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Family Medical History Homework /

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1 Family Medical History Homework /
CANCER/ Family Medical History Homework / Food Label Scav. Hunt Copyright © Health Education Today, Inc. 2014

2 Pair / Share: If you feel comfortable sharing, tell your table partner if you know anyone who has/had health issues that were related to their diet or lack of exercise. (high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, joint problems, liver issues, ...

3 Nutrition Related Illnesses:
Unhealthy eating and inactivity contribute to 310,000 to 580,000 deaths each year according to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). That’s 13 times more than are killed by guns and 20 times more than by drug use.23

4 We know good nutrition prevents heart disease, so how about cancer???22
Scientists say they really do not know whether dietary changes will make a difference (in preventing cancer). And there lies a quandary for today's medicine. It is turning out to be much more difficult than anyone expected to discover if diet affects cancer risk. Therefore, knowing the warning signs is so vital:

5 7 Signs of Cancer:24 (as designated by the American Cancer Society)
CAUTION: C hange in bowel or bladder habits. A sore that does not heal. U nusual bleeding or discharge. T hickening or lump in the breast, testicles, or elsewhere. I ndigestion or difficulty swallowing. O bvious change in the size, color, shape, or thickness of a wart, mole, or mouth sore. N agging cough or hoarseness.

6 Also signs of Cancer: The following symptoms may also signal the presence of some form of cancer: Persistent headaches Unexplained loss of weight or appetite Chronic pain in bones or other areas of the body Persistent fatigue, nausea, or vomiting Persistent low-grade fever, either constant or intermittent Repeated instances of infection see Nutrition Day 11 for a great art project

7 ***People who use tanning beds more than
once a month are 55 percent more likely to develop malignant melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer. National Cancer Institute blue, green or gray eyes ・Instead of going to a tanning salon, try tanning sprays. -conduct a monthly skin self-exam looking for any abnormalities (like bumps or sores that don't heal) or moles that have changed size, color or shape. Be sure to check all areas. Have a friend or family member check your back. fair skin blond or red hair

8 Family Medical History Homework:
Heart Disease High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol...

9 Food Label Scavenger Hunt

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