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Auto Upkeep Basic Car Care, Maintenance, and Repair (2nd Edition)

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1 Auto Upkeep Basic Car Care, Maintenance, and Repair (2nd Edition)
Chapter 1 - Introduction and How Cars Wor Auto Upkeep Basic Car Care, Maintenance, and Repair (2nd Edition) Chapter 18 Alternative Fuels and Designs Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

2 Chapter 1 - Introduction and How Cars Wor
Fuel for Thought Why is it important to learn about alternative fuel vehicles? What is the difference between a renewable and a non-renewable resource? What issues influence the usability of alternative fuels? Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

3 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Objectives Upon completion of this chapter and activities, you will be able to: Identify differences in automotive design, depending on the fuel source. Compare and contrast advantages and disadvantages between vehicles types. Compare petrobased and biobased fuels. Calculate the payback period on an alternative fueled vehicle. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

4 Purpose of Alternatives
Increase energy efficiency Lessen petroleum dependency Reduce or eliminate emissions Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

5 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Biodiesel Vehicles Biodiesel, an alternative to running 100% petroleum-based diesel (petrodiesel), is a renewable resource made from animal fats, vegetable oils, or recycled cooking grease through a refining process called transesterification. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

6 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Flex-fuel E85 Vehicles E85 vehicles are automobiles that can burn a blended fuel that contains 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline. Ethanol is a grain alcohol made from renewable resources, commonly corn. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

7 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Natural Gas Vehicles Natural gas, abundant in North America, is approximately 90 percent methane in pipeline form and is the cleanest fuel currently available for vehicles. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

8 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Propane Vehicles Currently there are more than a quarter of a million vehicles on the road in the United States and millions worldwide powered by propane. Propane, also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), is colorless and odorless. An odorant is added as a safety measure in the detection of leaks. When used in automobiles, propane is also called Autogas. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

9 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Bi-fuel Vehicles A bi-fuel vehicle has two separate fuel storage and delivery mechanisms. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

10 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Hybrid Vehicles How Hybrids Work A hybrid is any vehicle that has multiple sources of power. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

11 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Hybrid Vehicles How Hybrids Work Increased fuel economy Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

12 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Hybrid Vehicles How Hybrids Work Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

13 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Hybrid Vehicles Regenerative Braking Regenerative braking is when the electric motor acts as a generator capturing kinetic energy that would normally be lost as heat. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

14 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Hybrid Vehicles High Voltage Battery Pack The hybrid battery pack is usually found under the back seat, behind the back seat, or in the trunk. These batteries, commonly nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or lithium-ion, can hold a great deal more energy than a standard lead acid battery. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

15 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Hybrid Vehicles Plug-in Hybrids Being researched Mild Hybrids Use a integrated starter/generator Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

16 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Electric Vehicles Pure all-electric vehicles need to be plugged into an electrical outlet to recharge their high voltage batteries between use. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

17 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Solar Vehicles Solar powered vehicles are basically all-electric vehicles that are powered by the sun’s energy collected with hundreds of photovoltaic (solar) cells. Not currently practical for mass-produced cars. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

18 Hydrogen Powered Vehicles
Burn Hydrogen in an Internal Combustion Engine Hydrogen can be burned in a modified internal combustion engine (ICE). An engine burning hydrogen instead of gasoline is 25% more efficient. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

19 Hydrogen Powered Vehicles
Hydrogen Fuel Cell A hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is an electric vehicle that gets its energy from hydrogen gas. A catalyst is used in a fuel cell to trigger a reaction that strips the electrons from hydrogen. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

20 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Technological Issues Environmentally Friendly Sustainable Renewable Affordable Practical Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

21 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing
Summary The exponential growth of technology, fossil fuel prices, and consumer acceptance of new technology will drive the marketplace. Consumers have a wide variety of vehicle types to consider. The alternative fueled and designed vehicles available to consumers are attracting attention. Chapter 18 © 2007 Rolling Hills Publishing

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