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Atomic Deanna Alex Stockli Kara Sean Rossignol Natalie Kyle

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Presentation on theme: "Atomic Deanna Alex Stockli Kara Sean Rossignol Natalie Kyle "— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Atomic, Burton, Dynastar, Elan, Rossignol, Stockli, and Volkl, Neversummer
Atomic Deanna Alex Stockli Kara Sean Rossignol Natalie Kyle Dynastar Conner Jess JD Elan Aleah Floriana Burton Evan Rachel Volkl Josh Nate Soy Sauce Neversummer Boo Alicia

2 Ski & Snowboard Tracks Parabolic? Sinusoidal? Circular?





7 Parabolic? Sinusoidal? Circular?

8 Source for next six slides:
Peter Andreas Federolf German Physicist now residing in Switzerland


10 Ski Dome, Neuss, Germany





15 The skiing community looks to YOU for your expertise
The skiing community looks to YOU for your expertise. Ski instructors across the globe are interested in how best to teach their pupils. Your company wants to be the leaders in the industry. You must investigate if the “best” path is sinusoidal, parabolic, or circular.

16 Discussion of Probable Models
Discuss all three models (sinusoidal, parabolic, circular) and rule one out as the least likely model. Be sure to record the major points from your discussion.

17 Modeling For the remaining two models, write an equation to model each function through two complete turns (one left and one right). For consistency, everyone should use this window: Hint: Depending on the models chosen, you may need to write two piecewise functions to complete both turns.

18 In addition, set your table values to every 0.05 fraction of a curve.

19 -150 -100 -50 50 100 150 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Data Fraction of a Turn Left Ski Position (in) 0.0 6 1.0 6 1.5 120 2.0 6

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