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British Lit. Abbreviated Syllabus

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1 British Lit. Abbreviated Syllabus
Objectives Grading British Lit. Abbreviated Syllabus School Year -- Ms. Davis – 10179 Remind to 81010 Website Rules Materials

2 You will learn how to do the following:
Your grades will be divided into the following categories: Formative: includes classwork, homework, warm-ups, exit tickets, discussions, and more. 45% Summative: include quizzes, tests, essays, projects, presentations, and more. 45% Diagnostic: include pre-tests to determine what you already know. 0% Final Exam 10% You will also be assessed on your participation in discussions, small group work, and in class. In this course, we will be exploring various concepts and texts to become better readers and writers. You will be held to high expectations both academically and behaviorally. You will learn how to do the following: Cite strong evidence Analyze texts Develop and strengthen your writing Build vocabulary Specific units and texts that we will cover: Beowulf Hamlet Frankenstein A Brave New World For this course, you will need the following resources: Pens (Black and Red) 3 Ring Binder Post-its (different colors) Highlighters (4 different colors) Access to the current Novel/Textbook/Text A positive attitude  Loose-leaf paper/ composition book for annotations Laptop if you have one available I expect that you will: Put away electronic devices unless I deem them okay to use. Arrive to class on time. Come prepared to class. Take notes. Participate. Visit and utilize the class website and other sites where directed to find necessary information. Study. Make up missed assignments (2- Weeks Max; points may be deducted at teacher’s discretion) Follow directions. Raise your hand to speak. Ask to use the bathroom at an appropriate time. Remember that you cannot leave during the first and last 15 minutes of class. Be respectful. Be successful.

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