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Part 5. Part 5 Great tool for sharing and standardising across the region Good starting points for volunteer teaching Good starting point for volunteer.

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2 Part 5

3 Great tool for sharing and standardising across the region
Good starting points for volunteer teaching Good starting point for volunteer training Availability of time, software, ESOL expertise and skills to create interactive learning materials for learners Time to publish and add content

4 Learning here, there & everywhere
Involving the wider community fosters understanding and builds cohesion Building skills and capacity in local communities through volunteers and Talk English Here Challenging preconceptions about how and where learning should and can take place Providing a stepping stone to more formal learning Promoting confidence and independence

5 Discussion Are there any elements of this project that you could see working in your context? What other support / opportunities could be provided for English learners outside of the classroom? How can we support integration? ?

6 Thanks! Michaela Salmon Nuala Trace
Nuala Trace @TalkEnglishReg

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