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Changes in DNA that affect genetic information

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1 Changes in DNA that affect genetic information
MUTATIONS Changes in DNA that affect genetic information

2 Significance of Mutations
Most are neutral Eye color Birth marks Some are harmful Sickle Cell Anemia Down Syndrome Some are beneficial Sickle Cell Anemia to Malaria Immunity to HIV

3 What Causes Mutations? There are two ways in which DNA can become mutated: Mutations can be inherited. Parent to child Mutations can be acquired. Environmental damage Mistakes when DNA is copied

4 Mutation: damage to genetic material
A mutation to genetic material is usually not beneficial. Mutagens are things that cause mutations, they include: 1. High Temperatures 2. Toxic Chemicals (pesticides, etc) 3. Radiation (nuclear and solar) Many common place items are capable of causing mutations: microwave, radar, cellular phones….

5 Types of mutations Chromosomal: affecting whole or a part of a chromosome Gene: changes to the bases in the DNA of one gene

6 } Gene Mutations: DNA base alterations Point mutation Insertion
Deletion Inversion } Frame Shifts

7 CGG CCC AAT to CGG CGC AAT Guanine for Cytosine
Point mutation (substitution) - when a base is replaced with a different base. CGG CCC AAT to CGG CGC AAT Guanine for Cytosine Insertion - when a base is added CGG CCC AAT to CGG CGC CAA T Guanine is added Deletion - the loss of a base CGG CCC AAT to CGG CCA A T loss of Cytosine Example: THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAT HAT ATE THE RAT Example: THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAT CAT XLW ATE THE RAT Example: THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAT ATE THE RAT

8 Frame Shift mutations A frame shift mutation results from a base deletion or insertion. Each of these changes the triplets that follow the mutation. Frame shift mutations have greater effects than a point mutation because they involve more triplets (recall how important triplets are to protein synthesis)

9 Gene Mutations Frameshift Mutations – shifts the reading frame of the genetic message so that the protein may not be able to perform its function. Insertion THE FAT CAT ATE THE RAT THE FAT HCA TAT ETH ERA T Deletion TEF ATC ATA TET GER AT H H

10 Chromosome Mutations Changes in number and structure of entire chromosomes Original Chromosome ABC * DEF Deletion AC * DEF Duplication ABBC * DEF Inversion AED * CBF Translocation ABC * JKL GHI * DEF


12 Mutations effect protein synthesis
Transcription: Mutated DNA will produce faulty mRNA leading to the production of a bad protein.

13 Protein shape determines how a protein will function
Protein shape determines how a protein will function. A change in one amino acid may change the shape enough to distort the protein (as in sickle cell disease). Thus, change in one base could potentially distort a whole protein. It is more likely that a frame shift mutation will change several triplets and distort a protein’s structure.

14 Sickle-cell Anemia

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