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Download “Create your own government in one day” – Project

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1 Download “Create your own government in one day” – Project
1.2 Notes – Types of Government

2 Good or Bad Sweatshops

3 Types of Government Unit 1

4 Classifications? Economy Who picks the government How it is ran
All societies are actually a combination of these and not purely one type

5 Economies Traditional Capitalism (Market Economy) Guided by tradition
predictable Capitalism (Market Economy) Freedom Unpredictable Profit Motive Supply/Demand

6 Economies Socialism Command Economy (Communism) Mixed Economy
Many public owned (Government owned) industries Few private businesses for extra and enrichment goods Command Economy (Communism) Government controls and runs Everything Mixed Economy Combines any number of the types above

7 Politics Who Runs the Government?
Authoritarian / Autocracy – One ruler with total control Dictatorship Often military controlled Leader controls the country through sheer power Monarchy King, Queen, Emperor, etc. Power is passed down through a family bloodline

8 Politics Who Runs the Government?
Theocracy Government ruled by a specific religion and religious leaders Republic (Parliamentary) Many individuals represent groups of people and make government decisions for them. Anarchy Chaos and civil war that follows as small groups fight for control of government

9 Authority Who picks the government?
Revolutionary The preliminary government after another government’s overthrow Eventually evolves into one of the other types of government Totalitarianism A singled group of individuals and complete control over the government

10 Authority Who picks the government?
Oligarchy Government is ruled by and voted on by a select group of people Religious leaders Nobles Wealthy Power Groups Etc. Democracy The government and its leaders are voted on and selected by a vote of the people. Universal Suffrage

11 Today Unit 1 Study Guide from the classroom website
Today we are going to work on and finish the “Create a Country in One day” Make sure you have picked the types of Government and Economies that you want your country to have. (example: Capitalist, Socialism, Republic, Theocracy, etc.)

12 US Preamble We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

13 JHS Preamble We the people of JHS, in order to form a strong learning environment, ensure fairness for all students, create engaging learning activities everyday, uphold a safe environment, treat everyone with respect, and do ordain and establish this class for the students of Joplin Schools.

14 Your Flag White = Purity and Innocence Red = Hardiness and Valour Blue = the color of the chief (President) / vigilance, perseverance, & justice Stars = each state Stripes = each original colony Make sure your flag represents the values you communicate in your project

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