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Lecture 8b RESEARCH ROPOSAL OUTLINE 7th May 2018

2 Research Proposal Defined
A detailed description of research proposal submitted by a research worker or research group as a basis for tackling a given research topic or problem at hand. It contains a background, problem statement, justification, methodology, outcome expected, use of results, discussion, Conclusion/ recommendations, work plan, budget and literature review etc

3 Short/brief (max 15 words) Ought to contain dependent variable
Topic/Title Short/brief (max 15 words) Ought to contain dependent variable and independent variables

4 2. Abstract/Executive summary
A concise summary of a research paper or report in approximately 300 words Details to follow later

5 3. Introduction/Background
Significance of research, informed by literature review Backed by data from literature review Last paragraph to highlight Problem Statement

6 4. Introduction/Background
Keep in mind Problem statement, Gaps in knowledge are identified Research hinges on addressing gaps Justification/Rationale End with Problem Statement

7 5. Literature review Read extensively about past current issues on the topic and the problem identified, Support your write up, statements with references The citations will later help in: Materials and methods Discussion

8 6. Objective/Aim/Purpose
General Objective - broad but short like the title GO address the gaps, things undertaken by research Specific Objectives – expands on general objective Specific Objectives are generally > 1 can be 2,3 & 4

9 7. Research Questions/Hypothesis
These are statements based on objectives. Drives researcher to arrive at goals and outcomes .

10 8. Conceptual/theoretical framework
Relationship between dependent and Independent variables

11 9. Materials and methods This is how data is obtained
What you do get information Research design or procedures Scope of study Geographical location etc What will be used to conduct work

12 10. Implementation: Laboratory experiments Field investigations
Rapid appraisal Case study Feasibility study Survey Scope of the study,

13 11. Work plan/ Logical framework
A schematic or time table showing time line of accomplishing various tasks, procedures, within the research process from the beginning to completion. See sample work plan See sample Logical framework

14 12. Results and Discussions
Two topics but can be separate Findings Data collected Data analysis Uses various forma of presentation E.g. charts, graphs, histograms , pie charts tables figures, plates, pictures, Narratives Every form of evidence Appropriate references used to critiques results/discussion

15 Need for reporting to users Communicated to stakeholders
13. Expected outcome, use of results, To be stored properly Need for reporting to users Communicated to stakeholders Results reveal originality of a researcher Interest to donors/financier Should be positive Negative results are still accepted

16 14. Budget and its narrative
See sample proposal Narrative explains the budget line items Without a budget it is difficult to implement even a good proposal Accounting for budget is critical Monitored as project progresses Over expenditure is not acceptable Must be realistic with minimal variations Procurement is usually a challenge

17 15. Conclusion and recommendation
There must be a conclusion based on the results Conclusion and recommendations can be separate or combined Recommendations are based on the results and conclusion At this stage references are not cited Conclusion should point out at some questions that could not be answered bt which future workers may tackle Be precise in both conclusion and recommendations Do not state I conclude I recommend, rather say it is concluded that… or it is recommended that …

18 16. References or Bibliography
Can also be called literature cited Economists and Sociologists usually cite references as footnotes after every page Consult style manual for references Don’t list whatever you have not cited and vice versa Ensure you have read the doc/material you have cited Recall the lecture or discussion on PLAGIARISM – An offence punishable by court of law (jailed/fined) References are a MUST.

19 17. Annex/Appendix The following are usually included in the Annex/Appendix CVs of PI, co-workers and partners Institutional information, Questionnaire if used

20 Likely relevant Materials
Cover Page showing title of project; Name of PI and implementing institution; Dated signature of supervisors forwarding the proposal; Transmittal letter from PI or Head of an institution.

21 Questions and Answers How long can a full proposal be?
How does proposal differ from a Concept Note? What is a bankable proposal? Is a proposal still useful when a project is being implemented? If my proposal is deferred or rejected what Can I do? If I am a donor/financier, what do I do with rejected proposals? Can I make a living by writing proposals for institutions?


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