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French and Indian War/Road to Revolution Assessment Review

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1 French and Indian War/Road to Revolution Assessment Review
Review Binder page 8, 10 & 11 Review Prime Time Week 1 – this is also posted on Mrs. Fitz’s website ***please keep in mind that many questions in this review repetitive - - the same information is asked in multiple ways & may not be asked in exactly the same format on Thursday’s Assessment - - this is simply a review of what we have discussed in class.

2 A group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies is called

3 A movement which spread the idea that knowledge, reason and science could improve society.

4 an economic system in which a country attempts to amass wealth through
trade with other countries, exporting more than it imports. Mercantilism

5 proposed by Ben Franklin - called for one general government for the colonies in which an elected legislature would govern and have the power to collect taxes, raise troops and regulate trade. **rejected by Parliament Albany Plan of Union

6 – Natural resources that are not yet made into anything such as cut trees or mined iron
Raw Materials

7 prohibited the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mts
prohibited the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mts./ required any colonist already living west of the mountains to move back east. Proclamation of 1763

8 laws that limited colonists’ rights to trade
Navigation Acts

9 trading illegally Smuggling

10 Treaty of Paris Officially ended the French and Indian War
- marked the end of French power in North America. Treaty of Paris

11 The goals of the Albany Plan of Union were to?
plan a united defense against France and cement an alliance with Native tribes

12 The Seven Years' War aka the French and Indian War was a war between
France and Britain

13 What plan called for one general government for all the American colonies?
Albany Plan of Union

14 The Treaty of Paris marked the end of power in North America for

15 Which man changed Britain's fortune in the war with France by becoming Prime Minister? (turning point) William Pitt

16 French, British, Spanish
By 1700, the major powers in North America were the? French, British, Spanish

17 raiding British settlements
During the wars between France and Great Britain, Native Americans often helped the French by: (choose one) supplying their weapons. raiding British settlements. showing them secret paths. supplying them with food. raiding British settlements

18 What document marked the end of France as a power in North America?
Treaty of Paris, 1763

19 After the treaty was signed in 1763, the continent was divided between which two countries?
Britain and Spain

20 A halt to westward expansion
The Proclamation of 1763 called for: A halt to westward expansion

21 The Proclamation of 1763 angered wealthy speculators & colonists because they
owned land west of the mountains/wanted to establish settlements – had helped fight the French to gain access to this land and the fur trade.

22 author of Albany Plan of Union
Ben Franklin

23 The Albany Plan of Union was not approved by Parliament because they did not want to give the colonists any political or military? POWER!

24 Which country gained Florida as a result of the Treaty of Paris, 1763?

25 Which country gained New Orleans as a result of the Treaty of Paris, 1763?

26 Which country gained all French lands east of the Mississippi River (except New Orleans) as a result of the Treaty of Paris, 1763? Britain

27 Which country gained all French lands west of the Mississippi River as the result of the Treaty of Paris, 1763? Spain

28 Which country gained New France (Canada) as the result of the Treaty of Paris, 1763?

29 Matching Causes and Effects of the French and Indian War

30 French colonists developed close ties with a number of Indian tribes
The British denied the colonists right to do this in order to preserve peace with the Indian tribes. Britain starts a policy of permanently stationing troops in the colonies. Most of the tribes of North America sided with the French during the French and Indian War. This gave Britain control over all lands East of the Mississippi River (except N.O.) This is a major reason for the colonists desire to gain their independence from Britain. Britain established the Stamp and Tea Taxes (as well as others)

31 The Treaty of Paris officially ended the French and Indian War
The British denied the colonists right to do this in order to preserve peace with the Indian tribes. Britain starts a policy of permanently stationing troops in the colonies. Most of the tribes of North America sided with the French during the French and Indian War. This gave Britain control over all lands East of the Mississippi River (except N.O.) This is a major reason for the colonists desire to gain their independence from Britain. Britain established the Stamp and Tea Taxes (as well as others)

32 Britain needed money to pay off debts from the French and Indian War.
The British denied the colonists right to do this in order to preserve peace with the Indian tribes. Britain starts a policy of permanently stationing troops in the colonies. Most of the tribes of North America sided with the French during the French and Indian War. This gave Britain control over all lands East of the Mississippi River (except N.O.) This is a major reason for the colonists desire to gain their independence from Britain. Britain established the Stamp and Tea Taxes (as well as others)

33 After the French and Indian War, the British wanted to protect their newly won territory.
The British denied the colonists right to do this in order to preserve peace with the Indian tribes. Britain starts a policy of permanently stationing troops in the colonies. Most of the tribes of North America sided with the French during the French and Indian War. This gave Britain control over all lands East of the Mississippi River (except N.O.) This is a major reason for the colonists desire to gain their independence from Britain. Britain established the Stamp and Tea Taxes (as well as others)

34 Colonists desired to move into the lands West of the Appalachian Mountains.
The British denied the colonists right to do this in order to preserve peace with the Indian tribes. Britain starts a policy of permanently stationing troops in the colonies. Most of the tribes of North America sided with the French during the French and Indian War. This gave Britain control over all lands East of the Mississippi River (except N.O.) This is a major reason for the colonists desire to gain their independence from Britain. Britain established the Stamp and Tea Taxes (as well as others)

35 The colonists were not involved in decisions made by Britain that directly affected their lives.
The British denied the colonists right to do this in order to preserve peace with the Indian tribes. Britain starts a policy of permanently stationing troops in the colonies. Most of the tribes of North America sided with the French during the French and Indian War. This gave Britain control over all lands East of the Mississippi River (except N.O.) This is a major reason for the colonists desire to gain their independence from Britain. Britain established the Stamp and Tea Taxes (as well as others)

36 Appalachian Mountains
The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains

37 Source of funds and raw materials
The King and Parliament viewed the American colonies as a/an Source of funds and raw materials

38 To search a colonist’s house, a British customs officer presented a ?
Writ of assistance

39 they were not represented in Parliament
Why did the colonists claim that Parliament did not have the right to tax them? they were not represented in Parliament

40 . they violated their “rights as Englishmen”
Colonists objected to both writs of assistance and the Quartering Act because . they violated their “rights as Englishmen”

41 According to this quote – who should control taxation in the colonies?
Only the colonists’ elected representatives should have the power to levy taxes

42 Fur Trade with the Native Americans
What was so valuable in the Ohio River Valley that France wanted to protect and Britain wanted to gain access to? Fur Trade with the Native Americans

43 An agreement that gave Canada, Florida and all French lands east of the Mississippi River to Britain. Treaty of Paris, 1763

44 Limited colonial westward expansion/colonist felt this limited their freedom.
Proclamation of 1763

45 Required colonists to pay for the housing and feeding of British soldiers.
Quartering Act

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