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Computing at KS1 Margaret Meredith.

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Presentation on theme: "Computing at KS1 Margaret Meredith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing at KS1 Margaret Meredith

2 Last week + this week This week

3 Objectives Computer science
Know how to create and debug programs on screen Information technology Be able to explain how some uses of IT can support learning

4 Recap: what is an algorithm?

5 More algorithms! Crossing the road.
What if there are traffic lights with a button for pedestrians? Everyday rules: e.g. how to enter the classroom after play time Musical/dance algorithms (folk dance/Hokey Cokey): Can pupils write the algorithm, sequence picture cards, create new dance routines? Can pupils debug your incorrect sequences? Human Bee Bots

6 Instructions Must be ‘precise and unambiguous’

7 Computer science ‘unplugged’
Reinforcing computer science skills without using a computer or other digital device

8 Reminder: SOL task Find/develop a computer science ‘unplugged’ activity suitable for KS1. Bring it to the session w/b 3rd Oct.


10 Algorithms and programming: on computer/iPad
E.g. Bee-bot 2Simple 2Go in Infant Video Toolkit (or may be in ‘Purple Mash’ online in school) Textease Turtle …. and many more Encourage children to explain how they have completed the journey and what they have debugged

11 Information technology
2nd strand of National Curriculum. Could include use of photos, creation of videos, word processing, creating graphs, multimedia presentations, and more .. E.g. Multimedia presentations to combine pictures, narration and captions, e.g. Movie Maker ; iPads: Book Creator

12 Movie Maker Create a sequence of 3-4 photos using Movie Maker:
Download some photos – a holiday; a topic (e.g. Florence Nightingale, Life cycle of a butterfly, etc.) Insert them into Movie Maker Narrate! Think about what themes you might use multimedia authored presentations in KS1.

13 Key features of ICT Multi-modality/multimedia - Text, sound, images, animations can be easily combined. Provisionality – Work can be changed/improved/edited when using a computer so there is no pressure to get things right the first time and work can be polished

14 Key features of ICT Interactivity – Children can follow lines of enquiry, or make attempts and get quick responses. Automation – ICT can perform functions automatically

15 Crowdsourcing your ideas
How could children use Movie Maker (or similar) in KS1 to support learning? See link to Linoit on Moodle sessions page

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