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Psychrometrics – Lecture 3

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1 Psychrometrics – Lecture 3
Assignment: Read Chapter 8 in Stroshine Book Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

2 Thermal Properties and Moisture Diffusivity
Assignment: Read Chapter 8 in Stroshine Book Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

3 Thermal Properties, Moisture Diffusivity
Heat is transferred by conduction, convection or radiation Heat may be conducted within the product Heat transfer by forced convection between the product and a moving liquid surrounding the product Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

4 Thermal Properties, Moisture Diffusivity
Basic thermal properties Specific heat Thermal conductivity Thermal diffusivity Thermal expansion coefficient Surface heat transfer coefficient Heat may be conducted within the product Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

5 Thermal Properties, Moisture Diffusivity
Specific heat, cp , (kJ/kg-K, BTU/lb-F, cal/g-K) Amount of heat (joules, BTU’s or calories) needed to increase the temperature of a unit of mass by one degree Q = amount of heat added to mass to raise temp. from T2 to T1 Q = Mcp(T2-T1) Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

6 Thermal Properties, Moisture Diffusivity
Table 8.1 gives cp for food and ag products Materials containing mostly water have a cp close to water (4.18 kJ/kg-K, 1 BTU/lb-F, 1 cal/g-K) Oils and fats are approx. ½ that of water Ice is ½ of water…frozen foods take less heat to increase T than after it is thawed!!! Cp = M above freezing Cp = M below freezing Equation 8.4 pg 220 takes into account the composition of the solids Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

7 Thermal Properties, Moisture Diffusivity
Thermal Conductivity, k, (W/m-K, BTU/h ft-K) Measure of material’s ability to transmit heat,…. quantity of heat Q that will flow across a unit cross sectional area A per unit of time, t dQ/dt = -kA (dT/dx) Table 8.2, pg. 221 The greater the proportion of water, the higher the thermal conductivity. Porosity and fiber orientation make a difference, too. See wood in Table 8.3 for fiber direction differences. Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

8 Thermal Properties, Moisture Diffusivity
Thermal Diffusivity, α, (m2/sec) Material’s ability to conduct heat relative to its ability to store heat Estimate the thermal diffusivity of a peach at 22 C. Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

9 Thermal Properties, Moisture Diffusivity
Thermal Diffusivity, α, (m2/sec) Material’s ability to conduct heat relative to its ability to store heat Estimate the thermal diffusivity of a peach at 22 C. Dr. C. L. Jones Biosystems and Ag. Engineering

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