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Functions of Sugar in Food

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1 Functions of Sugar in Food

2 B-3.02 -- Functions of Sugar in Food
Sugar is a “simple carbohydrate”. Sugar has six main functions in food: Sweetener Preservative Tenderizer Crystallization Caramelization Fermentation B Functions of Sugar in Food

3 B-3.02 -- Functions of Sugar in Food
Sweetener Level of sweetness in food: Fructose is the most sweet. Lactose is the least sweet. Sweeter the sugar – the more simple the molecule. B Functions of Sugar in Food

4 B-3.02 -- Functions of Sugar in Food
Preservative Sugar helps prevent food spoilage. Hygroscopic – attracts water. B Functions of Sugar in Food

5 B-3.02 -- Functions of Sugar in Food
Tenderizer Sugar helps tenderize dough. Sugar inhibits gluten formation. Increases flow properties of batter. B Functions of Sugar in Food

6 B-3.02 -- Functions of Sugar in Food
Crystallization Common in candy making. Control so have a good quality product. B Functions of Sugar in Food

7 Factors that Affect Crystallization
Five factors produce finer sugar crystals in candy: Type of sugar -- sucrose Interfering agents - corn syrup, butter, acid,invert sugars Agitation -- beating and stirring of candy solution Cooling – approximately 45C before agitation Ripening -- forms a creamy, smooth texture B Functions of Sugar in Food

8 B-3.02-Functions of Sugar in Food
Caramelization Sugar changes into a brown liquid Exposed to prolonged heat Dehydration of water Flavor changes Examples: Brown crust on baked goods Evaporated milk B-3.02-Functions of Sugar in Food

9 B-3.02 -- Functions of Sugar in Food
Fermentation Sugar serves as the food supply for microorganisms. Used to make beer and yeast breads. B Functions of Sugar in Food

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