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Definitions. Definitions Cigarettes Diseases.

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions. Definitions Cigarettes Diseases."— Presentation transcript:


2 Definitions

3 Cigarettes

4 Diseases

5 O.T.C.

6 Alcohol

7 Laws

8 Def cig disease OTC Alcohol Laws $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 What is an addiction

10 What is smokeless tobacco

11 What is a stimulant?

12 What are carcinogens?

13 What is tar?

14 What is side stream Or second hand smoke?

15 term effects of smoking?
What are 3 short term effects of smoking?

16 What is mainstream smoke?

17 What are some of the dangers of Side stream and mainstream to children? (name 1)

18 About how many Chemicals are found in Cigarette smoke?

19 The most common Fatal cancer caused By smoking

20 Smokers than non-smokers
An inflammation Of the bronchi In the lungs That is more common in Smokers than non-smokers

21 A smoking related disease that severely reduces lung capacity making it harder to breath

22 Inside of a smokeless tobacco
Thickened, white, Leathery spots on the Inside of a smokeless tobacco User’s mouth

23 Is caused by smokeless tobacco
92% of this kind of cancer Is caused by smokeless tobacco

24 What are Two important Pieces of information On a PRESCRIPTION Drug label?

25 the difference between
What is the difference between A drug and a medicine

26 therapeutic substance
This is the therapeutic substance in a medicine

27 a person from contracting a disease usually
This is a substance that helps prevent a person from contracting a disease usually contains a weakened or dead form of the virus

28 This effect happens when two Are combined and the results are
Or more medicines Are combined and the results are Greater than if taken alone

29 The type Of alcohol Found in alcoholic beverages

30 Drinking more than 5 drinks in one sitting In a relatively short Amount of time

31 A dangerous condition That occurs when a Person drinks a large Amount of alcohol In a short period Of time

32 Is alcohol a stimulant Or a depressant?

33 The state in which a person’s Control is significantly reduced
Mental and physical Control is significantly reduced Because of alcohol

34 What does BAC Stand for

35 What is the legal BAC limit for driving A vehicle?

36 What is the Law of implied consent?

37 Line, touching your finger To a pencil point, and standing on
Walking in a straight Line, touching your finger To a pencil point, and standing on One foot are called ________ Tests.

38 How much does your Insurance go up after One DUI?

39 Final Jeopardy Vocabulary

40 Physiological dependence
Final Jeopardy Physiological dependence

41 A condition where a user has a visceral need for the drug
Final Jeopardy A condition where a user has a visceral need for the drug

42 designed by Matt Hamlyn Beaumont Middle School Lexington, KY
Si hoc legere scis, nimium eruditionis habes.

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