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Mitosis & The Cell Cycle

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Presentation on theme: "Mitosis & The Cell Cycle"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitosis & The Cell Cycle
SPI.1.6 Determine the relationship between cell growth and cell reproduction.

2 Why Cells go through Mitosis. . .
Multicellular Unicellular Growth Repair Reproduction Binary fission

3 metaphase THE anaphase telophase prophase CELL CYCLE ~ 1 The Life
M I T O S I S metaphase THE CELL CYCLE ~ anaphase prophase telophase 1 G2 (Gap 2) The Life Cycle of The Cell cytokinesis 2 3 Parts in the Cell Cycle Interphase* Mitosis Cytokinesis G1 (Gap 1) S-Phase (DNA Self- Replication)

4 Mitosis Purpose: Form TWO Nuclei Goal: Same kind of DNA
Same number of DNA Amoeba Sisters video link on mitosis


6 Karyotype

7 DNA Chromosome Condensed (wrapped up) Chromatin Thin thread like
Chromatid 2 chromosomes held together by a centromere

8 INTERPHASE: Gap 1 MITOSIS Gap 2 S-phase Normal cell functions
INTERPHASE is not a stage of mitosis ! Gap 2 S-phase Prep for Mitosis Synthesis of DNA Biological Science, a Molecular Approach. BSCS Blue Version. Heath and Company, 1996.

9 Interphase Nucleolus visible Nuclear membrane present DNA- chromatin
Centrioles Nuclear membrane present DNA- chromatin

10 Prophase Spindle forms Centrioles migrate to poles of the cell
nuclear membrane disappears chromosomes condense nucleolus disappears

11 Metaphase Chromatids line This organizes the DNA up in the MIDDLE
____________ Chromatids line up in the MIDDLE of the cell This organizes the DNA Middle of the cell is called the equator..

12 Anaphase Chromatids move AWAY… Chromatids separate & move towards
__________ Chromatids move AWAY… Chromatids separate & move towards the poles

13 Nuclear membrane reforms
Telophase Chromosome unwind into chromatin Spindle fibers disappear Nuclear membrane reforms Nucleolus reappears

14 Which Stage? 1 5 2 3 6 4 7

15 Cytokinesis The division of the cytoplasm and the rest of the cell besides the nucleus.

16 Cytokinesis Plant Animal Cell Plate Inside  Out Cleavage Furrow
Outside  In


18 Cancer Uncontrolled cell growth
Cells do not respond to regulation signals Cause tumors Defect in tumor suppressor gene Video on Cancer on Cancer heading

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