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11th Grade Parent Meeting

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1 11th Grade Parent Meeting

2 COUNSELING OFFICE Counselors: A – Ba Mr. Peelman Be – E Mr. Higgins
F – Kh Mrs. Djouha Ki – O Mr. Smith P – Sa Mrs. Poker Sc – Z Mrs. Villani

3 COUNSELING OFFICE Registrar - Mrs. Kitty Burkey, 301-253-7041
Counseling Office Secretary - Mrs. Kris Nelson, Career Center - Mr. Ed Martin,

4 Counseling Office Agenda
High School Transcript and Course Selections PSAT and SAT Career Opportunities, Career/College Searches, College Fair, Financial Aid, and NCAA The College Application Process

5 Transcripts Transcripts include the following info:
- Semester courses and semester grades - Cumulative GPA and cumulative WGPA - Attendance Record - Student Service Learning Hours - Graduation Summary - High School Assessment Results

Course level recommendations done by 1st semester teachers in January Registration materials to students on Monday, March 3. Students return completed and signed registration card Thursday, March 6 Course offering booklet distributed to all DHS students during registration

7 Senior Schedule Considerations
Senior schedule is important in admission decisions Taking AP and honors level courses Seniors must schedule a full schedule Abbreviated schedule for 2nd semester Internships and OJT Taking college courses and Accuplacer Mid-year report process

8 PSAT Results Scores reports mailed early December
Scores in Critical Reading, Math, and Writing Skills Analysis given for all answers: - rates the question (e, m, h) - gives the correct answer - gives suggestions on improving skills - test booklets were returned to students

9 SAT Math: - No quantitative comparisons - Algebra 2 included
- Testing time is reduced by 5 minutes Critical Reading (replaced Verbal): - No more analogies - More passage-based reading questions

10 SAT New Writing Component/Multiple Choice Section:
- Multiple choice- improving sentences and paragraphs (25 minutes) - Student written essay- communicating a viewpoint (25 minutes) Cost is $ Late Fee is $22.00

11 ACT ACT changed in Spring, 2005 - Writing section is optional
- Increasing number of schools are accepting it - More achievement-oriented test - Testing fee is $30.00; w/Writing is $44.50 Late fee is $19.00

12 SAT Testing Dates Test Date Registration Deadline May 3 April 1
June May 6 Early October Early November Early December Late January

13 ACT Testing Dates Test Date Registration Deadline April 12 March 7
June May 9 September 13 October 25 December 13

14 ACCUPLACER TEST Montgomery College Placement Test
- Can replace SAT or ACT - Available to 12th grade students in October, 2008 (PSAT testing day) - Scored in Reading, Math, and English - Placement determined by scores

15 Career/College Career Center - Career, College, and Scholarship
Searches - Financial Aid: must file the FAFSA - asap after January 1 - file on-line at - Mr. Martin at

16 College/Career College Searching - Naviance (TCCi) – 1/29 – 2/14
- College Fair on April 17 (Bus only) - NCAA Clearinghouse: - School code:

17 College Application Process
Spring/Summer 2008 - Gather information and organize - SAT and ACT - College Fair - College Recruiters and Open Houses - College Visits

18 College Application Process
- Requesting, completing, and sending applications - Student Information Summary - Transcript Request - Recommendations - Essays

19 College Application Process
What to expect? THE FOUR “D’s” - Delay - Disorganization - Determined to “distance” themselves - Desire for total independence

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