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Mini- and Micro-spectrometer Pixel/Wavelength Calibration

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1 Mini- and Micro-spectrometer Pixel/Wavelength Calibration
Dana Hinckley Date: December 19, 2017 Hamamatsu Corporation

2 Mini and Micro-Spectrometer Functional Components – Image Sensor – Pixel / Wavelength Calibration
Detection and calibration of pixel values is per a 5th order polynomial expansion for each pixel of the system image sensor Wavelength [nm] = a0 + b1pix + b2pix2 + b3pix3 + b4pix4 + b5pix5 ax & bx – Wavelength conversion factors or calibration constants pix – Image sensor pixel number (1 to last pixel)(integer values)

3 Wavelength Calibration Caveats
The value calculated using the 5th order polynomial expansion will not typically be an integer. When only the values calculated from the simple approximate expressions are considered, a slight difference may result when comparing the calculated values with the wavelengths of know line spectra. This variance should fall within the specified wavelength accuracy and repeatability values for the spectrometer model.


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