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Class 5 GRE Vocabulary.

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1 Class 5 GRE Vocabulary

2 Advocate To speak in favor of Ex: Similar:
The vegetarian ADVOCATED a diet containing no meat. Similar: Champion support advocacy

3 Antipathy Extreme dislike Ex: Similar: Animosity hostility antagonism
The ANTIPATHY between the French and the English regularly erupted into open warfare. Similar: Animosity hostility antagonism Aversion enmity

4 Bolster To support; prop up Ex: Similar:
The presence of giant footprints BOLSTERED the argument that Sasquatch was not a myth. Similar: Brace support buttress Sustain uphold

5 Cacophony Harsh, confusing noise Ex: Similar:
The middle school orchestra created an almost unbearable CACOPHONY as they tried to tune their instruments. Similar: Din discord chaos clamor

6 Deride To speak of or treat with contempt; to mock Ex: Similar:
The awkward child was often DERIDED by his ‘cooler’ peers. Similar: Ridicule mock sneer Taunt scoff jeer

7 Dissonance A harsh and disagreeable combination; often of sounds Ex:
Cognitive DISSONANCE is the inner conflict produced when long-standing beliefs are contradicted by new evidence. Similar: Clash cacophony discord Friction strife

8 Enervate To reduce in strength Ex: Similar:
The guerillas hoped that a series of surprise attacks would ENERVATE the regular army. Similar: Debilitate enfeeble weaken sap

9 Eulogy Speech in praise of someone; often at a funeral Ex: Similar:
His best friend gave the EULOGY, outlining his many outstanding achievements and talents. Similar: Commend extol laud

10 Garrulous Tending to talk alot Ex: Similar:
The GARRULOUS parakeet distracted its owner with its continuous talking. Similar: Loquacious effusive

11 Ingenuous Showing innocence or childlike simplicity Ex: Similar:
She was so INGENUOUS that her friends feared that her innocence would be exploited by others in the large city. Similar: Guileless innocent unaffected naive

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