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Department of Community Health Nursing Annammal College of Nursing

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1 Department of Community Health Nursing Annammal College of Nursing
FILARIASIS Presented By Mrs.S. AKHILA DAS M.Sc (N) Asst. Professor Department of Community Health Nursing Annammal College of Nursing

2 Introduction: Filariasis is a major health problem globally. It is estimated that in South East Asia region, 60 million people are infected and about 31 million people have clinical manifestation of the disease.

3 Definition Filariasis is an infection by filarial worms in the blood and lymph channel, lymph glands and other tissues. These are spread by blood feeding black flies and mosquitoes.

4 Filariasis caused by thread like round worm belonging to filarioidea type

5 LYMPHATIC FILARIASIS Caused by the worms Wuchereria bancrofti and Brugia malayi These worms occupy the lymphatic system including the lymph nodes, in chronic cases these worms lead to elephantiasis

AGENT : Microfilariae of wuchereria bancrofti


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10 All ages are susceptible Common among 20-30 years Occur in males
HOST FACTOR All ages are susceptible Common among years Occur in males

11 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS a. breeding places- pools, soakage pits

12 b. Bad drainage

13 c. Inadequate sewage disposal

14 d. Septic tanks

15 e. Open ditches

16 f. Poor environmental sanitation

17 MODE OF TRANSMISSION man- mosquito- man
Bite of an infected animal Open scratch or wound in contact with infectious material such as blood or saliva Human to human in case of corneal transplant By mucous membrane when it comes in contact with infectious material

18 INCUBATION PERIOD 8 to 16 months

Fever Epididymo-orchitis Lymphangitis

20 Lymphadenitis Lymphoedema various parts of body

21 When fibrosis and obstruction of lymphatic vessels occur due to chronic stage,
Hydrocele Elephantiasis may affect legs, penis, scrotum, breast and vulva Chyluria

22 DIAGNOSIS Clinical manifestation Thick blood film Serological test
DEC provocation test

1. Identification of cases and carriers of filariasis

24 2. Control of mosquito A. Anti- larval measures
Removal of pistia plant

25 Herbicides used for removal of pistia phenoxylene 30

26 Chemical control measures temephos pyrethrum oil

27 fenthion

28 B. Anti adult measures – spraying of pyrethrum

29 3. Treatment

30 4. Personal protection a. use of mosquito nets

31 b. Screening of houses

32 c. Use of repellents

33 5. Environmental Sanitation
Filling up soakage pits Avoiding stay of stagnant water Maintenance of septic tanks Filling up of cess pools Draining stagnant water

Has been in operation since 1955 In 1978, NFCP merged with urban malaria scheme for maximum utilization of available resources.

35 objectives To carry out surveys To train paramedical professionals
To control filariasis in rural areas by case detection and treatment Reduction of problem in unsurveyed areas Control in urban areas through recurrent anti larval and anti parasitic measures

36 Activities To achieve elimination of lymphatic filariasis during 2004
Door to door survey in filarial endemic district Provision of DEC tablets in addition to home based foot care and hydrocele operation


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