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Presentation on theme: "EARTH VS MARS ANTHONY JAIMES."— Presentation transcript:


2 Our solar system Our solar system is made up of a lot of different planets. It has more that a billion stars. It would take a life time to count all of them.

3 The inner planets Our inner planets our made up of four different planets. Mercury, Venus, earth, mars. The inner planets are the planets in the inner part of the Solar System that orbit closest to the sun.

4 Outer planets The outer planets are those planets in the Solar System beyond the asteroid belt, and hence refers to the gas giants, which are in order of their distance from the Sun

5 Earth’s surface . The earth has five oceans . The pacific
. The Atlantic . The Indian . The southern ocean . The arctic

6 Dubbed Tamu is the biggest volcano on earth it is the size of new Mexico. The picture on the top is the grand canyon it was made by a river that flowed through it. And the one in the one in the top left corner is the sandaracs fault it is just a mountain.

7 Mars Mars is also called the red planet they call it the red planet because the dirt Is red. Mars use to have water in it. Nasa thinks that the water is frozen under ground but they just cant drill a hole into it and let it come up because there is no atmosphere.

8 Curiosity Curiosity is a rover that is mars . The rover has found many different things . It has found a rock that only water can make . They think that their use to be water on mars.

9 How earth and mars are alike
Earth is the same like mars because they are both inner planets. They have or had water. And they have dirt. Both Earth and Mars are believed to have condensed out of a massive cloud of hot gases around the sun about 4.6 billion years ago, according to the European Space Agency. Since that time, radioactive decay and the loss of heat following their formation have influenced how they each have evolved. Both planets have dense cores and hard exterior crusts. In addition, water had a role in the history of both.

10 How earth and mars are different
Mars is different from earth because earth has life. Mars does not have an atmosphere and earth does have a atmosphere. Mars is smaller than earth. it is 10% of earths size. Earth has tectonic plates mars does not.

11 conclusion I have learned a lot about earth
I have learned a lot about mars I learned a lot about how mars and earth are alike and different


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