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Extension Leadership System (ELS)

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Presentation on theme: "Extension Leadership System (ELS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extension Leadership System (ELS)
Program Development Team (PDT) county based volunteers working to support and advocate for programming 4-H Youth Development Family and Consumer Sciences Agriculture and Natural Resources County Council serves to coordinate efforts for advocacy and support of the total county Cooperative Extension program

2 3 modules Taught by our Program Development Coordinators Implementation timelines

3 Module 1 Membership and Structure roles goals selection process (9-12 members) recruiting members recognizing members member orientation Before we jump into nutrition and your diet, I’d like to take a minute to discuss what diabetes is and the complications that occur as a result of not managing your diabetes effectively.

4 Module 1 (cont.) Membership and Structure operating guidelines and procedures length of service and rotation (3 years) documentation

5 Module 2 Involving Members Building Successful Meetings shared leadership developing shared leadership (ownership, learning, and sharing) member involvement and engagement (why, how, and what)

6 Module 2 (cont.) member involvement (assessing needs, developing educational plans, making it happen, evaluation)

7 What does the research tell us?
Number of meetings Successful components Agent Involvement Interaction Meeting Length

8 Four components of successful meetings. R - review and evaluate recent
Four components of successful meetings! R - review and evaluate recent programs/events E - educate and explore P - plan events and participation E – engage and encourage

9 Empowering your Program Development Team and Sharing Leadership
Module 3 Empowering your Program Development Team and Sharing Leadership understanding shared leadership implementation structure (chair, vice-chair, secretary)

10 YES, many success stories!
Does it work? YES, many success stories!

11 serves to coordinate efforts for advocacy and support of the total county Cooperative Extension program 9-12 members 3-4 representing each program area (even if there is no agent in the county) County Council

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