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Muscular System Lesson 2.

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1 Muscular System Lesson 2

2 How do our muscles work? TENDONS Elastic – STRETCH!
Elasticity is what moves your bones Muscles are attached to bones via? TENDONS

3 2 Types Voluntary System Involuntary System
Process occurs WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, just happens Not under your control Examples? Voluntary System Conscious Every other muscle in your body Jumping, move your pencil, kicking a ball Heart- breathe, heart beat Digestive System – the way food moves through your system

4 Muscle Movement Muscle Contracts = Muscle Relaxes =
Muscle made up of Muscle Fibers Shortens Lengthens

5 3 Types of Muscle

6 Lining of body’s internal hollow organs
Smooth Lining of body’s internal hollow organs Mainly digestive tract Passageway leading to the lungs Urinary tract INVOLUNTARY

7 Skeletal VOLUNTARY Attached to bone
majority of our muscles are skeletal Composed of long cells called fibers If exercised, become enlarged increase in diameter. (Not new ones) Not exercising will cause atrophy. VOLUNTARY

8 Cardiac INVOLUNTARY Forms wall of the heart
Responsible for why the heart contracts Heart contracts _______________ times each day to pump blood throughout your body. 100,000 INVOLUNTARY

9 Proper warm up and stretching
Care Exercise Good diet – protein Proper equipment Proper warm up and stretching

10 Muscular Problems Bruises AKA Contusion
Muscle Soreness – usually temporary Sore if you have not used them in awhile, or pushed beyond what they’re use to. Bruises AKA Contusion - blood vessels beneath the skin rupture; blow to the body

11 Muscle Problems cont. Strain/sprain – stretched/partly torn - P.R.I.C.E Tendonitis – injury, overuse, aging Hernia – organ/tissue protrudes through area of weak muscle - strain to lift heavy object

12 Muscular Dystrophy -inherited -can occur in children or adults
-skeletal muscle fibers progressively destroyed -may occur in certain groups of muscles or all -muscle weakness, loss of tissue


14 Muscular System

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