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Microscopes Defending Against Infection Bacterial Classification

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Presentation on theme: "Microscopes Defending Against Infection Bacterial Classification"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microscopes Defending Against Infection Bacterial Classification Characteristics of Bacteria Bacterial Reproduction & Roles Bacterial Nutrition $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 3 shapes that bacteria can be classified by

3 What is bacilli, cocci, spirilla?

4 Term for the arrangement into pairs

5 What is diplo?

6 Bacteria that stain violet when exposed to gram stain

7 What is Gram positive bacteria?

8 Difference between strepto & staphylo

9 What is strepto is arranged in chains & staphylo is arranged in clusters?

10 Explains why gram – bacteria is the colour it is

11 What is the thinner cell wall due to less peptidoglycan?

12 Original name for the Kingdom that included all bacteria

13 What is Monera?

14 What differentiates Eubacteria from Archaebacteria

15 What is peptidoglycan in the cell walls & habitat?

16 Term given to organisms that lack a nucleus & membrane-bound organelles

17 What is prokaryotic?

18 ? ?

19 What is pili & ribosome?

20 Dormant structure made by bacteria when environmental conditions become harsh

21 What is an endospore?

22 Objective lens you would use to scan for your specimen because it gives you the largest field of view.

23 What is the low objective lens?

24 The power that has the least depth of field.

25 What is the highest power?

26 This type of microscope uses beams of electrons to create 3D images of a specimen’s surface.

27 What is the scanning electron microscope (SEM)?

28 Daily Double!!

29 This is how our lab microscopes are similar and different from simple microscopes.

30 What is they both use light & lenses but our microscopes use 2 lenses so are more powerful?

31 Differences between SEM and TEM.

32 (transmission electron microscope) (scanning electron microscope)
TEM (transmission electron microscope) SEM (scanning electron microscope) magnifies X does NOT magnify as much as TEM examines INSIDE a specimen examines OUTSIDE a specimen must use VERY thin sections thickness does NOT matter images in 2D images in 3D

33 A drug or natural compound that can kill or inhibit bacterial growth

34 What is antibiotics?

35 3 ways to defend against bacterial infections.

36 What are prevention (wash hands, sanitation, etc
What are prevention (wash hands, sanitation, etc.), food preservation, and antibiotics?

37 Methods of using heat or chemicals to slow down/stop bacterial growth.

38 What is sterilization, refrigeration, cooking, canning, pickling, freezing, drying?

39 Antibacterial agent that cleans surfaces but is not safe to apply to skin.

40 What are disinfectants?

41 Three examples of bacterial diseases.

42 What are strep throat, salmonella,ear infections, tooth decay, etc. ?

43 Bacteria that can’t make their own food so must injest/absorb nutrients.

44 What are heterotrophic bacteria?

45 Bacteria that feed on dead and decaying material

46 What are saprophytes?

47 Bacteria that are killed by oxygen

48 What are obligate anaerobes?

49 Bacteria that can live with or without oxygen

50 What are facultative anaerobes?

51 Method bacteria uses to release energy aerobically versus anaerobically

52 What cellular respiration (aerobic) & fermentation (anaerobic)?

53 Difference between asexual & sexual reproduction

54 What is asexual reproduction generates offspring that are genetically identical to a single parent & in sexual reproduction, two parents contribute genetic information to produce an offspring with genetic variation?

55 Sexual reproduction (genetic exchange) in which bacteria exchange genetic material

56 What is conjugation?

57 Asexual reproduction of bacteria

58 What is binary fission?

59 Ecological roles of bacteria

60 What is producers, decomposers, nitrogen fixation?

61 Human uses of bacteria

62 What is production of food/beverages, sewage treatment, clean up oil spills, genetic engineering, production of vitamins

63 Final Jeopardy

64 Bacteria and and the Microscope

65 If 100 bacteria fit across the oil immersion field of view, this is the size of one bacterium.

66 What is approx. 1.8 micrometers (180÷100)?

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