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2 Sources of employment law in Britain
a number of relevant statutes (e.g. Employment Act, 2008; Employment Relations Act, 2004; Equality Act, 2010, etc.) case law as the basis for determining employee status (e.g. full-time or part-time employment) STATUTORY RIGHTS Minimum wage, non-discrimination The right to equal pay for like work The right to sick and parental leave The right to be represented by a trade union

3 Employment contract Read the text, p
Employment contract Read the text, p. 189 and complete the graphical presentation. A contract of employment regulates relationship between Conclusion of the contract → rights + obligations for the parties HOWEVER, imbalance of bargaining power (empolyee = a weeker party) → a minimum statutory protection _____________ ____________

4 Employment contract Read the text, p
Employment contract Read the text, p. 189 and complete the list of wirtten particulars / elements of the contract. Element of a contract of employment include: Names of _____________________ The date ______________________ ___________________ details ___________________ hours Holiday ________________ Regulation of sick ________________________ Pension _________________________ It can also include….

5 End of employment REASONS for termination of employment
a) by the employer Expiration of a fixed-term contract (by mutual agreement) 2. Being made redundant (redundancy payments) Gross misconduct – summary dismissal b) by an employee Resignation in the agreed notice period Unfair treatment / discrimination  a claim for constructive dismissal

6 Employment disputes PROBLEMS in the employer – employee relationship
informal amicable solution Internal procedures laid down by the employer (disciplinary procedures, handling employee complaints) Assistance by a third party, a mediator / an arbiter – ADR procedure (alternative dispute resolution procedure) A lawsuit before a county court / an employment tribunal

7 An employment tribunal
THREE MEMBERS a chairperson (a barrister or a soliciter) the firts lay person (representative of a relevant industry) the second lay person (experience in treade union activities) Tribunals less formal than regular courts, hierarchy: 3. instance: Court of Appeal 2. instance: Employment Appeals Tribunal, E.A.T. 1. instance: Employment Tribunal

8 Available legal remedies Read the text, p. 190 and complete the notes
R___________ (returning to previous position) R __________ (another position with the same employer) Explain the difference in the position of tribunals and county courts in awarding compensation.

9 VOCABULARY WORK Find English expressions for the following Croatian phrases:
Poslodavac i posloprimac Ugovor o radu Raskinuti ugovor o radu Kolektivan ugovor Plaća, naknada za rad Radno vrijeme Bolovanje i porodiljni dopust Pravo na godišnji odmor

10 VOCABULARY WORK Find English expressions for the following Croatian phrases:
Raskid radnog odnosa Biti proglašen tehnološkim viškom Izvanredni otkaz Dati otkaz (od strane poslodavca) Dati otkaz (od strane posloprimca) (prizivni) sud za radne sporove Vraćanje na radno mjesto (kao pravno sredstvo) Sudskim putem dodijeliti odštetu

11 Part II – Discrimination in the Workplace
Read the text, p. 193 and do the following tasks: Explain the term discrimination. Name six types of prohibited conduct a) explain each of them b) translate into Croatian c) think of exemplas / situations for each type

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