEY FUNCTION – CASUALTY OPERATIONS The Army/ASCC G-1 has the following responsibilities for casualty operations: Develop casualty operations plans and policies for theater and provide oversight. Establish and administer casualty reporting authorities for submission of casualty reports (3) Establish policy for the location of CLTs. (5) Coordinate w/TSC to ensure HRSC established the Theater CAC as part of theater opening operations. Advise the commander on the status of casualty operations. The HRSC is the Theater CAC for the deployed AOR/JOA and has the following responsibilities: (1) Execute casualty operations plans and policies developed by the ASCC G-1. (2) Serve as the casualty manager for the JOA. (3) Ensure connectivity is established with HRC-CMAOC. (4) Ensure initial casualty reports flow through the Theater CAC to HQDA no later than 12 hours from incident to submission of the initial casualty message. (5) Maintain casualty information of all theater personnel. (6) Manage and provide CLTs to Level III hospitals, (CSH, Joint and Multi-national treatment facilities which treat Soldiers) MA collection points, and other locations as designated by the ASCC G-1. (7) Submit initial, supplemental and change status casualty reports. (8) Synchronize casualty operations between the TSC, ASCC G-1, subordinate G-1s/S-1s, and MA activities. (9) Update the TSC commander on the status of casualties. CLT - Provide Casualty support Cbt Spt Hospitals, Mortuary Affairs, and G-1/AG - Ensure accurate and timely Casualty Reporting - Maintain Casualty Statistics - Operate DCIPS-CR/CF
Casualty Liaison Team (CLT)
MISSION: Provide accurate reporting and tracking of casualty info 0/0/6 6 CASUALTY LIAISON TM SQD LDR E6 42A HR SGT E5 42A HR SPC E4 42A (3) HR SPC E3 42A (1) Formed by the HR Platoon to support the Theater casualty operations mission Provide accurate casualty information (reporting and tracking) at MTFs, Mortuary Affairs Collection points, and higher HQs G-1/AGs, General Officer commands, and other locations as specified by the HRSC Also act as liaison for each affected commander SHOW SLIDE: CASUALTY LIAISON TEAM The CLT is staffed with one Team Chief (SGT/42A) and four HR Specialists (42A). CLTs are formed by the HR platoon to support the theater casualty operations mission. The CLT provides accurate casualty information (reporting and tracking) at MTFs, MA collection points, and higher headquarters G-1/AGs, General Officer commands, and other locations as specified by the HRSC. CLTs facilitate real-time casualty information for commanders. CLTs not only provide accurate casualty information, but they also act as a liaison for each affected commander. The CLT provides updated status reports to the affected unit and informs them if the Soldier is medically evacuated from theater. CLTs rely on the supported organization for daily life support. Each CLT requires the capability to communicate digitally and via voice, secure and non-secure, to theater (HRSC COD), HR platoon headquarters, and G-1/AG and S-1 sections of supported units. FM 1-0, para 2-92
SRC 12 Theater Structure CONUS Basing
COMPO 1 HR Units Endstate (FY21)
JBLM 31st HROC 112th MMT Tm 1 x Postal Plt CARSON 4th HROC 22nd HR Co 2 x HR Plts 1 x Postal Plt Illustrated: 3 HRSC; 11 HR CO ; 2 TG PA TM ; 22 HR PLT; 13 Postal PLT; 3 MMT; 13 HROC RILEY DRUM 6th HROC 258 HR Co 2 x HR Plts 1 x Postal Plt EUSTIS 52nd TG PA Tm 10th HROC 510th HR Co 2x HR Plt 1 x Postal Plt MMT HR TGPA BRAGG 14th HRSC 18th HROC HR HR MMT HRSC HR HR 125th MMT Tm 18th HR Co 2 x HR Plt 1 x Postal Plt OCONUS 8th HRSC 21st HROC 259 HR Co 2 x HR Plts 1 x Postal Plt (Hawaii) 1st HRSC 569th HR Co 2 x HR Plt x Postal Plt (Germany 2017) HROC 19 th HR Co 2 x HR Plt 1 x Postal Plt (Korea) TGPA MMT HR HR STEWART 7th HROC 90th HR Co 2 x HR Plt 1 x Postal Plt HR HOOD BLISS 5th HROC 178th HR Co 2 x HR Plt 1 x Postal Plt 13th HROC 23rd HROC 81st MMT Tm 502nd HR Co 2 x HR Plt 2 x Postal Plt CAMPBELL 11th HROC 9th TG PA Tm 101st HR Co 2 x HR Plt 1 X Postal Plt nd
COMPO 2 HR Units Endstate (FY21)
ARNG PA 213th HR Co 3 x HR Plt ARNG MN 147th HR Co 3 x HR Plt ARNG IL 633d TG PA Tm ARNG IN 138th TG PA Tm HR HR TGPA ARNG TN 105th HR Co 3 x HR Plt ARNG CA 49th HR Co 2 x HR Plt HR ARNG AK HR 49th TG PA Tm ARNG TX 149th HR Co 2 x HR Plt Illustrated: 0 HRSC; 5 HR CO; 3 TG PA TM; 13 HR PLT; 0 Postal PLT; 0 MMT; 8 HROC NG will invest in 8 HROCs by 2022
COMPO 3 HR Units Endstate (FY21)
USAR PA 864th TG PA Tm 316th MMT 444th HR Co 4 x Postal Plt USAR NY 408th HR Co 8 x Postal Plt OCONUS (Puerto Rico) 271st HR Co 4 x Postal Plt 1 X HR Plt (Germany) 406th HR Co 2 X HR Plt 1 X Postal Plt Illustrated Total: USAR IN 2 HRSC 14 HR CO 2 TG PA TM 23 HR PLT 81 Postal PLT 2 MMT 300th HR Co HR USAR WV 444th HR Co 2 x Postal Plt MMT TGPA HR USAR IL 300th HR Co 4 x Postal Plt 2 x HR Plt _ HR USAR VA HR _ 444th HR Co 1 x Postal Plt HR HR _ HR _ USAR NC 4 x Postal Plt USAR KY HR _ 2 x Postal Plt HR HRSC _ USAR SC HR USAR TN 678th HR Co HRSC HR TGPA _ _ HR HR 461st HR Co _ HR USAR GA 461st HR Co 4 x Postal Plt 1 x HR Plt USAR MS HR 814th TG PA Tm 3d HRSC _ HR USAR AL 678th HR Co 2 x Postal Plt USAR FL 912th HR Co 8 x Postal Plt 678th HR Co 461st HR Co 3 x HR Plt 678th HR Co 912th HR Co 1 x Postal Plt 461st HR Co 1 x HR Plt
COMPO 3 HR Units Endstate (FY19)
USAR WA 909th HR Co 2 x Postal Plt USAR MN USAR MT 478th HR Co 3 x Postal Plt 4 x Postal Plt 1 x HR Plt HR _ HR _ _ HR HR USAR UT 478th HR Co 4 x Postal Plt USAR IA USAR OR 909th HR Co 3 x Postal Plt 387th HR Co 2 x HR Plt _ HR USAR KS 387th HR Co 1 x Postal Plt HR _ HR USAR MO HR 387th HR Co 3 x Postal Plt HR USAR CA 806th MMT 376th HR Co 8 x Postal Plt 3 x HR Plt MMT _ HR _ HR USAR OK 328th HR Co 2x Postal Plt HR HR _ USAR TX 328th HR Co 4 x HR Plt 350th HR Co 4 x Postal Plt 2 x HR Plt HR USAR AZ 376th HR Co USAR LA 328th HR Co 2 x Postal Plt
Summary HR Theater Mission Brigade S-1 Operations
Theater HR/Sustainment Relationships Theater HR Organizations (Non SRC 12) Theater HR Organizations (SRC 12) and Key Functions HRSC HR Company Headquarters Theater Postal Operations** Personnel Accountability Teams (PAT) (formerly R5)** Theater Casualty Operations** SRC 12 Theater Structure (CONUS Basing) SHOW SLIDE: SUMMARY HR Theater Mission Brigade S-1 Operations Theater HR/Sustainment Relationships Theater HR Organizations (Non SRC 12) Theater HR Organizations (SRC 12) HRSC HR Company Headquarters Theater Postal Operations Overview only Personnel Accountability Teams (PAT) Overview only Theater Casualty Operations Overview only SRC 12 Theater Structure (CONUS Basing) **Overview only
Terminal Learning Objective
ACTION: Communicate Theater HR Operations CONDITIONS: Using readings, classroom discussions, presentations, doctrinal publications, personal experience and awareness of Operational Environment (OE), variables and actors. STANDARD: Demonstrate an understanding of Theater HR operations through classroom participation, practical exercises, and CPX/FTX events that include the following learning activities: Define the Theater HR Operations Mission Communicate Theater HR/Sustainment Relationships Identify Theater HR Organizations and HR Staff Elements Correlate HR Key Functions at each Echelon SHOW SLIDE: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE NOTE: Inform students of TLO. ACTION: Communicate Theater Human Resources (HR) Operations CONDITIONS: Using readings, classroom discussions, presentations, doctrinal publications, and personal experience. STANDARD: Students will meet the standard when they score 70% or higher on a knowledge based final exam covering the following learning activities: Define the Theater HR Operations Mission Communicate Theater HR/Sustainment Relationships Identify Theater HR Organizations and HR Staff Elements Correlate HR Key Functions at each Echelon 54
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