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Relationship between Genotype and Phenotype

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Presentation on theme: "Relationship between Genotype and Phenotype"— Presentation transcript:

1 Relationship between Genotype and Phenotype
Molecular Basis for Relationship between Genotype and Phenotype genotype DNA DNA sequence transcription RNA translation amino acid sequence protein function phenotype organism

2 Frameshift Mutations and Suppressor Mutations
frameshift mutations: insertions or deletions of nucleotides that cause a shift in the translational reading frame suppressor mutations: mutations that counteract or suppress the effects of another mutation wild-type CAU CAU CAU CAU CAU HIS HIS HIS HIS HIS addition of A deletion of A CAU ACA UCA UCA UCA U__ HIS THR SER SER SER CAU ACU CAU CAU CAU HIS THR HIS HIS HIS deletion of U addition of G CAU CAC AUC AUC AU__ HIS HIS ILE ILE CAU CAC GAU CAU CAU HIS HIS ASP HIS HIS

3 Mutation: Levels of Hereditary Change
Gene (Point) Mutation: One allele changes to a different allele. Effects are limited to that locus. Chromosome Mutation: Changes occur at the chromosome level. Multi-locus effects are not unusual.

4 Relationship between Genotype and Phenotype
Molecular Basis for Relationship between Genotype and Phenotype genotype DNA DNA sequence transcription RNA translation amino acid sequence protein function phenotype organism

5 Base substitution: change in base of nucelotide pair
Point mutations at the molecular level Base substitution: change in base of nucelotide pair Base additions: insertion of nucleotide pairs Base deletions: deletion of nucleotide pairs

6 Point mutations at the molecular level

7 Consequences of Point Mutations within Genes

8 Point Mutations Can Alter mRNA Splicing

9 Point Mutations on Gene Products

10 Mutation frequencies obtained with various mutagens in Neurospora
Mutagens are agents that cause mutations. Anything that is capable of causing chemical changes in the structure of DNA (especially bases) is a mutagen. Mutagens differ in mutagenicity.

11 The Ames Test Reveals Mutagenic Compounds
Strain 1 - frameshift mutation Strain 2 - base substitution

12 Revertant colonies per culture plate.
Ames Test Results1 Revertant colonies per culture plate. Treatment Control diethyl sulfate* ICR-191** TA1575 11 14,700 13 TA1578 25 450 TA1575 : his base substitution mutant TA1578 : his frameshift mutant * Highly toxic alkylating agent, occurs as colorless liquid with peppermint odor ** Acridine, colorless solid intercalating agent, known carcinogen 1 McCann et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA

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