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7th Grade Social Studies Mr. Lawson Room 305

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1 7th Grade Social Studies Mr. Lawson Room 305

2 Do Now activity You will be interviewing your neighbor to introduce them to the rest of the class What is there name? Do they prefer to go by another name? (John instead of Jonathan) What did they do over the summer? What are they excited about this school year? If they could travel anywhere in the world, where would they like to visit and why? What is one thing that is unique and special about them?

3 Classroom Rules Students will be expected to be S.M.A.R.T. S – Stay on task M – Make sure to raise your hand A – Arrive on time and prepared for class R – Respect others and yourself T – Try your best

4 Policies and Procedures
Students will have a binder, homework, and pencil ready by the time class begins. The teacher will not have extra pencils and paper to replace forgotten materials. Students should be ready to check homework at the beginning of class. If homework is not ready (complete), then it will be considered incomplete. Students should not copy other students’ work as this will be considered cheating.

5 Policies and Procedures cont.
Students are required to work independently on specified tasks. During this time, communication with other students in any way will not be allowed. The teacher will notify the students when student discussion is acceptable. Students may sharpen their pencils at the beginning of class (first 5 minutes). No pencils will be sharpened during instruction, so please have more than one ready to use.

6 Expectations Students will arrive to class on time with all necessary materials. Tardiness will be documented and repeated tardiness will result in disciplinary action. Upon entry into the classroom, students will take their seats, copy down the homework assignment into their agenda, and begin working on the “Do Now” assignment. All classroom and school rules will be followed

7 Homework No work will be accepted after it is 3 days late. Each day that it is late it will lose 8 points (equivalent of one letter grade). For example on day one the highest you could receive is a 92, on day two the highest score would be 84, on day three the highest score would be 76. After day three the grade will be a 50.

8 Absent work: It is the student’s responsibility to check the website for any missed work. Assignments that are given prior to the student’s absence (at the beginning of the week) are due upon returning to school. Students are responsible for arranging a time to make up missed quizzes and tests.

9 Grading Policy Tests/Projects - 35% Quizzes - 25% Projects - 30%
All Jacksonville Commons Middle School Social Studies classes will be graded the same weighted category scale. Tests/Projects - 35% Quizzes - 25% Projects % Homework/Classwork - 10% *The NCFE will count 20% of your final grade. Our Grading Scale 93-100% = A 85-92% = B 77-84% = C 70-76% = D Below 70% = F Grades are calculated on cumulative percentage and are rounded up whenever possible.

10 My Pledge to Students I will… trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise. respect you and work with you to solve problems. promptly correct and offer feedback on your work. work with you to meet learning goals. offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them.

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