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Engaging Your Students in Arts Education and Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Your Students in Arts Education and Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Your Students in Arts Education and Technology
Cecilia Wang, PhD University of Kentucky

2 Presentation Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Engaging the Learner Kentucky CPE/KYVU Faculty Conference 2003 May 19-20, Lexington

3 MUS Fall 2002

4 Acknowledgement University of Kentucky Distance Learning Program
James O’Riley, Associate Dean of Graduate School Distance Learning Program Constance Mulligan Baird, Director/Associate Dean Andrea Milam, Director, Instructional Development Group Loren M. Zink, Instructional Development Group

5 Course Objectives Acquires skills to search arts-education-related information in the internet; Acquire an understanding of how multi-media technology can be utilized for teaching about the arts; Demonstrate understanding of the arts elements used in visual arts, dance, drama, and music; Integrate technology with arts instruction

6 Course Units Getting Started Visual Arts Music Dance Theater
Curriculum Planning Project

7 Elements in Each Unit Unit Objectives Study Websites Webliography
Arts Activities Building Your Own Web Page Assessment Go to the course and show the real thing!

8 Research Objectives Did students
Acquire knowledge about the arts--art, music, dance, theater? Apply their arts knowledge to instructional use? Acquire knowledge about technology? Apply their tech knowledge to instructional use? Indicate any positive or negative attitude? Engage in authentic arts experiences?

9 Themes for Content Analysis
Knowledge of the Arts (KA) Description of Content (dc) / Analysis of Content (ac) Knowledge of Technology (KT) Teaching Application (TA) Instructor Directed (id) / Self Directed (sd) Instructional Use, self-directed (iu) Expression of Attitude (ATT) Positive (+) or Negative (-) Artistic Experiences (EXP) Interacting Electronically (ie) Attending a Live Arts Event (le) Actively Engaged in Arts Activities (ae) Show student works, include quotes. Show discussion board, student web pages.

10 Results of Analysis Presented in the next several slides

11 Description of Study Web Pages by Individual Students

12 Summary of Art Activities Experienced by Students
Critiqued and compared the features of various websites Most interactive, most Scholarly, Most Attractive; Easiest to Navigate, Most Informative; Most Useful, Most Child-Appropriate Researched using the “timeline of world civilization, planned it use for future instruction. Topics selected by students include: Oceania region A.D; the making of stained glass window by a 12thC German monk; the nature of Islamic Art in Egypt, the artwork of North America from

13 Summary of Art Activities Experienced by Students (cont.)
Visited a chosen museum, took a virtual tour of a featured exhibit and gave a report Asian Art of the Cincinnati Art Museum Prints by Mary Cassatt at the National Art Gallery Masterpieces from the Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, at the National Art Gallery Edouard Manet, National Gallery Completed and compared two art workshops online Draw Workshop, Photography Workshop

14 Summary of Art Activities Experienced by Students (cont.)
Described and explained the elements of art, the principles of art Described the characteristics of art from four art periods and report of the artists representing those periods Describe art resources in museums near home and field trip preparations Critique a given art work and suggested correlation activities with music instruction

15 Summary of Music Activities Experienced by Students
Explored websites pertaining to music teaching and applications to own classrooms Examined and critiqued interactive music-learning websites and lesson plans Explored and find best resources for different music instructional purposes

16 Summary of Dance Activities Experienced by Students
Found references and learned dance terminology Viewed video clips of dance steps Made original dance choreography for own students and field tested it Discussed and identified different dance styles Described folk dancing in Kentucky Attended dance recital and wrote report

17 Summary of Theatre Activities Experienced by Students (cont.)
Studied various theatre techniques Did theatre warm-up activities with own students and assessed the results Researched on puppetry Discussed the impact of technology on theatre education and production Researched and reported on theatre of different periods/movement/cultures Visited a children’s theatre and use theatre terminology to describe the production

18 Summary of Other Activities
Production of a web page Webliography Project Designing a brochure for School Orchestra Program and Orchestra web page Created an instructional unit using interactive Internet resources to study the people of Japan Created a Baroque Unit involving research in the internet and dramatization of Bach and Handel

19 Conclusion At the end of the semester
Students acquired new knowledge about the arts and applied to their instruction Students acquired new knowledge about technology and applied to their instruction Students engaged in a variety of authentic arts experiences Students had positive attitude about the course

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