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By: Kailee, Gracie, Jimmy

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1 By: Kailee, Gracie, Jimmy
50’s By: Kailee, Gracie, Jimmy

2 What Is the 50’s? The 1950s was a decade that had started on January 1, and then ended on December 31, The 1950s were more than just about poodle skirts and rock and roll. The 1950s were when people expressed themselves.

3 Fashion and Fads Lifestyles The Baby Boom, Women’s Roles, Television and Suburbia Food & Beverages Popular foods are clam dip, california dip, baked Alaska and sushi, Duncan Hines and Betty Crocker Clothing Styles Poodle skirts and pony tails for girls. Blue jeans, flat tops and crewcuts for boys Recreation -

4 Arts and entertainment
Music: Jailhouse Rock, Hound Dog, Rag Mop, and Blue Suede Shoes, Literature:The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Charlotte’s Web, Flowers For Algernon, and The MidWife: A Memoir of Birth, Joy,and Hard Times. Paintings: Reed Paper Foden, Pickfords Diamond, and 1953 Nash Rambler. Theaters: A Bow Growing Up, The Cocktail Party, The Diary of Anne Frank and The Honeys Music: Literature: Painting: Plays:

5 Arts and entertainment
Dance: The Bop, The Stroll, Swing, The Hand Jive, The Madison, The Cha Cha, and the Rock and roll. TV:I Love Lucy, Father Knows Best, Make Room For Daddy, The Adventures Of SuperMan, and I Married Joan. Celebrities: Bob Hope, Rock Hudson, Gleen Ford, Marilyn Monroe , and Doris Day Dance: Tv: Celebrities:

6 War And politics Some of the Political Leaders are Lee Kuan Yew, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, S. Rajaratnam, and Lim Kim San. Enemies and Allies:The Soviet Union who had been allies with US, had now became the enemies. The allies for the US during the 1950s were Japan. Wars and Military Action: The Cold War had started around 1950s.

7 WAR AND POLITICS Political Event and Movement: Many movements had happened in the 1950s. There was the Brown vs Board, and Rosa Parks. Presidents: Dwight D. Eisnhower.

8 Technology, Science and Innovations
Frank McNamara came up with the idea of credit cards in the 1950s when he went to supper with a dinner partner. He’s partner had forgot his wallet. And that gave frank the idea. The idea was that you would have a card that will be accessible at all times with money in it.

9 sports Major League Baseball was the most popular sport in the beginning of the 1950s. Then in the 1950s boxing was the main sport around. By the end of the 1950s the national football league was popular in the fall.

10 Disasters In 1952 there was a Tsunami in Borneo, Indonesia that killed 4,000 people In tornados hit the U.S, the Flint tornado in Michigan it killed 115 people, the Waco tornado in Texas that killed 114 people and the Worcester tornado In Massachusetts that killed 94 people In 1954 Hurricane Hazel hit Haiti,Canada,U.S,Grenada and the Bahamas.

11 Work Sited 1950s/ in-the-50/

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