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Week of October 3, 2016.

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1 Week of October 3, 2016

2 Monday, October 3 Literary Terms quiz today (Description – Imagery)
Sentence Parts quiz tomorrow You will need your Elements of Literature book this week. Bell work - Take a Sentence Parts Review paper from the basket and begin working.

3 Monday, October 3 Fruits and vegetables can spoil if they become too ripe. (subject) Do not be late to class. (subject) He cooked the foods and poured them into clean glass bottles. (predicate) Kerry is choosing plants for the garden (predicate) Here is the delivery man with my pizza. (subject and predicate) High temperatures will destroy organisms in food. (direct object) Don gave me a new notebook. (indirect object) My mom prepared me a big breakfast this morning. (direct object) We told him the details of the game. (indirect object) Because it rained all day Friday. (sentence or fragment?)

4 10/3 Today’s Assignment: Read the “Captivity Narratives” information on pages and pages in your literature book. Complete the reading questions – Due tomorrow Sentence Parts quiz tomorrow

5 Tuesday, October 4 Sentence parts quiz today.
Captivity Narratives questions due today. You will need your Elements of Literature textbook all week. Take a bell work form and a copy of the list of prepositions from the basket.

6 Prepositional Phrases
A phrase is a group of related words that function as a single part of speech. A phrase does not have a subject or a verb. A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun. (Object of the preposition) Prepositional phrases can be used to modify nouns and pronouns. (Adjectival phrase) Prepositional phrases can also be used to modify a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. (Adverbial phrases)

7 Prepositional Phrases - Examples
The top four teams from the conference will advance to the playoffs. Next time you go to the store, get a carton of eggs. Tanya was delighted with the book by Mark Twain you gave her. In five minutes we should leave for the airport. Can Tina finish the report after lunch? Our shuttle flight between the islands will land soon because of the short distance.

8 10/4 Prepositional Phrases – Write each prepositional phrase.
The diameter of a circle extends from one side to the other. Because of the power outage, we could not videotape the game. During my study period, I consulted the adviser about my schedule. On the outskirts of town are several parks. In spite of the heat, band practice continued through the afternoon and into the evening.

9 10/4 Today’s Assignment Copy the Words to Own definitions on the back of your vocabulary worksheet. Definitions can be found in the Words to Own box on the bottom right corner of pages in your literature book. Complete the worksheet. Follow the directions provided. Don’t forget to underline context clues.

10 10/5 Prepositional Phrases – Write each sentence
10/5 Prepositional Phrases – Write each sentence. Underline the prepositional phrase. Draw an arrow to the word it modifies. Since Monday we have been planning a picnic. On Saturday, I awakened with happy anticipation. I brought sandwiches and cold drinks in a large blue ice chest. My brother drove me across town to the park. Before noon my friends had arrived at the park.

11 10/6 Misplaced Modifiers -
Because a prepositional phrase is used as a modifier, it should be placed as close as possible to the word it describes. On the stage the audience applauded for the performers. The actor told us about his career in his dressing room. From the script the actor practiced his lines.

12 10/6 Misplaced Modifiers – Rewrite the following sentences to correct the misplaced prepositional phrase. The cast waited for the start of the play behind the curtain. The actors bowed to the appreciative audience in their costumes. Tourists often wander along our beach with cameras. We waited for the school bus inside the museum. We agreed at the theater to go see a movie.

13 10/6 Today’s Assignment Finish reading “A Narrative of Captivity” and finish the reading questions. Vocabulary Review – provide one or two examples for each of the Words to Own. Example: A divorce in the family would be an affliction because it often causes some distress for the family members. Quiz Monday on the background information for Captivity Narratives, the “Narrative of Captivity” selection, and the Words to Own.

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