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Monxton Parish Council

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Presentation on theme: "Monxton Parish Council"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monxton Parish Council
Agenda 20th November 2013

2 AGENDA 1. Welcome and apologies 2. Declaration of interests
3. Members of the public (pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the previous meeting - sign that they are correct 5. Planning applications 6. Reports: Environment & Footpaths Traffic Neighbourhood Watch Financial Planning updates 7. Monxton website 8. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 9. Correspondence 10. Dates for the 2014 meetings 11. Close of the meeting

3 Environment & Footpaths
Update on the Bridge at Upper Mill House Update on the activities to remove the dam on the Pillhill Brook - Upper Mill House at the western border of Abbotts Ann and Monxton

4 Traffic Bollards – now installed around village green
Steering group – map of actions required given to TVBC TVBC actions – to start w/c 25 Nov

5 Map of Traffic Solutions

6 Map of Traffic Solutions

7 Traffic Route A Green Lane - Roman Road A1 Slow carriageway Marking
Moved location Route B Broad Road B1 Bend sign Addition sign to request B2 Chevron Larger sign than existing B3 B4 B5 Horse sign B6 B7 Height restriction Reset post and sign Route C Abbotts  Ann Road (South) C1 C2 Entrance Warning sign Route D High Street - Andover Road D1 Existing hump back bridge Remove D2 Unsuitable for HGVs sign D3 Slow carriageway marking Already there needs re marking D4 Road narrows sign Route E Abbotts Ann Road (North) E1 Replace with slow marking as per 03/10 from Sarah to Ray E2 E3 Slow Carriageway marking E4 Wrong site see B7

8 Portable Speed Sign Indicator
Displays speeds of vehicles Records speeds and time Would be shared with 2 other parishes HCC (fines fund) would provide a £1,000 The balance would be split between 3 PCs approx. £650/PC MPC may need to purchase outright, plus pay TVBC £260 per time to move between agreed locations – Total cost £2,600

9 Neighbourhood Watch Report
By David James, Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator Reported Crime Once again, non-dwelling burglaries have been the most reported crime in the rural area of north and east Hampshire. Power tools have mainly been targeted together with off road vehicles. In addition there has been an increase in thefts from stables including horse tack and rugs in Hampshire. A separate alert was posted regarding this on Monxton Matters. Telephone scams continue to be a problem. Hampshire Trading Standards Service publish information on these including prize wins, tax rebates and loan scams. Crime Alerts Since the last meeting there have been no general alerts distributed in Monxton.

10 Sunnybank No issues for the meeting

11 MPC Finances David Eaglesham will present the accounts

12 MPC Planning Matters Application for retrospective planning for the bridge at Upper Mill House, Ref 13/01556/FULLN – still awaited date for TVBC committee Alpine Group development at Manor Farm

13 Alpine Group development at Manor Farm
Developers/builders have expressed scepticism regarding the support by the various councils MPC & AAPC wrote open letters confirming our support in principle for a development MPC met with the Planning Consultant appointed to manage the new development & the move to a new factory location and TVBC Head of Planning to discuss the proposed development at the site TVBC confirmed they would put into writing their support for the development in principle The consultant is twin tracking the search for a site and the development as one needed to fund the other

14 Planned Works by Alpine to Old Hoyles (Mrs & Mrs Harris) funded by Alpine Group

15 Monxton Web Site up-date
Web site stats 18,610 views since the launch (March 2013) October: 1653 page views & 400 visitors November (to date): 1063 page views & 233 visitors Sept – Nov = 4 pages/visit (peak 10 pages/visit in July)

16 Agenda 1. Welcome and Apologies 2. Declaration of Interests
3. Members of the Public (Pre-booked slots if requested) 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting - sign that they are correct 5. Matters arising from those minutes: 6 Planning 7. Reports: Environment & Footpaths Traffic Neighbourhood Watch Planning 8. Monxton Web Site up-date 9. HCC and TVBC reports (if provided) 10. Correspondence 11. Date of the next meeting – TBA January 2013 12. Close of the meeting

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