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Naming Acids and Covalent Compounds

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1 Naming Acids and Covalent Compounds

2 Does it start with H? If so it is an acid
Is it H + attached to a simple nonmetal ion? Then first word hydro- then simple ion then –ic ending, then acid If Anion is a polyatomic ion, then no hydro-, if ion ends in ate, use –ic, if ends in ite use –ide, then acid

3 HCl, (two elements, so start with hydro, chlorine becomes chlor-ic acid)
HNO3 (polyatomic nitrate becomes nitr-ic. Nitric Acid) HNO2 ( polyatomic nitrite becomes nitr-ous . Nitrous acid)

4 Covalent naming If elements in a compound are all non metals, then we name using prefixes. We use greek prefixes: 1 mono tetra- 7 hepta- 2 di- 5 penta- 8 octa- 3 tri hexa- 9 nona-

5 exceptions If the first element is single, it does not need a mono-, but any subsequent will. If you are using oxide, you drop the last letter in multiple syllable prefixes. Mon-oxide (drop o) tetr-oxide (drop a)


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