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Southeast Environmental Research Center

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1 Southeast Environmental Research Center WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROJECT FOR DEMONSTRATION OF CANAL REMEDIATION METHODS FLORIDA KEYS Report of activities: Assessment of Canal Remediation Methods using Water Quality Data Before and After Remediation July 15, 2016 Presented to: Water Quality Program Canal Restoration Advisory Committee Henry O. Briceño, Alexandra Serna, Michael Absten, Sandro Stumpf, James Duquesnel

2 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Objective To provide data needed to make unbiased, statistically rigorous statements about the status and temporal trends of water quality parameters in the remediated canals Conceptual model The execution of the project includes two phases: Before remediation After remediation

3 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Water quality testing parameters Vertical profiles Continuous 24-hour recording (Diels) of physical-chemical data: %DO (Dissolved Oxygen) sat exceedances calculations: % readings below 42% saturation in a full day of diel data Water sampling for total nutrients analysis

4 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Water quality target DO (Dissolved Oxygen) criteria for Class III Waters Minimum DO saturation levels shall be as follows: 1. The daily average % DO saturation shall not be below 42 % saturation in more than 10 % of the values 2. The seven-day average DO % saturation shall not be 56 % more than once per year

5 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Project Canal # Model Zone TP (µg/l) TN (µg/l) Backfilling 29 9N 11 764 CONTROL 28 Weed Barrier 137 8N 132 Culvert installation 472 3S 8 138 Connection to 472-NEW 470 458 287 4N 12 221 Organic removal 290 Weed Barrier / organic removal 266 293 277 282 148 147 Pumping 278 459 Connection to 459 -NEW 460 Water quality target according to the FKRAD program Nutrient concentration, Total Phosphorus (TP) and Total Nitrogen (TN) according to model zones

6 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Tasks completed Legend: D (3-day Diels), S&B (Surface and Bottom water), N (Nutrient analysis) Project Canal # Model Zone FKC-01 FKC-02 FKC-03 FKC-04 FKC-05 FKC-06-Phase I FKC-06-Phase II Backfilling 29 9N 31-Mar-14 16-Oct-14 3-Jul-15 4-Feb-16 28-Apr-2016 D S&B CONTROL 28 27-Mar-14 Weed Barrier 137 8N 7-May-14 4-Nov-14 20-Jul-15 19-Feb-16 132 Culvert installation 472 3S 9-May-14 15-Oct-14 22-Apr-15 29-Apr-15 30-Jun-15 20-May-16 Culvert plugged July 2015  Culvert unplugged May 2016 Connection to 472-NEW 470 16-May-16 458 17-Feb-16 Air Curtain Weed Gate 287 4N 14-Oct-14 24-Jun-15 11-Feb-16 6-Jun-16 21-Jun-16 D S&B Organic removal (air curtain by homeowners) 290 11-Mar-16 24-Jun-16 D S&B Weed Barrier / organic removal 266 16-Jan-16 (muck removal) 20-May-2016 Weed Barrier 293 18-Feb-16 277 20-Apr-16 30-Jun-2016 D S&B 282 148 147 Pumping 278 459 Connection to 459 -NEW 460

7 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Demonstration canals included in this report First project: Backfilling at Canal #29 in Sexton Cove in Key Largo. Completed in July 2015. Second project: Culvert Installation to connect Canals #472 and #470, on Geiger Key. Completed in April 2015. Third project: Combined Organic Removal and Air Curtain Installation on Canal #266 at Drs. Arm and Avenue J in Big Pine Key. Completed in May 2016. FIU photo by J. Duquesnel – Canal #472

8 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Demonstration canals included in this report Fourth project: Organic Muck Removal Project on Canal #290 Avenue I on Big Pine Key. Completed in March 2016. Fifth project: Installation of a culvert under a roadway and private property connected two portions of Canal #277. Completed in May 2016. Sixth project: Air Curtain Weed Gate Installation for Canal #287 in Atlantic Estates on Big Pine Key. Completed June 2016. FIU photo by J. Duquesnel – Canal #472

9 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #29. Remediation technology: Backfilling. Completed Jul-15 LEGEND Oxygenation has improved significantly Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target Surface waters well oxygenated in most events before and after remediation Surveys showed increase %DO saturation in shallower new bottom waters after the canal's depth was risen from 35 feet to 8 feet

10 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #29. Remediation technology: Backfilling. Completed Jul-15 LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target TN show signs of improvement while TP still remain too high Pre-remediation and first post-remediation surveys rendered TP concentrations out of compliance Surface and Bottom TN concentrations in compliance in all events before and after remediation

11 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #472. Remediation technology: Culvert installation. Completed May-15 and was closed shortly after, unplugged May-16 LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target No definitive improving trend yet Surface waters well oxygenated during monitoring before and after remediation. Heavy seaweed build up observed in late May 2015 %DO saturation increased in bottom waters of remediated canal when culvert was opened the first time indicating an enhancement of natural tidal flushing

12 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #472. Remediation technology: Culvert installation. Completed May-15 and was closed shortly after, unplugged May-16 LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target No definitive improving trend yet Surface and Bottom TP concentrations out of compliance in most events before and after remediation Pre-remediation surveys rendered TN concentrations out of compliance

13 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #266. Remediation technology: Weed barrier/organic removal. Completed May-2016 LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target No definitive improving trend yet Pre and post-remediation surveys showed highly variable %DO saturation in surface waters Pre and post-remediation surveys rendered %DO saturation in bottom waters out of compliance

14 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #266. Remediation technology: Weed barrier/organic removal. Completed May-2016 LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target No definitive improving trend yet Surface and Bottom waters rendered TP concentrations out of compliance before remediation Pre-remediation surveys rendered TN concentrations out of compliance

15 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #290. Remediation technology: Organic removal. Completed Mar-16. LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target No definitive improving trend yet Surface waters do not meet %DO saturation target either in most events during monitoring before or after remediation. Notice that an existing air curtain weed gate owned by the homeowners was reinstalled but it allowed some seaweed to enter the remediated canal %DO saturation in bottom waters of remediated canal remains below target values in the first event after completion of vacuum dredging process to remove 5 feet of organic muck. Following removal of the much, a 6-inch sand layer was added to allow for benthic habitat proliferation

16 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #290. Remediation technology: Organic removal. Completed Mar-16. LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target Waiting for test results Surface and Bottom waters rendered TP concentrations out of compliance before remediation Pre-remediation surveys rendered TN concentrations out of compliance

17 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #277. Remediation technology: Culvert installation. 20-Apr-2016 LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target No definitive improving trend yet Surface waters well oxygenated in most events during monitoring before and after remediation. Water clarity with fish visible at the culvert entrance (MC, Jun 2016), although no differences in turbidity in S/B water has been observed after remediation (data no presented here) Lots of blue-green algae mat floating on surface (#282) and lots of (floating) Manatee Grass present in canal #277 %DO saturation in bottom waters of remediated canal remains below target values approx. 2 months after culvert was opened the first time

18 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #277. Remediation technology: Culvert installation. 20-Apr-2016 LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target No definitive improving trend yet Surface and Bottom TP concentrations out of compliance in most events before remediation Pre-remediation surveys rendered TN concentrations out of compliance

19 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #287. Remediation technology: Weed barrier. Completed Jun-16 LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target No definitive improving trend yet Surface waters well oxygenated during monitoring before and after remediation. %DO saturation in bottom waters of remediated canal remains below target values two weeks after the installation of the air curtain weed gate. Lots of suspended organic debris, settled on floats and sondes

20 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Canal #287. Remediation technology: Weed barrier. Completed Jun-16 LEGEND Favorable value above WQ target Negative value below WQ target No definitive improving trend yet Surface and Bottom waters rendered TP concentrations out of compliance before remediation Pre-remediation surveys rendered TN concentrations out of compliance

21 Southeast Environmental Research Center
Tentative work schedule Project Canal # FKC-07 Backfilling 29 25-Jul-16 D&N S&B CONTROL 28 Weed Barrier 137 132 Culvert installation 472 Connection to 472-NEW 470 458 Air Curtain Weed Gate 287 7-Aug-16 D S&B Organic removal (air curtain by homeowners) 290 Weed Barrier / organic removal 266 293 277 282 Legend: D (3-day Diels), S&B (Surface and Bottom water), N (Nutrient analysis)

22 Tentative deliverables schedule
Southeast Environmental Research Center Tentative deliverables schedule Task Due date following work execution Deliverable Quarterly monitoring FKC-06 90 days Progress report Reporting 90 days of the period end date Bi-annual report Quarterly monitoring FKC-07 Quarterly monitoring FKC-08 Quarterly monitoring FKC-09 90 days of the project period end date Final report

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