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Paper 1 – the ‘describe’ question

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1 Paper 1 – the ‘describe’ question
Clear instruction: Identify and describe two ways (will always be two!) Topic Describe two ways in which the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s helped to end racial discrimination. (4 marks) As this is not an explain question you do not need to say WHY! You do not need to explain why these acts were passed or why they had the effect they did. You simply need to identify two ways and show HOW they did this Focal point of the question Command word

2 Describe two ways in which the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s helped to end racial discrimination. (4 marks) One way in which the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s helped to end racial discrimination was because the 1964 Civil Rights Act ended social discrimination. This act was signed after Martin Luther King put pressure on the government after his Washington DC protest March in 1963 and his famous ‘I have a dream speech.’ Another way was through the 1965 Voting Rights Act. This was put in place after the Selma protest march in The first of these marches saw extreme violence by the Alabama state troopers on the Edmund Pettis bridge where they used whips, nightsticks and tear gas on the marching crowds. The second march, under the protection of the National Guard, was successful and the protestors were able to march from Selma to Montgomery. Level Descriptor Mark 1 Answers demonstrate knowledge Candidates demonstrate relevant knowledge about the issue(s) identified which might be related. 1-2 2 Answers demonstrate knowledge and understanding Candidates may progress from a simple demonstration of knowledge about the issues identified with extended reasoning supported by understanding of, for example, the ways in which events were problematic. 3-4 What level?

3 Describe two ways in which the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s helped to end racial discrimination. (4 marks) Level 1 – 1 mark One way in which the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s helped to end racial discrimination was because the 1964 Civil Rights Act ended social discrimination. This act was signed after Martin Luther King put pressure on the government after his Washington DC protest March in 1963 and his famous ‘I have a dream speech.’ Another way was through the 1965 Voting Rights Act. This was put in place after the Selma protest march in The first of these marches saw extreme violence by the Alabama state troopers on the Edmund Pettis bridge where they used whips, nightsticks and tear gas on the marching crowds. The second march, under the protection of the National Guard, was successful and the protestors were able to march from Selma to Montgomery. Only part of the answer that actually addresses the question Explains why it was signed (not relevant) Mentions the Voting Rights Act but doesn't actually say what it was or how it helped end segregation Explains why it was signed – Selma protest march (not relevant)

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