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INTRODUCTION Retail Management Solution supports bar code readers for faster checkout and inventory control, printing of barcode labels and designing.

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2 INTRODUCTION Retail Management Solution supports bar code readers for faster checkout and inventory control, printing of barcode labels and designing your own barcode numbers if your inventory items are not already bar-coded, count your inventory using our wireless barcode scanner software, either in real time or batched using a barcode inventory data collector.

3 FEATURES Efficient: With the aid of common barcode scanners and touch screen interfaces, you can process your sales quickly and efficiently. Easy to learn: No expensive training for staff as easy to learn.

4 FEATURES Flexible: Handles any combination of discounts, taxes, returns, credits and sales specials in one easy transaction. Easy to use: Requires minimum keystrokes and the mouse is never required (but you can use it if you want).

5 FEATURES Accommodating: If something is not in stock can send a customer order to the purchase order system Automatic: Applies automatic discounts or preferred price levels to special customers.

6 FEATURES Versatile: Prints sales slips, price quotes and account invoices. Secure: Can view and automatically calculated profit margins and stock counts. Customer-Oriented: Let you know to rewards your best customers with a bonus points program.

7 FEATURES Email: The email send to the regular customer regarding new scheme for new product. Modern: Works with all the modern retail devices including barcode, customer display, cash drawer, barcoded scales and runs on any network.

8 Benefits Save your time, increase accuracy and provide greater control over what happens at the sales counter. It will enhance operation, providing with increased speed, accuracy and control of inventory - all of which lead to increased profits and more time to focus on growing business.

9 Benefits The different schemes on the products can be defined and be known to the customer by messaging facility. The POS screen is designed to be fast and easy to use without leaving any product. Everything from suspending sales to creating price quotes - it's all available in this system.


11 Retail Management Detail Overview

12 DEFINITION The time and place in which a transaction is made, points of sale computer systems terminals. Reading product tags, updating inventory are some of the operations performed at the point of sale.

13 Overview Point of Sale application is software to operate a flexible and automated retail management system. In addition to integrating all the components of a Point of Sale system with a central computer terminal, Point of Sale software typically offers sophisticated organization capabilities. It provides for detailed financial reporting, enables inventory tracking in real-time, allows capture of all customer information for improved service and permits flexible product pricing configuration with checks to prevent your staff from selling at lower than designated rates.

14 POS Master Details Transaction Alteration Order Report Utility Security Modules include in POS system

15 Books Charges Tax Type Customer Supplier Item Details Branch Category Shift Employee Department Employee Address Type Country State City Currency Branch Terminal Gift Voucher Scheme Measurement Definition General Contact Message Bank 1.Master Details It contains information regarding following entities:

16 Books Book Master It manage details of Book type(Register), which is used for maintain transaction detail.

17 Charges It manage details of Charges, which is used for maintain Charges calculation amount on each Book type(Register) for Basic and Discount. Charges Master

18 It manage details of different Tax Type, which is used for maintain tax percentages applied to Item. Tax Type Tax Type Master

19 It manages details of Name, address, contacts, Family and credit that are required to track of transaction for to whom they made transaction. Customer Customer Master

20 It manages details of Name, address, contacts, credit, bank and brand that are required to track of transaction for to whom they made transaction. Supplier Supplier Master

21 Item Details It contains information regarding following entities: Department Group Subgroup Attributes SubAttributes UOM Item Ingredients Ingredient Price

22 Department It manage details of color code, sales register under dept., default discount selection for sales register,token number and employee details for each department. Department Master

23 Department It manage details of color code, sales register under dept., default discount selection for sales register,token number and employee details for each department. Department Master

24 Sub Group It contain details of local and export margin, attribute, contact person and measurement definition. SubGroup is define under Group. For example, under Men swear dept. define group as Men swear.Measurement Definition is used for define Mans or Womans part for define subgroup. SubGroup Master

25 Attributes It includes attribute information that will be used for define attribute of item.For example, Attribute define as Colour. Attributes Master

26 SubAttributes It includes subattribute information that is define under attribute. For example, subattribute Blue is define under Colour attribute. SubAttributes Master

27 UOM (Unit Of Measurement) It include information of UOM for define Unit of item. For example, Grams, Piece.. UOM Master

28 Item It include information of defined supplier, address, inventory, pricing and ingredient. Item Master

29 Ingredients It include information of ingredient that are used to make item. Also define unit of ingredient. Ingredient Master

30 Ingredients Price It include information of as on date ingredient price. Ingredient Price Master

31 Brand Brand Master It manages details of brand details of item that is define with supplier information.

32 Category Category Master It manages details for category of customer, supplier and transporter.

33 Shift Shift Master It manages shift details for employee. Define starting and ending time for shift.

34 Employee Department Employee Department Master It manages department details of employee.

35 Address Type Address Type Master It manages address type details for address. For example, Home,office..

36 Country, State and City It manages country,state and city details. All these are used for address details. Country MasterState Master City Master

37 Currency Currency Master It manages currency details as per country.

38 Branch Branch Master It manages address, transaction, financial and default register setting of Branch.

39 Terminal Terminal Master It manages payment type authentication from the define terminal.

40 Gift Voucher Generation Gift Voucher Master It manages gift details on some range of purchase amount by customer.

41 Scheme Scheme Master It manages scheme details.

42 Measurement Definition Measurement Definition Master It manages body part of male and female.

43 General Contact It manages category, address and contact details.

44 Bank Bank Master It manages bank details with commission.

45 General Transaction details Approval Details Branch Transfer Details 2. Transaction Details It contains information regarding following entities:

46 General Transaction Details It contains information regarding following entities: Goods Received Note Purchase Purchase Return Delivery Challan Sales Sales Return Cashier Cash pick Up Terminal wise cash Balance Item Alias Physical Stock Taken

47 Goods Received Note It manages details of inward items with supplier and item details including attributes, ingredient, price and tax type details.

48 Purchase It manages details of purchase items against GRN or purchase order with including attributes, ingredient, price and tax type details of item.

49 Purchase Return It manages details of purchase return items against purchase.

50 Delivery Challan Return It manages details of delivery challan against inward or outward item.

51 Sales It manages details of details of sales item with charges calculation.

52 Sales Return It manages details sales return including charges details against sales.

53 Cashier It manages details of Cash when process for sales is completed and customer comes with token for payment.

54 Cash Pick Up It manages details of Cash pick up from drawer of cash as per terminal and with terminal user wise.

55 Terminal wise Cash Balance It manages details of Terminal –opening balance,cash,cash pickup,actual cash and deficiency.

56 Item aliasing It manages creation of new Lot no. for item from old lot no. to change price of item.

57 Physical stock taken It manages difference of closing and actual physical quantity of item as per selection of date.

58 Approval Details It contains information regarding following entities: Goods Inward Approval(Supplier) Goods Return Approval(Supplier) Approval For Customer(Dispatch) Approval For Customer(Received)

59 Goods Inward Approval(Supplier) It manages inward item details against supplier for sample purpose.

60 Goods Return Approval(Supplier) It manages outward items to the supplier against goods inward from supplier that is given as sample.

61 Approval For Customer(Dispatch) It manages outward items to the customer as dispatch of item as sample.

62 Approval For Customer(Received) It manages received items from the customer against dispatch of item as sample.

63 Branch Transfer Details It contains information regarding following entities: Transfer In Transfer out

64 Transfer In It manages details of transfer in quantity that is transfer between branch.

65 Transfer Out It manages details of transfer out quantity that is transfer between branch.

66 3. Alteration Details It contains information regarding following entities: Alteration Return Alteration

67 Alteration It manages alteration details against sales when item come from alteration.

68 Return Alteration It manages alteration return details against alteration.

69 4. Order Details It contains information regarding following entities: Purchase Order Sales Order Quotation Purchase Order Cancel Sales Order Cancel

70 Purchase Order It manages purchase order details without or against Sales Order.

71 Quotation It manages sales order details with Item, charges and delivery address.

72 Purchase Order Cancel It manages purchase order cancellation against Purchase Order.

73 Sales Order Cancel It manages sales order cancellation against sales order.

74 Thank You…!!!

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