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Commissioning Priorities

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Presentation on theme: "Commissioning Priorities"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commissioning Priorities
Dr Stewart Findlay

2 Commissioning Streamlined decision-making and
Strategic Commissioning Streamlined decision-making and resource mobilisation

3 CNE STP programme management office Moving to one STP
Performance Assurance Process NTWD STP DDTHRW WNEC CANCER URGENT CARE LEARNING DISABILITIES DEMAND MANAGEMENT PREVENTION MENTAL HEALTH PATHOLOGY DIGITAL CARE WORKFORCE ESTATES Optimal use of the Acute Sector Communities & Neighbourhoods COMMUNICATIONS AND ENGAGEMNET CNE STP programme management office STP Leads, Delivery Unit Lead and PMO support team SRO(s), Programme Director, Programme Managers & Delivery Team SRO, Programme Director, Manager & Delivery Team CNE Delivery Unit Moving to one STP Define role of the SRO. CONFIDENTIAL

4 BHP Considered as part of wider STP Priorities remain the same
Focus on Maternity and Paediatrics Urgent and Emergency Care Emergency Centre v Urgent Treatment Centre

5 Placed-based clinical leadership and accountability to local people
Strengthening the local focus of CCGs Placed-based clinical leadership and accountability to local people Local, unbiased population-focused assessment of need Standard setting, quality assurance and ensuring the accountability of local services Safeguarding local patients Local partnership working and local implementation Local delivery based on partnerships with local authorities, the wider public sector and voluntary sector Public engagement, consultation and comms Engagement with Health & Wellbeing Boards and OSCs

6 Strengthening the local focus of CCGs
Communities and Neighbourhoods Primary care engagement and development GP performance management and quality improvement Local health and social care integration development Joint commissioning with LA/Better Care Fund/CHC

7 Local Priorities Urgent Care Smoking and respiratory Supporting older people to stay healthy Cancer

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