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Q2a In what ways does Figure 2 indicate that the town centre of Runcorn is in decline? (4 marks) Max 1 mark for listing without out clear reference to.

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Presentation on theme: "Q2a In what ways does Figure 2 indicate that the town centre of Runcorn is in decline? (4 marks) Max 1 mark for listing without out clear reference to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q2a In what ways does Figure 2 indicate that the town centre of Runcorn is in decline? (4 marks)
Max 1 mark for listing without out clear reference to photograph evidence For sale/to let sign – high order shops selling up due result of falling business Closed premises indicates lack of investment Graffiti/vandalism indicates socio/economic decline Low order shops indicates lack of demand by multiple chain stores Lack of pedestrians during day show lack of demand/decline of services Lack of local authority investment e.g. flower pots etc

2 Outline factors which have contributed to the decline of town centres such as that shown in Figure 2 (4 marks) Questions below 5 marks = point marking. 1 – 2 marks = describes factors affecting the CBD 3 – 4 marks = describes and explains factors by developing answers and linking ideas to wider issues High rents/force prices up so less competitive Traffic Out of town shopping centres Indoor shopping malls and high order shops On line shopping

3 How to construct a level 3 answer:
With reference to one or more case studies, evaluate the success of measures to regenerate urban central areas in the UK. (7 marks) How to construct a level 3 answer: Introduce question/issues – Urban regeneration strategies e.g. Gentrification /property-led regeneration and link to wider geographical ideas e.g. sustainable development/top-down/bottom up strategies Introduce case study, location/background information – need for regeneration – Specifics facts and figures e.g PARK HILL, SHEFFIELD Evaluate success/failure using specific named project detail developing vocabulary e.g. Urban renewal/ brownfield site Return to aim of question – overall success due to partnerships/stakeholders e.g affordable housing

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