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Wee Break Midlothian Background & Context Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 Wee Break Midlothian Funding and Resourcing Wee Breaks What is a Wee Break? Midlothian.

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2 Wee Break Midlothian Background & Context Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 Wee Break Midlothian Funding and Resourcing Wee Breaks What is a Wee Break? Midlothian Carers Survey 2017 Questions?

3 Background & Context Growing recognition of pressure being put on unpaid carers and impact on their health and well being. People living longer Ageing population, increased occurrence of chronic illnesses and rising health care costs. Local Authorities Unpaid carers - a reserve army of labour in the healthcare system. Estimated 788,000 people in Scotland, 44,000 under the age of 18. 80% of home care provided by unpaid carers with estimated value of £10.8 billion annually to Scottish economy. NHS and health services in Scotland 12.6 billion in 2017).

4 Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 Came into force in April Major step towards extending and enhancing the rights of unpaid carers and ensuring that carers are better supported in their caring role Recognises the role of the carer and the important role that they play in supporting health and social care services Emphasis on prevention, intervention, personalisation, choice, control and independence. Legal duty and responsibility on Local Authorities to produce Adult Carer Support Plan and Young Carers Statement. Eligibility Criteria in each Local Authority area. Critical and substantial Short Break Statement.

5 Wee Break Midlothian Joint initiative VOCAL and Midlothian Council.
Managed by VOCAL and operating since 2013. Staffing - Short Breaks Officer, Carer Support Worker Funded by MC and Respitality Worker. Funded by Lottery Seed funding and annual support to develop/deliver service and establish website. VOCAL Carer Support Staff trained and experienced in short breaks brokerage, discussion takes place as part of carer conversations. Small grants schemes and respitality opportunities to resource and support short breaks.

6 Funding and Resourcing Wee Breaks
Time to Live – Cared for 21+ and Young Carers. SG SCS £500 Better Breaks – parent/carers for children with additional needs. SG SCS Partnership with Action and LAS Midlothian Council - Integrated Care Funding. Midlothian Council - SDS Funding. Carer Support Staff applications to trusts and charities. Respitality opportunities. Bingo, Cinema, Castle, Spa Treatrments, Weekends Away Specific Application form and criteria for each fund. Funding Panel – Council staff, VOCAL staff and carers.

7 What is a Wee Break?

8 Midlothian Carers Survey 2017
Less than half of carers in Midlothian say that they have had time away from caring in the past year. More than a third say that they have never had time away at all. 55% of carers in Midlothian reported that caring has had a negative impact on their health. 86% of those who have taken time away from caring say that it has made it easier for them to continue in their caring role. Barriers to effective time away include: funding, being able to relax, necessary support and preferences of cared for. “Getting away helped me recharge and come back with more energy”

9 Questions? Dedicated member of staff
Three years funding through the Lottery to develop a Short Breaks and Respitality Hub for Edinburgh/Midlothian Part of a collaborative initiative, including Shared Care Scotland, The Action Group, Lifecare and Lothian Autistic Society Generating a range of free and discounted opportunities for carers to get a break Days trips, caravan weekends and bed and breakfast breaks, Jupiter Artland, Edinburgh Castle

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