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Local networking sessions

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1 Local networking sessions

2 WELCOME Wales Anna Tee Partnership Manager November 2017

3 Group introductions Who’s who in Macmillan Wales ? Macmillan Wales Geographic Strategy Macmillan Framework for Cancer in primary care programme End of Life Care developments in Wales Key messages from the Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey How L&D is being used to support professionals. Learn and share discussion How do you influence people in your role? How do you take forward education in your role?




7 Strategic Priorities (SP):-
SP1 - Engage with key stakeholder groups to understand their needs SP 2 - Improve the experience for people seeking help for signs and symptoms of cancer SP 3 - Support the delivery of consistent person-centred care from diagnosis through active treatment SP4 - Support the delivery of person centred care so that people live well with and beyond cancer SP5 - Improve palliative and end of life care

8 Macmillan Framework for Cancer
in Primary Care programme

9 Macmillan Framework for Cancer in Primary Care programme
Programme Team GP and Nurse Lead for Wales 7 Cancer leads in Health boards & Velindre 3 Regional Nurse leads Programme Manager, Comms Manager & Administrator Current work eCDS tools Pathway development Vague symptom clinics Cancer team peer review Gwella website development Cluster GP Facilitators recruitment x12 Cancer Delivery Plan Refresh 2016

10 Palliative Care & End of Life Delivery Plan refresh March 2017-2020
Early identification Widening discussion about death - Bwy nawr Advance care planning Care decisions documentation Avoiding admission Children and Young people Education Macmillan EoL Care Priorities Advance Care Planning Nurses GP Facilitators Building on the Best Programme

11 Advance Care Planning


13 Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2017
11,000 patients who had cancer treatment in June – Dec surveyed 6,700 responded Data collected July-Oct 2016 Data available all Wales & by Health board Having a CNS improved care Limited variation by HB but C&V generally scored better, BCUHB & HDUHB scored lower Breast, head & neck, prostate & skin cancers more positive Sarcoma, urological, brain/CNS, & blood cancers less positive Lung cancer experience improved 93% of patients gave a rating of 7/10 or above about their overall care Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey. July Picker Institute Europe

14 Primary Care results 61% referred after 2 consultations
6% said they had seen their GP five times or more prior to being referred to hospital. 20% felt symptoms not taken seriously enough 25% unaware their symptoms were serious 44% not enough help & support from my GP on leaving hospital 40% not enough help & support from health or SS leaving hospital 91% GP had enough information to care for me

15 Seriously? 9% said that their GP did not taken symptoms seriously and 12% said they took them seriously only “to some extent”. “My GP would not have referred me to the specialist if I hadn't pushed. Even at my lowest points, the GP still made me wait days to see them.” – Female, 49 “GPs often too reluctant and too slow to refer patients for cancer tests despite showing probable symptoms. This needs to be improved & GP's need to refer patients to a hospital for checks if they show any cancer like symptoms. In my case I was told that my tumour was non-malignant by my GP despite having a hard lump which turned out to be breast cancer.” – Female, 76 Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey. July Picker Institute Europe

16 Unmet needs When patients returned home after episodes of care, their needs for support were not always met. Many remarked that there was too long a delay before any follow-up appointments, with some indicating that this could leave people feeling isolated and alone. Mental health was an issue for many. “The aftercare e.g. mental health. Cancer messes with your state of mind. When treatment ended I seemed to be in limbo and still am.” – Male, 72 I felt that some nurses on team should have more cancer related knowledge in order to deal with patients going through this.” – Female, 48 Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey. July Picker Institute Europe

17 How L&D is being used to support professionals
UKO prospectus Learn Zone and Be.Mac Local set course offer Educational Grants – Individual and Group Courses for PABC Bespoke events and specialist training courses An “onsite” offer – courses that can be ordered in to be delivered onsite with audiences of a Mac professionals choosing.

18 Influencing experiences
Educational role and programme


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