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Types of Selling __________________ – no interaction between people __________________ – direct interaction between people.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Selling __________________ – no interaction between people __________________ – direct interaction between people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Selling __________________ – no interaction between people __________________ – direct interaction between people

2 Buying Motives _______________ Buying Motives – customers make a conscious decision based on reasonable ideas _______________ Buying Motives – decision is made by the way product makes you feel

3 Feature/Benefit Selling Turning features into concepts that the customer wants to buy _____________ – physical aspects of the product _____________ – advantages customers get from the features

4 Types of Decision Making ________________ – much thinking, need a lot of info –Usually a product that has not been bought before ________________ – need little info to make decision –Purchased before but not on a regular basis _______________– very little info needed –Buy on a regular basis

5 Steps of The Sale 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ 4.__________________________ 5.__________________________ 6.__________________________ 7.__________________________

6 Pre-approach Getting ready for the sale –_____________________ Qualify a Prospect – –Product Knowledge Sources

7 Approach Face to face encounter with customer Types of greetings –______________– Hello or Good Afternoon Acknowledge the customers presence –Service – offers assistance May I help you? –________________ – make a comment or question about product Have you seen our new DVD players?

8 Determining Wants and Needs Uncover reason for buying Methods –____________________________ –_____________________________

9 Presentation Show and tell about product Try to involve all five _______________ –Taste, smell, feel, see, and hear Get product in customers _____________ Use __________________ selling

10 Handling Objections Objection – reason for not buying Excuse – insincere reason for not buying Categories __________________________

11 Close Obtain a positive agreement to buy ABCs of Closing A___________ B_________ C_________ Trial Close

12 Suggestion Sell Sell additional goods or service Benefits Continued _________________ ______________ customers You make more ________________

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