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Published byFritzi Kerner Modified over 6 years ago
Silicon Strip Tracker MPR November 2004 CMS TRACKER COLLABORATION
Gigi Rolandi CMS Tracker Project Manager on behalf of the CMS TRACKER COLLABORATION November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
SST Layout Support tube with Thermal Screen
Outer Barrel --TOB- Inner Barrel & Disks –TIB & TID - End Caps –TEC 1&2- 2,4 m Support tube with Thermal Screen TID 2x (408 modules on 3 disks) TIB 2724 modules integrated on 16 shells TOB modules integrated on 688 rods TEC 2x ( 3200 modules integrated on 144 petals) November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Achievements (1) The CMS concept for large rate silicon module production was demonstrated. We built more than 2000 final modules (out of 15000). High production rates were sustained in all centers during production or in trials of the production runs. Modules are tested using centrally produced hardware and common and calibrated procedures. We built and distributed large number of custom made cheap test stations. All information about production and testing is stored in a very efficient database used daily for production monitoring. The quality of the modules is very high. We have a well maintained DAQ system (in X-DAQ) able to read large number of modules and we have prototypes of the final electronics integrated in the system. They are currently used for test beams and integration. Dire quanti metri quadri e/o quante volte babar… November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Achievements (2) We tested large scale prototypes on test beams using final DAQ (X-DAQ) and electronics. The FE electronics and the readout system were validated on the first 25 ns beam (2001 ???). Optoelectronics, FED, FEC and Power Supplies on schedule And very important for the integration: We completed the procurement of all large CF parts for the supporting structures and many of them have been already assembled. We produced a very large number of mock-ups that have been used for many integration studies (cabling…) and installation trials November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
“Recent” problems and solutions (1)
Quality of Thick silicon sensors Bulk of the production shifted to HPK . All sensors have been ordered Quality of the FE Hybrids Also due to lack of quality control at the firm (that has eventually changed ownership). Improved quality control at the firm and in CMS. Quality of kapton Production redone but not on critical path due to other delays Quality of TOB rods board assembly Changed firm not on critical path due to other delays November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
“Recent” problems and solutions (2)
Quality of the TEC petal manifold Solved only recently and near to the critical path for petal assembly Clearance TIB+TOB / TEC interface Changed layout of TIB-TID cables on the flange Construction tolerances of the alignment prisms Changed the design of the alignment link to muon system November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Sequence for Construction
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Support Tube and Thermal Screen sequence for construction
Construction of the support tube Construction of the thermal screen Integration of the thermal screen in the support tube November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
TOB sequence for construction
Construction of the TOB modules Construction of the rods Integration of modules on the rods Construction of the TOB structure and insertion in the support tube Integration of the rods in the TOB structure/support cylinder November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
TIB/TID– sequence for construction
Construction of the TIB modules Construction of the shells Integration of the TIB modules on the shells Construction of the TID modules Construction of the of the disks Integration of the TID modules on the disks Assembly of 8/16 shells to form ½ TIB Assembly of 3 disks to form 1 TID Integration of ½ TIB and 1 TID Installation in the TOB Integration in the support tube } 2x November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
TEC sequence for construction
Construction of the TEC modules Construction of the petals Integration of modules on the petals Construction of 2 x TEC structures Integration of the petals in the TEC structures 2x Installation of the TEC structure in the support cylinder November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
The next 7 (hidden) slides show the managerial structure of the project and the share of the responsibilities. You have them in the file and I will show them on request The Tracker Steering Committee has weekly meetings for executive decisions and monitors the advancement of the project including weekly reports from the module production centers November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Overview of Support tube and thermal screen production
Hardware is in hand Assembly and tests will be finished by February 2005 November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Overview of module construction
Sensors are delivered to the gantries after QC steps Frames are delivered to the gantries Hybrids and pitch adapters are delivered to CERN Hybrids and PA are assembled at CERN Hybrids and PA are bonded ½ at CERN and ½ in US Assembled hybrids are delivered to the gantries Modules are assembled and delivered to the bonding centers Modules are bonded Modules are tested November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Parts delivery In the following transparencies I will discuss schedule. The main assumption is that the delivery of FE Hybrids and Thick Sensors follows the agreed delivery schedules. We recently agreed with Cicorel a delivery schedule We ordered recently to HPK the last lot of 4900 sensors. November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
FE Hybrid delivery schedule
Weeks in 2005 November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Thick Sensors delivery schedule
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Can we build modules at high rate, essentially following hybrids delivery?
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Rate of Hybrid and PA Assembly at CERN
Sustained rate in 2004 with less manpower : 350 assembly/week Availability of parts: pitch adapters are in hand – hybrids follow the schedule November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
TIB and TOB Module construction
TIB : max rate of delivery of assembled hybrids is 80% of the available assembly rate in Italy as sustained in During 2004 we built a large TOB and TEC module construction capacity in US. TOB : max rate of TOB hybrid delivery is 90% of the sustainable rate in US and 70% of the peak rate in US Availability of parts: Assembled hybrids follow the schedule other parts in hand November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
TEC Module construction
A substantial part of TEC modules will be built in US. The Available module assembly rate depends on the capacity that is free after TOB production. During the first production phase (Jan 05- Aug 05) we have enough spare capacity. In the last 4 months the available capacity for module assembly just matches the rate of assembled hybrids, introducing a delay in the assembly of the last TEC module. November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Why we believe we can sustain large module production rates ?
We validated the CMS concept for module production in many ways We produced more than 2000 modules TIB & TEC and we sustained large rates when hybrids were not limiting the production We produced large number of modules on the other gantries and we sustained high rates for periods of at least 1 week. We studied in detail the procedures and we have taken measure to make it robust During 2004 we have invested large resources to augment the module production capacity in USA, that serves both TOB and TEC The numbers that we quote are robust and based on thorough studies and direct experience November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Can we integrate the subdetectors in time ?
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Overview of TOB integration
See talk Construction of the rods TOB rods mechanics is assembled in Finland and delivered to CERN TOB rods are integrated with electronics at CERN and delivered to US Modules are built in US and integrated on rods. Rods are tested and delivered to CERN Rods are accepted Mechanical structure is built and inserted in the support tube Group of rods (8-22) are integrated in the structure, cabled and tested November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Overview of TOB production
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Overview of TOB production
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
TOB critical path Since the available assembly rate of modules and of rods is larger than that of assembled hybrids, The delivery of the assembled hybrids gives the critical path Once we are integrating on the structure we could do more with more manpower and is the integration rate that gives the critical path November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Overview of TIB-TID production
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
TIB-TID critical path 1) Delays in the delivery of the major components needed for the integration (mostly the TID) 1a)TID (modules, mother cables, DOM for the D1/D2/D3FWD) modules 04/04/05 mother cables 28/02/05 DOM 25/02/05 1b) TID rings and disks 25/03/05 2) Delays in the commissioning of the TIB/TID assembly tool and of the burn-in procedure. 2a)TIB/TID assembly tool 24/01/05 2b) Burn/in procedure 22/02/05 November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Overview of TEC integration
See talk Construction of the petals Petal mechanics + motherboards are built in Aachen and delivered to the 7 Petal Integration Centers (PIC) Modules are built in several centers and delivered to PIC Petals are integrated with electronics and with modules, tested and delivered to the two integration centers Two mechanical structures are assembled and integrated with cables and ribbons ready to receive the petals TEC+ is integrated Aachen and shipped to CERN TEC- is (partially) integrated in Lyon and shipped to CERN November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Overview of TEC production
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Overview of TEC production
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
TEC Critical Path As explained already before, the critical path is given by the hybrid delivery at the beginning of the production and by the module construction capacity at the end of the delivery The petal production rate is ok and – in the present model – limited to lower rate near the end due to availability of modules of a given flavor. To be checked if can be optimized The foreseen integration rate is comfortable for TEC+ and less for TEC-. To be seen if one can advance the start petal integration on TEC-. November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Do we learn from the past ?
November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Time evolution of the Tracker schedule
Here I say that 1)the time allotted for final integration did not change in the years 2)the time allotted to module construction has diminished and the module construction rate increased. 3) I said previously this is justified by the experienced gained with the first 15% of the production and with the large investment we made in US to upgrade the module production capacity November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Module production rates
Essentially this transparency is to justify why we have today lower rates than at the AR04. Here I say that at AR04 we did not know yet the hybrid schedule, so I essentially used the max rates in the three subdetectors. Actually what copes with the hybrid rates (but from TEC at end of production) is indicated in the column NOW. What we need globally is just below of what we have (as already discussed before) TOB and TEC production are nested see slide 29 Test capabilities increased accordingly to the production rates November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Risks in the schedule (1)
Delivery of FE hybrids and their quality No contingency against another failure. Improved QC Delivery of Sensors Present schedule has small contingency: last TEC sensor arrives 2 months before last TEC assembled hybrid Discuss with HPK November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Risks in the schedule (2)
Major failure of a Gantry We have a maintenance policy and we know from experience that we have been able to repair the rare failures we had in ~ 2 weeks. If we need to replace one of the gantries with the back-up gantry ( very unlikely event) it will take two months. Failure of a bonding machine Less impact due to the larger redundancy Increase the number of spare parts Stock of modules in the 7 petal assembly centers Problems with uniform module delivery Concentrate resources in fewer centers if needed November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Simple analysis of the schedule (1)
After we agreed with Cicorel on a schedule for the delivery of the FE Hybrids we propagated it through the construction process. At the same time we had a critical look to the integration procedures. We identified two main changes in the procedure that create contingency. Delivery of partially integrated TEC- at CERN. This saves the time needed for testing TEC- after the transport. Nested integration sequence: TOB+ , TIB+, TOB- (in parallel), TIB-. This allows a sequential integration of TIB+ and TIB- and we can profit of the experience in integrating TIB+ when integrating TIB-. November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Integration schedule November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Simple analysis of the schedule (2)
TEC+ and TEC- are integrated independently and independently of TOB and TIB-TID. They can be inserted in the Tracker at the last moment. The delivery of the Tracker is driven by two largely independent paths TOB and TIB/TID integration that is correlated with the delivery of TOB modules TEC- integration that is correlated with the end of the delivery of TEC modules Ariella will present the details of the integration schedule in the next talk. It foresees the delivery of the Tracker to CMS by September 2006 November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Contingency in the schedule
We have assumed an Hybrid delivery rate that is 10% lower than what agreed with the company. TOB-TIB Line (TOB+ , TOB- , TIB-) Module delivery follows hybrid delivery: contingency in the assembly rate (20%) . The delivery of the last TOB rod has a float of 3 months The delivery of TIB- has a large float The integration has internal contingencies. In parallel one can use extended shifts during the integration time. Hard limit is the delivery of the last TOB rod that has a float of 3 months wrt the end of the TOB integration Once TOB- is integrated TIB- takes 64 working days for integration November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Contingency in the schedule
TIB+ and TEC+ lines are not critical TEC- line Contingency in the module assembly rate (20%) may be used to accelerate the delivery of the last TEC module/petal The delivery of the last petal has a float of 2 months After the integration of the last petal, the schedule has 20 days of contingencies and 20 days of cold test. November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Availability of Manpower for construction
During 2004 large manpower for hybrid assembly and for module has been “idle” waiting for parts to mount. ( ~ 100 people) The delays induced by the technical problems on the hybrids and on the sensors have caused a large loss of money on the exploitation budget of the European institutes and on the CMS budget of the US institutes All institutes are committed to provide the manpower for the Tracker construction in the coming years. In the next month we will make a survey in the institutes to evaluate the resources needed to create contingency by increasing manpower on critical tasks. November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
Conclusions The project has accumulated very important delays due to technical problems in the FE hybrids and in the Thick Sensors The problems with the Thick Sensors have been solved The production of the FE hybrid has restarted after a thorough review of the project. We have taken measures to minimize the impact of these delays on CMS We are confident that if the part delivery continues as foreseen we can deliver with contingency the Tracker to CMS by fall 2006. November 2004 MPR 04 Gigi Rolandi
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