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MODULE TWO: Supply-side Grey Literature GreyWorks 2010 Transparency Governs the Grey Landscape.

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Presentation on theme: "MODULE TWO: Supply-side Grey Literature GreyWorks 2010 Transparency Governs the Grey Landscape."— Presentation transcript:

1 MODULE TWO: Supply-side Grey Literature GreyWorks 2010 Transparency Governs the Grey Landscape

2 Motive for Publishing - Question In general, What are your objectives when publishing your research output ? RankingMotive of PublishingRate(%) 1Requirements of their affiliations 65.2% 2For their academic reputation61.2% 3To communicate results to my peers 52.0% 4To obtain the direct financial reward 19.2% Hwang et al., GL7 - Publishing

3 Author Survey 2005 Also via a Commercial PublisherPublished on other topics than GL Farace et al., GL7 – Author/Researcher

4 Implementing DAI in The Netherlands Digital Author Identifier Co-operation of all Dutch universities, KNAW and NWO Creating a thesaurus of author names with corresponding DAI within the OCLC-PICA system Matching DAI and author names in all three research related information systems (NOD; EASY; repositories) 40,000 unique author names with DAIs 4 Dijk et al., GL9 – Author (Stakeholder)

5 Consistent branding across all series Green, GL7 – Corporate Author

6 Publishing Recommendations Sent to GESAMP Emphasize the acronym GESAMP Establish a standardized name for the series Ensure that each title is consistently applied Obtain a new ISSN with each name change Always include an ISBN, along with the ISSN Distribute reports widely Send copies of reports to indexing agencies McDonald et al., DAL GL5 - Publishing

7 Publishing Recommendations Sent to GESAMP (cont.) Outline the peer review process in each report Consider establishing two series Give greater attention to translation of the reports Keep the website up to date Continue creating digital versions of older reports Centralize publication and distribution of the reports McDonald et al., DAL GL5 - Publishing

8 Value chain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. author 2. publisher 3. reviewer 4. publisher 5. Agent 6. university 7. Library 8. Reader 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: reviewer publisher agent university library reader Roosendaal, (UTwente) GL5 - Publishing

9 Ideally? 1 8 1. author 8. reader 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: author publisher reviewer publisher agent university library reader Roosendaal, (UTwente) GL5 - Publishing

10 Conclusions develop and test new value chains –university should take initiative international development in education –new conditions main issue: how can we get this done? –not technological, but organisational issue –high level strategy Roosendaal, (UTwente) GL5 - Publishing

11 The role of grey literature Each activity in the processes is associated with the production and consumption of grey literature –Plans –Deliverables –Technical Reports –Formal project management documents –… Data generated in science is also GL –Need to maintain metadata –Establish links to publications Lambert et al., GL7 - Production

12 65.4% 89.3% Produce Grey Information n=56 80.8% 76.9% Proceedings Trip/Cave Reports Information Type% Conference Proceedings/Papers80.8 Trip & Cave Reports76.9 Speeches or Invited Talks65.4 Images65.4 Maps61.5 Research Proposals57.7 Theses/Dissertations53.8 Association/Organization Publications48.1 Newsletters46.2 Cave Entrance Databases44.2 Grant Applications44.2 Most Commonly Produced Grey Information Types Top Four Grey Information Sources Karst Information Portal Images Speeches/ Invited Talks + Chavez et al., GL8 - Publication

13 Grey to white Published in white one to four years later No direct relation to white publications greygrey whitewhite Schopfel, GL9 – Publication (Language)

14 Language of white and grey English Flemish, French English White literature Grey literature Schopfel, GL9 – Publication (Language)

15 Features of grey literature Timeliness: Up to 4 years before white publication Uniqueness: Up to 85% not published in white Community: One third in Flemish or French Quality: More than 60% evaluated before publishing Open repositories: Need future development Schopfel, GL9 – Publication (Language)

16 Who writes in English and why? Sources : Introductions, Acknowledgements, title pages, Curriculum vitae Difficult language, e.g. Finnish Foreign student –Thesis submitted to 2 universities –Accessible to readers in both countries Search conducted in a foreign country or participation in an international project Certain scientific domains : Physics, Biology, Medicine Stock, GL9 – Publication (Language)

17 Standardization Supply-side Production e.g. review process, typographical layout Processing e.g. metadata, value added information and data Access and Distribution e.g. search engines, document delivery, point of sales Farace – General

18 GREY LITERATURE: Old virtues and new look to enter the realm of science! Unique content Original information Not for profit production Pleasant layout Online availability Easy retrieval (content) (form) OLD VIRTUES NEW LOOK De Castro et al., GL7 - Standards

19 Analysis of GL in the changing context (3) How can the profile of GL be raised? in EuropeNANCY STYLE in USAANSI/NISO standard Z39.18-2005 adhering to well-developed production standards: HOW? INTERNAL advance among GL producers enhancing public awareness of GL EXTERNAL advance in the information landscape HOW? De Castro et al., GL8 - Standards

20 Accomplished by taxonomic structure Refine reasoning abilities Develop stronger arguments Communicate complex cases Produce better documents Make better decisions Gelfand, GL8 - Classification

21 Applications for taxonomies Web directories Taxonomies to support automatic indexing Taxonomies created by automatic categorization Front end filters for corporate taxonomies Gelfand, GL8 - Classification

22 OECD Metadata is the key Task 1: analyse the current WPs (Working Papers) to identify metadata fields on current papers Task 2: add additional fields as needed (- we finished with 19!) Task 3: Sign off metadata fields so a database can be built Task 4: QA existing metadata, get numbering sorted! Task 5: Fill the database with metadata Task 6: QA the filled database Green, GL7 - Metadata

23 Specific metadata 66% of all archives Schopfel et al., GL10 - Metadata

24 Global political economy of the distribution of information Free market Demand and supply Intellectual property Commodity Common good educationhealth infoBasic rights Large scale production Monopolies Externalities Participation The mind industry has become the key industry of the twentieth century (Enzensberger, 1976) Britz et al., GL5 – Ownership

25 Indigenous Knowledge (IK) private property; goods produced for sale – not personal use; surplus production; economic growth; currency system; competition, nature reviewed as resource Incompatible No private ownership; goods produce for use value; substance goal; no concept of economic growth; barter system-concrete value, collective production; humans seen as part of nature Britz et al., GL5 – Ownership

26 Conclusion IK can make a valuable contribution to the body of knowledge in the world Currently: white, grey, black Change: paradigm shift, education, distribution Guided by justice Britz et al., GL5 – Ownership

27 Copyright Policies If a working paper is published in a journaleither in the same form or, more commonly, in revised formmany journals allow the working paper to continue to be made available, especially when it is for educational/scholarly noncommercial use. Unfortunately, some journals do require that the working paper be removed. Others grant exceptions for something like the eScholarship Repository; they just need to be asked. It is up to the faculty member to check the terms of their agreement with the journal to see what is allowed. Individual journal policies vary widely. The RoMEO Project (Rights MEtadata for Open archiving) has compiled a list of many journals' "Copyright Policies" about "self-archiving."RoMEO Project Gelfand, GL6 - Copyright

28 Copyright Holder Who do you think is the most desirable copyright holder for your research output. Please check the priority. Entity1st2nd3rd4thothers Researcher170(68.0%)50 (20.0%)20(8.0%)4(1.6%)6(2.4%) Organization60(24.0%)116(46.4%)53(21.2%)9(3.6%)12(1.2%) Sponsor23(9.2%)67(26.8%)126(50.4%)9(3.6%)25(1.0%) Publisher5(2.0%)8(3.2%)23(9.2%)154(61.6%)60(24.0%) Hwang et al., GL7 - Copyright

29 (11) Grey literature is always subject to a Review Process The Content Level Boekhorst et al., GL6 – Review Process

30 Collapse of Distinction Between Grey and Non-Grey Literature? Envisioning the Future: –Continuum of scholarship rather than a hierarchy –Grey literature just as valued as peer-reviewed materials –Peer-review ratifies rather than validates scholarship –Core of scholarship is contained in the grey literature Banks, GL7 – Review Process

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