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Where does Earth’s energy come from?

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Presentation on theme: "Where does Earth’s energy come from?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where does Earth’s energy come from?

2 INcoming SOLar radiATION
INSOLATION A fancy word for energy coming from the sun. The Sun’s insolation gives Earth’s light & heat energy. Insolation

3 Earth’s Primary Source of Energy is Solar Radiation
Solar radiation is a form of Electromagnetic Energy (EM energy) EM energy travels in the form of waves Waves with short wavelengths have high energy (inverse relationship) EM energy is given off by all moving particles. (Therefore any substance with a temperature above absolute zero) Crest Crest Trough

4 Which wave has more energy, A or B?

5 there are seven different kinds of “light” is energy.
*electromagnetic energy ( or EM radiation): is the scientific name for “light”.

6 ESRT Page 14 the seven types

7 The light’s wave length (LENGTH OF THE WAVE) is what differentiates each type of light.

8 radio waves have the longest waves &
are the least energetic kind of light

9 Gamma ray have the shortest waves &.
are the most energetic kind of light

10 infrared radiation is the thing we call “HEAT”!

11 “visible” light is the light human eyes can see
“visible” light is the light human eyes can see. the colors of THE RAINBOW (ROY G.BIV)

12 The heat organisms radiate (give off) is infrared radiation!

13 Fun fact: snakes can see infrared light

14 Astronomers use infrared telescopes see the heat given off by celestial (space) objects

15 Humans have use radio waves in radio, television and radar.

16 The X-rays are used in medicine.

17 Microwaves are used to cook food

18 gamma rays are the MOST energetic & most deadly kind of light
gamma rays are the MOST energetic & most deadly kind of light. Astronomers are always searching space for nearby Gamma ray bursts!

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