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Species Name: Rotundus Aerocerebus Common Name: Flying Round Head

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1 Species Name: Rotundus Aerocerebus Common Name: Flying Round Head
Traits: Ok sight Brown Color Can Fly Medium amount of hair Builds Nests High in Trees Excellent Hearing Size of a Cardinal

2 Rain Forest: Damp/wet Hot and Humid Dark We start in the rainforest where Round Head has found it’s niche as a regulator of the plant and insect population. Round head also occasionally dines on a rodent as a special treat.

3 Many Millions of years have passed and so has the environment
Many Millions of years have passed and so has the environment. The temperature is cooler and the forest has seasons. We are now in your typical woodland forest. Woodland Forrest Moderate Temperature Foliage Moss

4 Over time, the round heads with genes for smaller wings are not being killed like they would have. As time goes by, the small wing genes becomes more common and the round head population now has smaller wings. The downfall: With smaller wings, round heads cannot fly as high as they did before. Still an omnivore Traits: Ok sight Brown Color Flies lower to ground now Medium amount of hair Nests lower to the ground now Excellent Hearing Size of a Cardinal

5 Good Gracious! Since the round heads are now lower to the ground, they’re subject to more predators! Only the big and strong are capable of defending themselves. The weak ones can’t so they don’t live long enough to have kids. Only the big and strong do so that gene stays with the population. Traits: Ok sight Brown Color Flies lower to ground now Medium amount of hair Nests lower to the ground now Excellent Hearing Size of a Vulture

6 There are plenty shades of brown which is good for round heads
There are plenty shades of brown which is good for round heads. BUT when living in the woods, they now have a hard time seeing their prey. Those with the best eye sight are able to find food easier and live long enough to reproduce more. The good vision is now in the gene pool. With better eyesight and strength, they can now treat themselves to those delicious rodents more often! Traits: Excellent sight Brown Color Flies lower to ground now Medium amount of hair Nests lower to the ground now Excellent Hearing Size of a Vulture

7 Because it is cooler out, those with more hair are able to keep warm in the winter time. Those with long hair survive longer. In addition, the round head has now begun to build nests in hidden places on the ground as a lot of the trees don’t have lower branches. Traits: Excellent sight Brown Color Flies lower to ground now Large amount of hair Nests lower to the ground now Excellent Hearing Size of a Vulture

8 Tundra Cold Grassy/ Moss/ Rocky Bog like conditions Very little or no trees Millions of years have gone by and the planet has been through an ice age. Many trees die out and the area now is a tundra.

9 As time goes by, the wing’s purpose dies out and all that is left are the structural bones. A mutation is introduced where the muscles in the wings are more pronounced around the bones. The wings can now act more as a grabbing tool. Over years, the more defined, muscular “grabbing wings” are being passed on and eventually, we have a “hand”. Brown Color Large amount of hair Excellent Hearing Excellent sight Stays on the ground now and has developed hands. Nests lower to the ground now Size of a Vulture

10 As time goes by, the wing’s purpose dies out and all that is left are the structural bones. A mutation is introduced where the muscles in the wings are more pronounced around the bones. The wings can now act more as a grabbing tool. Over years, the more defined, muscular “grabbing wings” are being passed on and eventually, we have a “hand”. Brown Color Large amount of hair Excellent Hearing Excellent sight Stays on the ground now and has developed hands. Nests lower to the ground now Size of a Vulture

11 Round Heads are now using their eye sight more than hearing because there is less obstruction in the fields of the tundra. Because of this, round heads hearing less important and the average ones are more likely to survive and reproduce. Small ears are now mixed into the population and the species overall now has average hearing. Brown Color Large amount of hair Average Hearing Excellent sight Stays on the ground now and has developed hands. Nests lower to the ground now Size of a Vulture

12 Round Heads living in the tundra are now in an environment with rocks and grass. Those who survive longer and reproduce more are more gray and green. Grey/Green Color Large amount of hair Average Hearing Excellent sight Stays on the ground now and has developed hands. Nests lower to the ground now Size of a Vulture

13 Stays on the ground now and has developed hands.
As the hands are used more, those with arms that stick out more survive longer and pass down the gene. Eventually it becomes a feature of the population. Grey/Green Color Large amount of hair Average Hearing Excellent sight Stays on the ground now and has developed hands. Nests lower to the ground now Size of a Vulture

14 Stays on the ground now and has developed hands.
A mutation has occurred! There is a round head that has 2 extra bones by the feet that can act as legs. This makes it able to run away from predators and squat low to the ground. Once again, this one lives longer and passes on the gene. Grey/Green Color Large amount of hair Average Hearing Excellent sight Stays on the ground now and has developed hands. Has now developed legs through a mutation. Nests lower to the ground now Size of a Vulture

15 Stays on the ground now and has developed hands.
The species is now eating more, has built muscle mass, and is more lean because of it’s ability to exercise. Grey/Green Color Large amount of hair Average Hearing Excellent sight Nests lower to the ground now Size of a fox More lean and muscular Stays on the ground now and has developed hands. Has now developed legs through a mutation.

16 More grassy tundra… (Blame Global Warming  )



19 Species Name: Rotundus Aerocerebus
Common Name: Flying Round Head Species Name: Ovus terebraccim Common Name: Armed Rock


21 Natural Selection over millions of years
The Flying Round Head very well could have branched off in different directions. For example: An earthquake could have occurred separating the population. One could be near water and become amphibious and more fish-like as opposed to having hands and legs. It could have been more dominant and become a bird of prey. Also, it could have developed spikes and become more star-shaped. With such a difference between the first and last generation, we need to claim it as a new species.

22 More from the Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Naturala Order: Selectionus Family: Sciencia (also known as the Head and Face organisms)! *Yes, Mrs. Costello did make this up. It is not real. Just so there’s no confusion…*

23 Species Name: Rotundus mohawkus
Common Name: Spikey Round Head

24 Species Name: Anox Aquais Common Name: Lightning Face

25 Species Name: Avia Marbulus Common Name: Polar Face

26 Species Name: Blendus Inus Common Name: Copy Cat Head

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